FAQ - Arthritis, Reactive
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What is the cure for psoriatic arthritis?

I know someone with psoriatic arthritis. What is the cure? Please don't waste my time with anecdotal evidence from anonymous people who drink expensive imported juice and claim to be healed.

What treatments and cures are available? What science is behind the remedies?

I do not believe there is a cure because it is caused by immune system problems. However, an arthritis specialist can prescribe medication that will help a lot. See a specialist in immune system and arthritis.  (+ info)

What is the medical term for arthritis causing pain in the head, similar to hypertension symptoms?

I usually have pain in my nape up to the head but my blood pressure is just above normal. The doctor ruled out hypertension. Arthritis is suspected somewhere in the spine. Is this possible? Any cure suggestions?

Information on arthritis,home remedies and treatment is available at http://tinyurl.com/z5vx5  (+ info)

Is arthritis the nation’s most common cause of disability?

According to Arthritis Care, arthritis affects 1 in 5 adults in the UK. 12,000 children in the UK have juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Obesity is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knee. The UK currently has the eighth highest obesity rate in the world - and this is rising.

Yes  (+ info)

What natural product is good for rheumatoid arthritis?

My dad has this type of arthritis and his legs always hurt really bad. He is only 54 years old and he can barely walk around. What are some things that he can try to ease the pain so that he can get around better. He is still kind of young.

HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT FOR RHEUMATISM / ARTHRITIS without any side effects or complications of any sort, (Arthritis including Gout, Arthritis Deformans/Osteoarthritis and Rheumatism) :-

Pain knee joints, worse by movements; better initial movements, continuous pain in joints, worse while rising from seat; pain in heels, worse by movements. Cassia Sophera 30X, 4 hourly

Acute attack of gout of joints of the feet.Pain with bright red swelling Aconite Nap 200, 2 hourly

Pain with inflammation, worse by movements. Bryonia Alba 200 or 1M, 6 hourly

Complaints worse after rest and exposure to cold Rhus tox 200 or 1M, 4 hourly

Complaints worse during menstruation; beginning at the time of menopause; more in hands and feet Caulophyllum 30X, 4 hourly

When the origin of complaints is gonorrhoeal; worse during day time. Medorrhinum 1M. fortnightly (3 Doses)

When the origin of complaints is tubercular Tuberculinum k, 1M fortnightly (3 Doses)

Complaints of small joints with red or pale swelling; tenderness and shifting pains; worse by motion. Main remedy for gout during cold weather Colchicum 30X, 4 hourly

When Rhus Tox cease to work; pain is worse in cold damp weather and better by movements Calcarea Carb 200 or 1M, 6 hourly (6 Doses)

Nodosities in the joints with gastric complaints. At last nodules become painless (Rheumatoid Arthritis). Tongue whitish thickly coated Antim Crud 30X or 200, 6 hourly

Complaints of feets and ankles; stiffness Drosera 200 fortnightly (3 Doses)

Complaints of long bones; contraction of ligaments Causticum 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Pain worse at night; in wet weather; Rheumatism of large muscles Cimicifuga 30X, 4 hourly

Rheumatism; worse in damp cold weather. Gout.Pain in limbs and hip joints Natrum Sulph 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Pain travels downwards affecting the large part of a limb and passes through quickly along course of nerve Kalmia Lat 30X or 200, 6 hourly

Pains worse during rest, night and warmth, better by cold, open air and movements Pulsatilla 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Pain :- violent; bruised or as if sprained ; cannot bear touch, feels somebody coming near him may touch him and hit the affected part Arnica Montana 200, 4 hourly

Gout of great toe and joints with swelling; soreness and drawing pain on stepping; worse in warmth, pressure and motion. Pain travels upwards; better cold compresses Ledum Pal 200, 4 hourly

Gouty nodosities of joints; tearing pain and extremities and contraction of the muscles Guaiacum 30 4 hourly

Chronic nodosities of joints; hands twisted, out of shape due to deposits of water of soda Ammonium Phos 6X or 30, 4 hourly

