FAQ - Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia With Eosinophilia
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Has anyone successfully treated sebaceous hyperplasia?

Or know of a doctor who has?

A hyfrefractor is often used for this disorder. It emits electrical charges into the affected areas. It's painful and can cause redness, but it usually helps.  (+ info)

How does antihistamines make benign prostatic hyperplasia worse?

If you have BPH, try NOT to take medications such as antihistamines, diuretics, decongestants, antispasmodics, tranquilizers and certain types of antidepressants. These can weaken the bladder muscle or narrow the opening of the prostate and worsen the BPH symptoms.  (+ info)

What is pseudo-decidual endometrial hyperplasia?

I know what hyperplasia of the uterus is but what is the significance of "pseudo-decidual?"

I found some sites that deal with this medical condition, they are written in a professional way but I am sure you can understand
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft%3Aen-US&q=pseudo-decidual+endometrial+hyperplasia%3F&btnG=Search  (+ info)

I have been diagnosed w/simple hyperplasia is a D&C a good idea?had a hystoscopy, get a hysterectomy or not?

I'm confused about what step to take next? One Dr. suggests hysterestomy or hormones the other says D&C then decide about where to go from there. The first Dr.says D&C will not be any more beneficial for info purposes than the hystoscopy I had which showed simple hyperplasia.

To prevent Endometrial Hyperplasia from becoming a cancer, your doctor may recommend surgery to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) or treatment with hormones (Progesterone) and regular follow up exams.  (+ info)

Can Hyperplasia of Prostate Affect Sexual Life?

Can Hyperplasia of Prostate Affect Sexual Life?

Yes! BPH is the acronym used and it normally restricts the flow of urine but it can also restrict the flow of semen. If it's a severe case it can lessen the pleasure of ejaculation and even make it somewhat uncomfortable or painful.  (+ info)

Is there a complete cure for eosinophilia, if not treated will it become asthma?

Well it depends if it is primary or secondary? Secondary is generally related to allergies .... you find the source of your allergies ... and if you stay away ... if possible ... that should be it ...

Allergies are commonly linked with Asthma ... but doesn't necessarily become a causative factor from eosinophilia ... many people have horribl eallergies and have zero history of asthma  (+ info)

What medicine to take for bph(Benign prostatic hyperplasia)?

none, unless you are having problems. meds that shrink the prostate contain estrogens, which have other issues in a male body. yes, they shrink the prostate, but can also cause sexual problems or developing breast tissue. doctors only use them in cases where the enlarged gland is obstructing urine flow or causing pain. also, dont assume BPH if it isnt a doctor saying that. you can't diagnose yourself safely. dont assume it is one thing or another, because the same symptoms can be prostate cancer or other issues.  (+ info)

What is a adrenal hyperplasia ? & how dangerous is it?

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of inherited disorders involving abnormal production of the steroid hormones — cortisol, aldosterone and androgen — by the adrenal glands.

These disorders are due to a defect in one or more of the enzymes needed to make these hormones. CAH is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. This means that a child must inherit one defective gene from each parent in order to develop the disease.

There are many types of CAH. Signs and symptoms depend on the particular enzyme involved and how severely it is impaired. One type causes a life-threatening cortisol deficiency shortly after birth. Another type causes menstrual irregularities and excess facial hair in adult women.

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia may also cause:

Ambiguous genitalia
High blood pressure in infants and children
Early or delayed puberty
Excessive male hormones in females
Infertility in females

A doctor can confirm a diagnosis of CAH by blood tests, which measure levels of cortisol, aldosterone and androgen. CAH is best managed by a specialist familiar with the disease, such as an endocrinologist. Treatment is directed at returning hormone levels to normal with long-term hormone therapy. If you have a family history of CAH, you may benefit from genetic counseling  (+ info)

The basis of this question is "Is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Disease an acute or chronic disease?"?

I am not quite clear sure how to distungish an acute disease and what is a chronic disease ...i know that acute diseases are short term and chronic disease are long term ..simply...thank you in advance

Acute conditions are severe and sudden in onset. A chronic condition is a long developing condition where symptoms may worsen over time. BPHD is a chronic condition. If the enlargement causes the man to be unable to void urine, he can develop acute urinary retention as a result. The BPHD may not need treatment, but the urinary retention will. The man will still have BPHD, though, unless you remove the prostate- even if you do successfully treat the retention problem. Asthma is a chronic condition, the asthma attack is an acute problem. Hope this clears it for you.  (+ info)

Has anyone here have atypical hyperplasia?

I found out that I have atypical hyperplasia that is magliant. Has anyone had that, and has it turned into benign cancer?

First, I'm sorry for your diagnosis.

Atypical hyperplasia is, by definition, a benign condition in which cells have abnormal features and are increased in number. Atypical hyperplasia *can* be triggered by increased demand for that tissue or organ; for example - chronic inflammatory response; hormonal dysfunction; or neoplasia. Or it may be triggered by no obvious cause at all.

Having said that, even if the atypical hyperplasia is not cancerous, it does increase your chances for getting cancer later.

If your hyperplasia has developed into a malignancy, it is something else. For example, if of the breast, then breast cancer, if of the uterus, then endometrial cancer, if of the cervix, cervival cancer, and so forth. Your treatments at this point depend on where the cancer is located and how invasive it is. I trust you are working with a skilled oncologist to maximize your successful outcome and recovery.

Subsequent to that, there is no such thing as a benign cancer. Cancer is, by its very nature, malignant.

I hope you feel better soon and everything works out for you. Good luck.  (+ info)

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