FAQ - Aids-Related Opportunistic Infections
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Can someone please answer an AIDS related question?

okay..i have gotten a BJ from my girlfriend. i know that i wasnt her first at sex. she has only had sex with one other guy and i know that for sure. I was just wondering if it is possible for aids to transfer while i am getting head.

No, unless she has an open sore in her mouth or somthing like that.  (+ info)

Why do multiple opportunistic infections develop with acute leukemia?

a. the descreased number of white blood cells
b. many nonfunctional immature leukocytes
c. severe anemia and bleeding
d. descreased appetite and nutritional intake

its B.
as u can see in leukemia,the blood film(count) will show raise in white cells but its immature.which means it do not function as how matured cells function.Most of the features are lost and unable to fight the infection.
When there is infection the body will produce more immune cell(white cells) but non-functioning.So basically it just a waste.  (+ info)

Does anyone get regular tooth infections but are not related to bone loss?

I keep getting infections & keep getting my teeth extracted, mainly because the root canals, crowns etc are unsucessful, but this doesnt mean i have things like peridontital desease do i?

Periodontal disease is caused from bacteria. This results from inadequate care of the gums. Having teeth extracted is a result (usually) of infection of the tooth itself. This infection can be within the tooth (pulp) or at the root of the tooth under the gumline.

Have you had a regular dental exam with a complete set of x-rays lately? That is the only way to know for sure. If you're seeing your dentist on an emergency (or only when you are in dire pain) basis only, then chances are your gums might need a healthy cleaning.

Don't give up hope...go see your dentist. It's never too late to try to improve your hygiene.  (+ info)

people infected with HIV the virus that causes the disease aids can become unable to fight off infections by o?

people infected with HIV the virus that causes the disease aids can become unable to fight off infections by organism that normally do not harm people why is it so?
anyone know??

Human Immunodeficiency Virus to Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Basically you cannot fight virus' any longer, so even a cold can kill you.  (+ info)

what laws does FL have regarding partner notification for HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections?

I am doing an assignment for school and I need to know what laws does Florida have regarding partner notification for HIV, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted infections? Can anybody help me or give me a website to get this information. I tried to Google it but it wouldn't come up for Florida.
Hey Danny & Ashlee... I am at the University of Phoenix... Who's class are you in??
Thanks for the info by the way came in handy very much so!! ;-)

  (+ info)

Can dry lips and eye infections be related?

I have recently been suffering from horrible dry lips so bad I have looked like I am drinking fruit punch. In the past four weeks I have had three eye infections. I haven't spoke to a doctor yet, but I am wondering if they could be some how related. I have never had dry skin and do live in an area that has very cold dry winters. I have also never had a problem with eye infections....

Does anyone have any thoughts

yes go to the doctor  (+ info)

How have high HIV/AIDS infections contributed to lower economic growth rates?

Also, what groups in society would be more prone to the infection, why?

Too lazy to answer the whole question, but...

HIV/AIDS lowers economic growth rates by reducing the work force. The more people who are sick the less who can work and generate an income. In addition, the more sick people are the bigger the drain on government tax dollars due to increased cost of health care.

Most prone to infection: Injection drug users, marginalized people, the poor  (+ info)

how common is chemotherapy related infections on cancer patients?

how some people who are undergoing chemotherapy treatment and get infections becuase of white blood cells droping. how easy is to pick up an infection what is the common way that people get infection like neutropenic sepsis?

I am also in the leukemia boat as the child of the first poster. Leukemia patients are neutropenic for far longer than most other patients, and therefore naturally get more infections.

However, while neutropenic, it is incredably easy to get an infection. You have to be very very strict with your hygiene. Constant hand washing, dailly baths and bed linen changes, do not reuse towels or clothing without washing, do not share towels or clothes, make sure the house is clean and someone else needs to be doing that cleaning. Pets need to be clean, and you shouldnt clean up after the pets. And then of course the neutropenic diet - no fresh/raw fruits or veggies, all meats must be cooked to temp, no fresh anything from the garden, no honey and definatly not the comb, and all dairy needs to be pasturized. You should not be around anyone else who is sick. If your care giver is sick, then you need to call your doc and get admitted (if you need a care giver, and most patients that sick do). You should not be around anyone who has had a live vaccine within two weeks (typically babies) and being around children other than your own is debatable, sometimes being around your own is debatable as most bacteria and viral infections are passed around through the kids at school/day care. Most patients are also instructed to wear gloves and a face mask while outside of the isolation area - either out of your room at the hosp, or out of your house at home.

I have had several infections while neutropenic, but again, leukemia patients are neutropenic more often and a lot longer.

I did go into septic shock with one infection. I had bad diareah, and had rubbed a raw spot on the anal opening. In my sleep, some of the diareah seaped out (I know its gross, but most things with cancer are gross). The raw spot by that point was an open wound. I woke in the middle of the night with a 102 fever, was in the hospital 45 mins later, and was on life support in the ICU an hour after that.

I made it through, but it was touch and go for a while.

The most common way people get infections while neutropenic is not washing hands enough, violating that neutropenic diet, and being around someone else who is sick, and not calling at the first signs of infection like a fever. It is extremly important to check your temp frequently, even if you feel fine. The rule of thumb is that if your temp is 100.5 or above, you need to call the doc.  (+ info)

are Leukocytes in urine only related to urinary infections?

i dont have any. just wondering. the wiki site says that dead white cells come out in your urine, but other people say that its only the dead white cells from urinary tract infections or yeast infections etc. and that you have to get a blood test for other infections.

1)kidney infection

Normal range is probably less than 10/ul. If it goes over this value, there may be infection.  (+ info)

what body parts are affected whenn you have aids related cancer?

please note source too!

The most common AIDS related cancer is lymphoma. Kaposi’s sarcoma is often AIDS related, but not as common.  (+ info)

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