FAQ - Anemia, Refractory
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Can you tell if you have anemia from the color of fingernails or the lining of the eye socket?

Or is there any other way to tell besides a blood test? Formerly I've had anemia that is not related to iron deficiency.

You can see the lining of your eye sockets! Use your good eye to look for the one that fell out.

Sorry, I think you meant you sclera or cornea. The eye socket is the cavity that the orbit, eye ball, sits in.

You can try to guess from the symptoms, but a blood test is the only way to know within reasonable accuracy.  (+ info)

How long does it take for anemia to improve?

I have medication induced anemia. I no longer take the meds...how long should it take for me to not be anemic?

It realy depends on how long u hav been takng medication,what kind of medicine and the degre of severity of anemia.If mild r moderate it wl take few weeks.Also depends on if u r takng good nutritonus diet and anti anemia preperatiƶns whch wl speed up ur recovery.It is a matter of few weeks.Meanwhile first thng is to discontinue previous medicine.  (+ info)

Is it possible to develop iron deficiency anemia, without having heavy menstrual periods?

Today I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. I can't seem to think of a reason for this, because I don't think I have heavy periods . Can anyone help me?

Yes. Most women are a little bit anemic because of menstruation. For a woman who is naturally anemic menstruation can make it worse even if it isn't heavy. You just need to get more iron in your diet is all.  (+ info)

what is the best natural medicine for anemia?

I am anemic and wanted to know what would be the best and fastest working natural medicine for anemia.

The first and most important thing if you are anemic is to discuss with your doctor as far as how much Iron you will need... some people need 20-30 mg per day to recover, but some people may need over 300 mg daily to recover. A simple blood test will say how much you'll need for how long.

Anemia is literally Iron deficiency, so the degree of that deficiency will determine your treatment. But regardless of the dosage the doctor recommends, it's also good to take a good dose of B-12 (1-5 mg, which is 1,000-5,000 mcg) daily. B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin, so you can take higher doses like that without a problem, but B-12 specifically helps your body to process and utilize Iron more efficiently so your body can catch up a little easier. Good luck!  (+ info)

What can you tell me about Sickle Cell Anemia?

I need to do a project on the genetic disease Sickle Cell Anemia. What can you tell me about it that would help?

This is a genetic disease found in African populations. The normal shape of a red blood cell (rbc) is round. In sickle cell disease the cells are shaped like a sickle or crescent. Because they are oddly shaped they become "sticky" in a sense. They clump together in small blood vessels, which causes pain. The RBC's are also really prone to breakdown, which leaves a person with not enough RBC's causing anemia. Because the liver metabolizes dead RBC's it sometimes becomes overwhelmed by all the breakdown and so the person may have jaundice. These people are also at risk for strokes, as well as shortness of breath, blindness, pulmonary hypertension and organ failure. They are also prone to infection, so children are started on antibiotic therapy when they are about 2 months old until they are about 4 or 5 and their immune system becomes more able to handle infections.

As an interesting note, people with sickle cell anemia are immune to malaria, so case with milder symptoms may actually be beneficial in parts of Africa where malaria is endemic.

If you want a good website, go to www.mayoclinic.com and type sickle cell anemia in the search box. It's easy to follow and will probably give you most of the information you need for your report.  (+ info)

What is the specific gravity of the copper sulfate solution they test blood for anemia with?

Like when you go to a blood drive and they have to test you for anemia, I know they use a copper sulfate solution. But does anyone know the ratio of copper sulfate to water they use? (well I'm assuming it's just those two chemicals)

The specific gravity is 2.28 (hydrated) 3.6 (anhydrous).  (+ info)

What should i eat or drink to stop my anemia?

hey people i am about to turn 13 in april and i just found out i have a little bit of anemia. i knoe it stinks. so i was wondering what things should i eat or drink to make it better? p.s. i dont like taking pills.

If you don't want to take vitamins (which you should be doing anyway for good health) then I suggest meats like steak and dark green veggies such as romaine lettuce which are high in iron. Iron is what you need to help with being anemic.  (+ info)

Can sickle-cell anemia be detected from a test that determines blood type?

I know that the typical test for sickle-cell anemia is a hemoglobin electrophoresis, but I am wondering if the prescence of hemoglobin can be detected during a test that identifies a person's blood type? I'm not sure what the test for blood type actually consists of. Do you just examine the blood sample under a microscope? If so, wouldn't you be able to see the sickle shape of the blood cells?

No. Blood typing is based upon an antibody-antigen reaction that is not examined under a microscope (except in certain rare conditions). Some times on the stained slide portion of a CBC, fragmented and sickle cells are seen which would then trigger the electrophoresis test for Hgb S.  (+ info)

Can you develop anemia out of the blue during your pregnancy?

I'm 14 weeks, and they already did all the blood tests and I was fine then besides having that RH negative factor with my husband positive. Today I just felt awful, light headed, nauseous, like i was going to pass out. I'd eaten plenty and had plenty of fluids. It was an odd rare occurence, so I thought of the possibility of anemia. Anyone else just develop it further into pregnancy? I'll bring it up to my doctor the next visit coming up soon of course, but curious if this posed any complications for anyone?

I got blood tests at about 12 weeks and found out I'm Anemic...you possibly could have developed it, but it's more likely that you're just feeling pregnancy symptoms. Pregnancy in and of itself makes you tired, having Anemia on top of it is flat out exhausting though lol. Just check with your doctor and see what he thinks.  (+ info)

Is there any home test kit I can order for anemia anymore?

I used to use the biosafe anemia meter, but it seems that they have been discontinued. Does anyone else make anyhting like this? I want to see if I am anemic again? I dont have medical insurance. I will go to a doctor, I just want to try the home test first.
I have been losing weight rapidly, and been extremely pale?

Do you know what's causing your anemia? You could always try going to a blood donation center. They give you a check-up for free and also check your hemoglobin levels. (If you don't qualify to donate, please do not give blood)

Also, you could pull down your lower eyelids and see if they are red (healthy) or whitish (anemic/not healthy).

Rapid weight loss and paleness..... you need to see a doctor really soon. This could be serious (unless you're dieting).  (+ info)

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