FAQ - Anemia, Hemolytic
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What is the relation between an enlarged spleen and anemia?

so i was wondering if an enlarged spleen CAUSES anemia.
is it a SYMPTOM of anemia
is anemia a symptom of an enlarged spleen.

The relationship is that anemias like hereditary elliptocytosis, hereditary spherocytosis, sickle cell disease and thalassemia can all cause splenomegaly. Splenomegaly isn't itself a disease or anything like that. It's a symptom. Certain infections can also cause splenomegaly. So can cancer and so can other disorders. In fact, there are 26 disorders that can enlarge the spleen.

And when for any reason the spleen removes too many blood cells and platelets from the bloodstream for destruction, a variety of problems may develop. These problems include anemia as a result of too few red blood cells. This can happen if the spleen is enlarged or diseased from some other disorder. One of the spleen's functions is to remove old, worn out red blood cells from the blood. Inherited conditions such as thalessemia, a type of anemia, cause a more rapid cell death. The spleen can become enlarged from removing so many extra blood cells and, in turn, create a situation of iron-deficiency anemia.

So the spleen-anemia relationship can work both ways. One can cause the other and vice versa.  (+ info)

How did sickle cell anemia form because of Malaria?

I'm doing a presentation on sickle cell anemia and I read that it started to protect the red blood cell against malaria. I need to describe how it protects the person from malaria. Can anyone make it in simple terms for me? Im looking online and all i can find is information about malaria and a lot of medical terms that i don't understand.

FLAWDA::BABii - YES, a person with sickle cell anemia (SCA) does provide some protection against getting malaria. Only in some individuals do malaria episodes progress to severe life-threatening disease, while in the majority the episodes are self-limiting. This is partly because of host genetic factors such as the sickle cell gene.

The sickle cell gene is caused by a single amino acid mutation. Inheritance of this mutated gene from both parents leads to sickle cell disease and people with this disease have shorter life expectancy. On the contrary, individuals who are carriers for the sickle cell disease (with one sickle gene and one normal hemoglobin gene, also known as sickle cell trait) have some protective advantage against malaria. As a result, the frequencies of sickle cell carriers are high in malaria-endemic areas.

Most early studies of the connection between sickle cell trait and malaria allowed us to investigate this connection. The sickle cell trait provides 60% protection against overall mortality. Most of this protection occurs between 2-16 months of life, before the onset of clinical immunity in areas with intense transmission of malaria.  (+ info)

How can I get anemia yet I am eating healthily and I don't experience any bleeding?

I am not pregnant and I am totally healthy before this. I just have very mild hypertansion but is being well control. I have no family history of anemia and no genetic illnes too.
I have my well balance diet every meal. I have milk, cereal and fresh fruits for my breakfast, fish, chicken, greens and fruits for my lunch and dinner. Other than animal's liver, I can get iron from the greens... I still don't understant how can I get anemia.

Stress...  (+ info)

Type A mom can have a healthy type B baby. Why doesn’t the baby develop a hemolytic disease type of response?

I understand Hemolytic disease only pertains to Rh antigen, BUT I don't understand why there isn't a similar type of reaction when a mom is carrying a baby of a different ABO blood group.

Here's a great website which describes blood typing in detail. I hope it helps!

http://www.thetech.org/genetics/ask.php?id=71  (+ info)

What is the treatment of Anemia causes by viral infection? Is infection can still exist after taken Antibiotic?

What is the treatment of Anemia causes by viral infection? Is the infection can still exist even after taken Antibiotic?

Have any specific symptoms to detect whether it has caused by iron deficiency or viral infection?

Ok, first off antibiotics don't treat viral infections, only bacterial ones. So sure, it can still exist.

Anemia symptoms are pretty much the same, no matter what causes the anemia. Unless you have other symptoms that also result from the same underlying problem. I'm assuming that you know from blood tests that you actually have anemia, and not something else. If not, please go see your doctor, since there could be other things going on. For example, you could have a deficiency in your platelets, too, which can be a bigger deal than the anemia.

To treat anemia caused by a viral infection, assuming it's not severe enough to require a transfusion, you just have to have either an iron-rich diet or take an iron supplement.  (+ info)

What causes symptoms in pernicious anemia?

I'm looking for information as to the biochemical reason for pernicious anemia causing symptoms such as sore tongue, difficulty swallowing and stomach pain. I know it's due to a B12 deficiency, but how does that extend to the symptoms I mentioned above? Please cite references if you know of any. I've been searching online for an hour with no luck. Thank you very much, and 10 points for the best answer.

I thought this was a result of an iron deficiency, so I looked this term up on the internet. This is what I found:

People who have pernicious anemia can't absorb enough vitamin B12 from food due to a lack of intrinsic (in-TRIN-sik) factor, a protein made in the stomach. This leads to vitamin B12 deficiency.

The condition is called pernicious ("deadly") anemia because it was often fatal in the past, before vitamin B12 treatments were available. Now, pernicious anemia usually is easy to treat with vitamin B12 pills or shots.

With ongoing care and proper treatment, most people who have pernicious anemia can recover, feel well, and live normal lives.

This article doesn't address specific symptoms, but I think you should feel fortunate that at least your symptoms helped lead you to a diagnosis and possible treatment. It also said that if left untreated it can lead to symptoms and conditions much worse that that. The inflammation in any condition is debilitating and can drain you of energy and compound or complicate any disorder. You just need a regimen to compensate for your disorder so you can mend.  (+ info)

What are the risks of anemia at 32 weeks pregnant?

I might have anemia, what are the risks? Is it harmful to the baby? Or just to me?

anemia is common in pregnancy and is usually mild to moderate, provided you are getting regular checkups you should be fine, it can make you lethargic (tired), feel breathless and tachycardic (increased heart rate). If the anaemia is putting you or your baby at risk, the doctors may organise a blood transfusion, i have had anemia every time i have been pregnant and never required any intervention  (+ info)

Can you get anemia even if your parents were vaccinated of it during pregnancy?

I've got most the symptoms of Anemia but my mother says that I can't get anemia because she was vaccined for it during pregnancy. Help, i don't know if I can still have it or not.

There is no vaccination for anemia. Vaccines are for viruses and anemia is a condition not a virus.  (+ info)

Is eating ice a symptom of anemia or is it the other way around?

I've heard for a while that eating ice is linked with anemia. Is that a symptom that comes with anemia or does it cause anemia?

Its not a cause, but it might make you feel dizzy. I just got back from the doctors office like 2 seconds ago because of my anemia. :P  (+ info)

What happens if anemia is left untreated?

I think I have anemia (have all signs and symptoms, and a quick check up from a doctor that said he thought so, too). Problem is, I cannot afford to get to the doctor now.

Is leaving anemia untreated really bad? What will happen? Can I just start taking supplements?

The important part of anemia is knowing what's causing it. You can't afford not to see a doctor because if you have a serious problem that is causing you to lose blood, you may also lose your life.

Is your stool (poop) tarry looking, as in dark black? What signs and symptoms do you have?
Since we don't know the cause of your anemia, it's difficult to give suggestions. However, you can try taking a vitamin with iron (some of the women's formulas are good). Eat healthy foods like dark leafy vegetables (spinach, salads like romaine lettuce), cantaloupe, strawberries, baked potatoes with the skin, eggs, dried beans, and cereals fortified with iron.
If your symptoms increase, or if you notice bleeding, get to a doc asap.  (+ info)

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