Gouty complaints with offensive urine Acid Benzoic 6X or 30, 4 hourly

When there is red sand in urine in gouty patients Lycopodium 30, 4 hourly

Severe pain with enlargement of the joints; worse during rest and when storm approaches Rhododendron 200 or 1M, 10 min (3 Doses)

Almost a specific for gout (to drain out uric acid and urates) Urtica Urens Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 8 -10 drops in hot water

Arthritic deformans (chronic rheumatoid, particularly of fingers) Picric Acid 30X, 4 hourly

Rheumatic pains or arthritis after checked diarrhoea Abrotanum 30 or 200 4 hourly (6 Doses)

Specific for pain with numbness; Pain so severe patient says that he would prefer death than the pain Chamomilla 200 or 1M, 1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

Pain appear diagonally as right arm and left leg with sensation of cold, numbness and tingling Agaricus Mus 30X or 200, 4 hourly

In weak persons; burning pain with chilliness, feels better by heat, while eating, and worse in cold open air Capsicum 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Unbearable pain; rigidity and stiffness. Superiority / inferiority complex Platina 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

Pain flies like electric shock; due to exposurse of damp cold weather. Better by warmth and rest Phytolacca 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Rheumatic pain, worse after washing clothes, doing laundry work Sepia 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Pain in long bones; may be due to injury or rheumatism Ruta Grav 200, 6 hourly

Pain worse on slightest touch specially after loss of vital fluids like excessive bleeding, diarrhoea, vomiting China Off 6X or 30, 3 hourly

Pain in the small joints of extremities with swelling. Backache, worse in the morning before rising Staphysagria 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Pain heels; better by putting most of the weight on them Berberis Vulgaris Q (Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 8 - 10 drops

Stiffing pain in all parts of the body; worse by movement Stellaria Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 8-10 drops in warm water

Rheumatic pain without swelling; pain joints; worse at night Iodium 30X, 4 hourly

Osteo-arthritis of large joints with degeneration. Pain, swelling, stiffness and tenderness of joints; worse by motion (cracking joints) and cold ; better by warmth O.A.Nosode 1M, weekly (6 Doses)

Chronic muscular rheumatism of back and neck. Intense pain along with sciatic nerve. Numbness alternates with pain Gnaphalium 30X or 200, 4 hourly

Muscular atrophy; rigidity and stiffness Strychninum 3X or 6X, 4 hourly

Rheumatism accompained with skin ailments and itiching; cannot walk erect Sulphur 200, 10 min (3 Doses)

Rheumatism of knee joint; with round worms Natrum Phos 6X or 30, 4 hourly

For defective bony growth; better by warmth and worse by cold Calcarea Flour 12X or 30, 4 hourly

Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms.
No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

Best of health to you my friend get well real soon.

Take Care and God Bless you.  (+ info)

what are some good remedies for severe arthritis?

My mom has really bad arthritis in her legs and is making her life miserable. Does anyone know of any kind of medication, natural remedies or exercises that could help?

Arthritis: How to Stay Active and Independent

What is arthritis?
Arthritis means inflammation of the joints. It causes pain and usually also limits movement of the joints that are affected. There are many kinds of arthritis. A type called osteoarthritis (also called degenerative joint disease) is the most common.

What causes osteoarthritis?
The exact cause isn't known. A person may be at increased risk of osteoarthritis because it runs in the family. Osteoarthritis seems to be related to the wear and tear put on joints over the years in most people. But wear and tear alone don't cause osteoarthritis.

What happens when a joint is affected?
Normally, a smooth layer of cartilage acts as a pad between the bones of a joint. Cartilage helps the joint move easily and comfortably. In some people, the cartilage thins as the joints are used. This is the start of osteoarthritis. Over time, the cartilage wears away and the bones may rub against one another.

Bones may even start to grow too thick on the ends where they meet to make a joint, and bits of cartilage and bone may loosen and get in the way of movement. This can cause pain, joint swelling and stiffness.

