FAQ - Albinism
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can albinism be genetically tested? if so whats that test called and how is it done?

my answer was the electroreingram test but somehow i cant relate it to albinism.
plz help me asap!
this is due tomorrow!

  (+ info)

do ALL people with albinism have vision problems?

Is it possible for a person with Albinism that affects their hair/skin color to have very little or no vision problems?

Yes, but they vary on degree of severity. It depends on the type of albinism the person has. Check out the website below. It tells a lot about it.  (+ info)

How can you tell if someone has Albinism?

I was reading before that some Albinos have blonde hair and blue eyes. So how can we tell if they are Albinos?

In oculocutaneous albinism pigment is lacking in the eyes, skin and hair. People with oculocutaneous albinism can have no pigment at all to almost-normal levels. So without genitic testing it isn't always that clear cut. Some cases cause absolute no harm to the patient. Other times it can affect every aspect of their lives.

Eye conditions common in albinism
*irregular rapid movement of the eyes back and forth, or in circular motion.
*eye misalignment ("crossed eyes" or "lazy eye").
* Refractive errors such as myopia or hyperopia
* hypersensitivity to bright light and glare.
* Foveal hypoplasia, underdevelopment of the center of the retina

Sometimes but not always people with albinism have hearing difficulties and in some cases complete lack of hearing abilities.  (+ info)

Can people have red irises without having albinism?

Does it ever occur that the actual pigment in the iris would be red? If so, does this have any adverse effects on the individual?

Light is being reflected back from the retina giving albinos a red appearance very often in their irises which don't have enough color to block it.

Which is another reason a normal eye has color , to stop that from happening.

So no...no one has red irises  (+ info)

How many people in the world have albinism?

I need to know the total.

One person in 17,000 in the USA has some type of albinism.

That's all I know.  (+ info)

Do all people with albinism have vision problems?

If so, how severe? Are they all totally blind or are some okay? Does it depend on their eye colour?

Normal eyes have pigment that colours the eyes.
One function of the pigment is to improve our sight.
To understand this, try to look trough a pinhole on a black sheet of paper, you'll get sharp clearer picture compared with normal sight.
But for people with albinism, it is like looking through a pinhole on a white/bright sheet of paper.

Albino people don't have enough / any pigment in their bodies, including their eyes.
So, they don't have the pinhole effect from the pigment.
They still can see, but not as clear as more pigmented people.
They are more photosensitive too, because the pigment also protecting the eye from the strong light.
That's why people from sunny places (Asia, Africa) have darker eye colours like black or brown.

The lighter their eye colour, the poorer their sight and more prone to light.
I've met one albino only, his eyes are brownish pink, and he isn't blind.

I hope that helps.  (+ info)

Why do people with Albinism have shifty eyes?

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm honestly curious. I have an albino friend, and i realize that her eyes make very quick small movements from side to side. Is it because her eyes are getting too much light?

Its called Nystagamus.
Its involuntary movement of the eyes.
Its common with albinos.  (+ info)

How often does a person with albinism have to get checked for skin cancer?

There would not be any answer that would apply to all people with albinism. The rate at which they would need to see a dermatologist would depend on the type of albinism, the latitude at which they lived and their prior UVA exposure.

http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/albinism/DS00941/DSECTION=1  (+ info)

What is albinism? How are you diagnosed with it? Does it affect you during birth? Are albinos only black?

What is albinism? and how are you born with it?

Albinism is just the congenital absence of pigmentation in the eyes, skin, and hair. It does not affect either the mother or the child during birth as far as I know, because it is present in the developing embryo from conception. Albinos occur in all races and in many other mammals.  (+ info)

Is it possible for a person with albinism to have freckles?

Just as the title says, something I've been wondering lately.

No, freckles require pigment. An albino has no pigment whatsoever.  (+ info)

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