FAQ - Angina Pectoris
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angina pectoris?


Steady severe pain and a sensation of constriction about the heart. The condition is caused by a relative deficiency of oxygen supply to heart muscle. The pain typically radiates to the left shoulder and down the left arm. Pain, although rarely may radiate to the abdomen (why people think is just indigestion), to the back, or to the jaw. May fell pressure in the region of the heart, great anxiety, short of breath even at rest, fear of approaching death, pale skin color, but also may flush bright red, also may have profuse sweating. Elevated blood pressure and may have irregular heart beat. The attack may be short in duration or last for a considerable time.

Treatment usually during attack is administration of aspirin, nitro tablets dissolved under the tongue, or if in the hospital IV nitroglycerin. Possibly administration of beta blocking drugs, or Calcium channel blockers. Rest. No exertion.

I hope this answers your questions.  (+ info)

What precautions should be taken by a person suspected for Angina Pectoris?

After a maximal exercise test, and due to mild chest pain, I am suspected for Angina Pectoris, apparently difficulty in oxygen supply to the heart due to partial blockage of one or more of the arterial paths. I will be apparently proceeding to angiographical test, but I am using medications such as metoprolol, nitroglycerin tablets, and aspirin in light dose.
What are the most serious precautions that I may take in order to avoid a probable anginal attack? Professional advice appreciated.

Angina occurs when there is a mismatch between the supply of blood to the heart and the demand of the heart (how hard it is working). You have to listen to your body regarding the activities you can tolerate. If you get chest pain or shortness of breath, this is an indication that your activity is more than your heart can handle. It takes a different amount of activity to produce angina in different patients. So activity must be individualized. It sounds like you are getting an appropriate evaluation and are being treated with the most appropriate medications. While you are awaiting evaluation you should take it easy activity wise. Limit the amount of heavy exercise, lifting etc. Most importantly listen to your body and stop when you get chest pain or shortness of breath. Take your nitroglycerin every five and if you are still having pain after 2 doses call 911. Most importantly you should ask your doctor this, because he/she is most familiar with your case. I hope this helps.  (+ info)

Is it hard to diagnose angina pectoris?

I have a friend and his doctors aren't sure but they believe its angina pectoris. Is it possible that they are wrong? Is angina pectoris a heart problem that isnt easily diagnosed? Are the symptoms too unclear or vast to be sure of? Even after taking many tests (ie ECG, stress tests, heart scans etc)?

  (+ info)

Can Angina Pectoris be mistaken as Anxiety?

I've been having really bad heart pains like someone or something has been squeezing my heart. I went to a Cardiologist and he diagnosed it as "Muscular Discomfort". It sounds about right but the pains have been occurring much more frequently. I looked it up and "Angina Pectoris" came up. I read the symptoms and it sounded right. Then I asked my mom and she brushed it off as "Anxiety" and "Panic Attacks". But I'm not really worried about anything.
Well, I just need an answer. Please and thank you.

It seems that the nurse skipped the fact that you'd seen a cardiologist. I'd call that taking the problem seriously.

To answer, angina and anxiety can appear alike.

Since you've seen a heart expert, follow-up with your family doctor.

Without knowing a LOT more about you & the pain, it's hard to tell what is really going on.  (+ info)

What is the difference between angina pectoris and myocardial infarction?

angina pectoris is the chest pain located in the retrosternal area, that can or not be caused by exercise, and can or not calm with rest (that depends if the angina is stable or unstable)
angina can be a cause by myocadial infarction, or just because of ischemia of the muscle.-
infartion is the death by necrosis of the heart cells, cause by the lack of oxygen.-  (+ info)

How is it that there is usually left shoulder/arm/jaw pain associated with angina pectoris?

What is the mechanism behind it and why only the left side?

Chest pain and chest discomfort are the main symptoms or characteristics of angina. Nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, anxiety, sweating or dizziness are other symptoms that may accompany angina.

The chest pain and discomfort common with angina may be described as pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. Some people with angina symptoms describe angina as feeling like a vise is squeezing their chest, or feeling like a heavy weight has been placed on their chest. This pressure can extend to the arm, especially the left arm, neck, jaw, shoulder or back.

The severity, duration and type of angina can vary. It's important to recognize if you have new or changing chest pain. New or different symptoms may signal a more dangerous form of angina (unstable angina) or a heart attack.

The symptoms of angina pectoris include:
A constricting pain around the chest. In stable angina this occurs on exertion and is relieved by rest. Feeling pressure in the chest. Extreme anxiety. Pain radiating from the chest to the throat, arms, neck, and back .Dizziness or nausea, and sometimes vomiting.
Sweating.Difficulty in breathing.
Left shoulder/arm/jaw pain may be associated with angina pectoris.

take care as always  (+ info)

Can you treat angina pectoris(atherosclerosis) without medication?

I know that diet and exercise can help, but I've been slacking off for a while and have started again.

P.S: some are really hard and I would like to know if they can go away.

Surgery.  (+ info)

I got a burning question I want to ask!! Angina Pectoris and Heart Attack?

Angina Pectoris First Aid treatment is pump-action or aserol spray right?
Heart attack treatment is administor Full dose(300mg) of aspirin or pump-action or aserol spray right?

Can people with suffering Angina Pectoris eat aspirin when their illness acts up?

I have suffered from angina for quite a number of years now (despite having heart surgery twice)I take 75mg of aspirin plus imdur 60mg and cardicor 71\2 mg to help prevent attacks but i still get them when I over exercise .Two puffs of pump spray (glyceryl trinitrate) while relaxing always relieves the pain.If it persisted for more than 5 minutes after this I would call for help.Taking aspirin to stop an attack is quite futile  (+ info)

what is the difference between Angina Pectoris and Myocardial Infarction?

In angina there is pain due to decreased blood and oxygen supply to the heart. Once there's enough oxygen the heart tissue goes back to normal. There's stable (something you have been feeling for a long time in the same situation and hasn't changed) and unstable, the dangerous one, which can lead to myocardial infarction (these two are called acute coronary syndrome).
In myocardial infarction, the tissue actually dies, so even after the oxygen is restored, that particular part will never return to normal. Usually there's always a part that is only ischemic (low oxygen) but not dead yet, so its necessary to reperfuse (open those arteries) as soon as possible to save the sick but not dead tissue.
In a few words:
angina: reversible damage
infarction: irreversible, dead tissue.  (+ info)

Medical Question : Relationship between Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and angina pectoris?

i'm a first year medical i'm wondering if left sided hypertrophy may cause angina pectoris (i think that left vent. hypertrophy cause compression on the coronary vascular system resulting in cardiac myocyte ischaemic pain ) but left vent. hypertrophy is not mentioned as a predisposing factor to angina in my textbook
i'm a medical student and this is academic question

Yes it can. Angina pectoris occurs if there is a mismatch between the blood supply of the heart and the demand for nutrients by the heart muscle. When someone has left ventricular hypertrophy the heart muscle requires more blood supply to supply it's demands. Angina can occur if the blood supply is unable to meet the needs. For example, Aortic stenosis leads to left ventricular hypertrophy and angina is a classic symptom of it. I hope that answers your question, but if not let me know. Good luck with your studies.  (+ info)

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