Who gets osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is more common in older people because they have been using their joints longer. Using the joints to do the same task over and over or simply using them over time can make osteoarthritis worse.

Younger people can also get osteoarthritis. Athletes are at risk because they use their joints so much. People who have jobs that require the same movement over and over are also at risk. Injuries to a joint can increase the risk of arthritis in the joint later on. Excess weight also can accelerate arthritis in the knees, hips and spine.

Is there a treatment?
No cure for osteoarthritis has been found. But the right plan can help you stay active, protect your joints from damage, limit injury and control pain. Your doctor will help you create the right plan for you.

Tips on staying active
Lose weight if you're overweight.
Exercise regularly for short periods.
Go to a physical therapist if you can.
Use canes and other special devices to protect your joints.
Avoid lifting heavy things.
Avoid overusing your joints.
Don't pull on objects to move them--push them instead.
Take your medicine the way your doctor suggests.
Use heat and/or cold to reduce pain or stiffness.

Will my arthritis get worse?
Osteoarthritis does tend to get worse over time. But you can do many things to help yourself.

It's important to stay as active as possible. When joints hurt, people tend not to use them and the muscles get weak. This can cause contractures (stiff muscles), and it can make it harder to get around. This causes more pain and the cycle begins again. Ask your doctor to discuss pain control with you so that you can stay active and avoid this problem.

Will medicine help?
Medicines you can buy without a prescription that reduce inflammation, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (one brand name: Motrin), ketoprofen (brand name: Orudis) or naproxen (brand name: Aleve), or pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (one brand name: Tylenol), can help you feel better. Your doctor can also prescribe medicine for you, such as prescription pain relievers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used to treat certain types of arthritis. NSAIDs can help by reducing inflammation, swelling and pain in the joints, but not everyone can take them.

Medicine should be used wisely. You only need the amount that makes you feel good enough to keep moving. Using too much medicine may increase the risk of side effects.

Can special devices really help?
Yes. Special devices (see box below) and different ways of doing things can help people with arthritis stay independent for as long as possible. These devices help protect your joints and keep you moving. For example, if you learn to use a cane the right way, you can help reduce the amount of pressure your weight puts on your hip joint when you walk by up to 60%. Talk to your doctor if you think a special device may help your arthritis.

Special devices for people with arthritis
Canes, walkers and splints
Shoe inserts, wedges or pads
Special fasteners (such as Velcro) on clothing
Large grips for tools and utensils (wrap foam or fabric around items with narrow handles, like pens)
Wall-mounted jar openers
Electric appliances, such as can openers and knives
Mobile shower heads
Bath seats and grab bars for the bathtub

Will special exercises really help?
Yes. Exercise keeps your muscles strong and helps you stay flexible. Exercises that don't strain your joints are best. To avoid pain and injury, choose exercises that can be done in small amounts with rest time in between. Dancing, weight lifting and bike riding are good exercises for people with arthritis.

Try tightening your muscles and then relaxing them a number of times. You can do this with all of your major muscle groups. You could also try an "aquacise" program available through your local swimming pool or community center. These programs involve special movements in the pool, with much of your body's weight held up by water.

Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Should I use heat to ease pain?
Using heat may reduce your pain and stiffness. Heat can be applied through warm baths, hot towels, hot water bottles or heating pads. Try alternating heat with ice packs.

Written by familydoctor.org editorial staff.

American Academy of Family Physicians  (+ info)

How to lose weight when you have reactive hypoglycemia?

In June of this year I was diagnosed as having reactive hypoglycemia which is borderline diabetic. I need to know how I can lose weight because I am at my heaviest weight. I have been taking walks daily for 30 minutes for the pass few years. I have stopped taking walks as often since my younger brother passed in May of this.

Hey! Good for you for taking charge of your health and exercising. Firstly, any exercise is good, but there's a lot of data to show that moderate to intense exercise for a minimum of 60 minutes a week (150-180 is ideal) is tremendously beneficial, and in particular, that interval training (alternating between [low and medium], [low and high], or [medium and high] intensity exercise is the best for both fitness and weight loss. This might mean alternating calesthenics with marching on the spot, or alternating walking and jogging (jogging and running), or walking up and down stairs.

You should discuss a fitness plan with your doctor, to make sure it's OK.

Also, there is a recent study that shows portion control with the help of dining plates marked with suggested portions are very effective in aiding weight loss in diabetics.  (+ info)

What is the difference in arthritis & rheumatoid arthritis?

I believe i understand about Arthritis, but any help would be appreciated.

Arthritis is wear and tare on the joints, almost anyone can suffer with it to some degree.
But Rheumatoid Arthritis is Hereditary usually more women than men are affected by it and it also affects other organs in the body.....its not just wear and tare, the body actually starts to attack itself, the bones kinda become diseased and they crumble or get eaten away at plus you also get deposits on bone surface that cause disfigurement.

http://arthritis.about.com/b/2007/11/28/oa-and-ra-understanding-two-common-types-of-arthritis.htm  (+ info)

How can I convince that I have rheumatoid arthritis to my rheumatoligist?

I do have arthritis but not sure if it is that severe. I feel like I have it but seems these days doctors don't believe people anymore. And also what about fibromilagia? I am sure I have it but how can I convince my doctor?
I am 37 years old.

If I understood right you suffer from pain in your joints but your doctor does not find any pathologic signs during clinical examination nor any laboratory discrepancies. If that's the case I would ask for an ultrasound examination of the affected joints. This way you will see if there's arthritis, tenosynovitis or some other pathology in the region, above that you can quantify the degree of inflammation (if any). Let us know what happened!  (+ info)

Is it possible to have arthritis in your knee after surgery?

I know I'm only 17 years old and arthritis is very uncommon for someone my age but I've noticed that my knee has been getting really stiff recently and it's been raining a lot. It's also been hurting but I haven't done anything to really make it hurt. Am I making this up or could it really be arthritis?

http://www.hipsandknees.com/knee/afterkneesurgery.htm  (+ info)

What causes arthritis in your lower back?

I would like to know #1 what causes arthritis and #2 is it something that just shows up after a bad auto accident?

Arthritis (from Greek arthro-, joint + -itis, inflammation; plural: arthritides) is a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints of the body. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people over the age of 55.

There are many different forms of arthritis, each of which has a different cause. Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis are autoimmune diseases in which the body is attacking itself. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. Gouty arthritis is caused by deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint that results in subsequent inflammation. Additionally, there is a less common form of gout that is caused by the formation of rhomboidal shaped crystals of calcium pyrophosphate. This form of gout is known as pseudogout. The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative joint disease and occurs following trauma to the joint, following an infection of the joint or simply as a result of aging. There is emerging evidence that abnormal anatomy may contribute to early development of osteoarthritis.

All arthritides feature pain. Patterns of pain differ among the arthritides and the location. Osteoarthritis is classically worse at night or following rest. Rheumatoid arthritis is generally worse in the morning; in the early stages, patients often do not have symptoms following their morning shower. In elderly people and children, pain may not be the main feature, and the patient simply moves less (elderly) or refuses to use the affected limb (children).

Elements of the history of the pain (onset, number of joints and which involved, duration, aggravating and relieving factors) all guide diagnosis. Physical examination typically confirms diagnosis. Radiographs are often used to follow progression or assess severity in a more quantitative manner.

Blood tests and X-rays of the affected joints often are performed to make the diagnosis.

Screening blood tests may be indicated if certain arthritides are suspected. This may include: rheumatoid factor, antinuclear factor (ANF), extractable nuclear antigen and specific antibodies.

Treatment options vary depending on the type of arthritis and include physical and occupational therapy, lifestyle changes (including exercise and weight control), and medications (symptomatic or targeted at the disease process causing the arthritis). Arthroplasty (joint replacement surgery) may be required in eroding forms of arthritis.  (+ info)

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