FAQ - Auditory Diseases, Central
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What diseases are affecting South American or Central American countries?

I need to find diseases that are or have affected south american or central american countries. It can be any disease.

obesity, diabetes, hypertension, Aids, hepatitis  (+ info)

What is central auditory processing disorder, how do you get it?

Are you born with this disorder, can it be caused by something happening to you. Like you not having it until you fall at age 5, please explain this to me

What Are the Signs and Symptoms?

Symptoms of CAPD can range from mild to severe and can take many different forms. If you think there may be a problem with how your child processes what he or she hears, ask yourself these questions:

* Is your child easily distracted or unusually bothered by loud or sudden noises?
* Are noisy environments upsetting to your child?
* Does your child's behavior and performance improve in quieter settings?
* Does your child have difficulty following directions, whether simple or complicated ones?
* Does your child have reading, spelling, writing, or other speech-language difficulties?
* Is abstract information difficult for your child to comprehend?
* Are verbal (word) math problems difficult for your child?
* Is your child disorganized and forgetful?
* Are conversations hard for your child to follow?

These, as well as other behaviors, may be signs of a central auditory processing disorder (CAPD). It's an often-misunderstood problem because many of the behaviors noted above may also appear in other conditions such as learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and even depression. But kids with CAPD can have a coexisting disorder - the most commonly seen is ADHD. Although CAPD is often confused with ADHD, it is possible to have both.  (+ info)

What are at least 5 neurological conditions related to central nervous system diseases?

I know one. Its in my family. Multiple Sclerosis.  (+ info)

How has a parent dealt with there child having Central Auditory Processing Disorder?

I have a feeling that my 8 year old son may have a type of CAPD. He exhibits alot of the symptoms and I wonder if I should go get him evaluated. The thing is, is that he is doing very well academically. But he tells me that the other teachers (art teacher, computer etc.) get frustrated with him because he may want to clarify some instructions. They always seem to sit him at the back of the class. My son would tell me that he would get nervous if he wants to ask another question. I don't want this to eventually hurt his self esteem. I find that at home I would repeat myself over again until he understands. I know that teachers do not have the patience. But again he is very smart and inquisitive so the teachers are not aware the the problem. How did you deal with this and what was the best type of school enviornment for your child?

My child does not have this problem. The problem she has is simpler. She has IBS. She has trouble going to the bathroom. She also has to eat small snacks through out the day instead of regular meals. Even though I had explained this when school started, I had to contact the nurse, have a written note excusing her to use the bathroom when she needed and for the meals. I then wrote and e-mail to the teacher she most had problems with explaining in detail what IBS was and the complications of it. I also was very polite and considerate and thanked her for her time and understanding on this issue. I even told her I felt my daughter had alot to learn from them all and thanked them for teaching her. I asked her to please show this to all of her teachers so that it would help them all to understand her better. I told her that I supported them, and that it wasn't an excuse for her to not complete her work and I would back them one hundred percent. I also called the principal and informed him of it all and he was very helpful. In the end, I won my battle. I tell you this because sometimes even teachers don't understand and aren't aware of the complications a child might have with a paticular illness. Find some info that they could better understand your childs condition and copy one for each teacher to have. Send a note to your childs classroom teacher explaining why and give the other teachers your number in case they should have anymore questions. Tell them you appreciate them and their time they take with your child. I hope this helps. If it doesn't, I would hold a meeting with all of them present and the principal. Good luck!  (+ info)

Diseases Associated with the Central Nervous System?

Can anyone tell me what type of diseases are associated with the central nervous system. I took my 8 year old to the doctor today and was advised in general that she wants him to come back in a couple weeks to do some tests with the central nervous system because she feels that there may be an issue in this area. This is cause for concern becuase my son is currently taking medication for his ADHD, ODD and Bi-Polar disorder. In addition to, recently he has been having seziures too. These are not just titles associated with this child for that if he wasn't on the medication he would be extreamly unmanageable and a danger to himself and other children.

The following website has many links to sites with information on the central nervous system:
Check out the "Drugs and Supplements" link to find out side effects of drugs and drug interaction problems.  (+ info)

Any adults with Central Auditory Processing? Did you find any help for it?

I'm scheduled for a central auditory function test and wondering if as an adult its pointless to even go through with this. I have been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. I also am slightly hearing impaired and have done better since getting hearing aids. I told my audiologist about there seeming to be a delay as my brain translates sounds into meanings. Sometimes I hear people just fine, but it sounds like gibberish or a foreign language.

Can they really help you with CAPD if you're an adult? Is it easy to diagnose or is it yet something else that the tests are not optimal for?

Yes. Anything recommended is worth trying, you will find that if it doesn't work over a period of time there will be new treatment plans to try. God speed.  (+ info)

I suffer from a learning disability called central auditory processing disorder since birth. As far as?

carbs, calories, etc., what should I limit my intake of to improve my disability greatly? What specific vitamins and minerals should I take as well? Thank you. I am in desperate need! I feel I am all out of answers. Please help!

Much research is still needed to understand APD problems, related disorders, and the best intervention for each child or adult. Several strategies are available to help children with auditory processing difficulties. Some of these are commercially available, but have not been fully studied. Any strategy selected should be used under the guidance of a team of professionals, and the effectiveness of the strategy needs to be evaluated. Researchers are currently studying a variety of approaches to treatment. Several strategies you may hear about include:

Auditory trainers are electronic devices that allow a person to focus attention on a speaker and reduce the interference of background noise. They are often used in classrooms, where the teacher wears a microphone to transmit sound and the child wears a headset to receive the sound. Children who wear hearing aids can use them in addition to the auditory trainer.

Environmental modifications such as classroom acoustics, placement, and seating may help. An audiologist may suggest ways to improve the listening environment, and he or she will be able to monitor any changes in hearing status.

Exercises to improve language-building skills can increase the ability to learn new words and increase a child's language base.
Auditory memory enhancement, a procedure that reduces detailed information to a more basic representation, may help. Also, informal auditory training techniques can be used by teachers and therapists to address specific difficulties.

Auditory integration training may be promoted by practitioners as a way to retrain the auditory system and decrease hearing distortion. However, current research has not proven the benefits of this treatment.

Learn about central auditory processing disorder (CAPD)and how you can cope with it. ... Diet, Nutrition & Supplements ยท Bodybuilding &
Training ...


Take care as always  (+ info)

Is there any medication for Central Auditory Processing disorder, how do you get this disorder?

Can someone please explain if you are born with this or do you get it from something happening to you? Is there anything out there to help correct it, medication, surgery. My son is 18 reads at about a 2nd grade level, is so frustrating to see him, other wise normal have to deal with this. Please help, alcohol seems to be his means of medication so far. He was not diagnosed with this until his junior year. I can't get him to put much effort into reading at this point, we lost him many years ago, calling him lazy and not trying hard enough. Does anyone have information that can help him, any info appreciated, understanding the condition, or treatment. Thanks

wow, that sounds really painful.
What is central auditory processing disorder (CAPD)?

CAPD refers to the process of how the ears and brain take in auditory information. Children with CAPD can hear well, but they don't listen well. Their brains don't pick up the electrical signals coming from their ears. Children with CAPD have trouble listening, understanding speech, and developing language. Therefore they have difficulty in using auditory information to communicate and to learn. CAPD is a set of problems that occur in different listening tasks -- receiving, analyzing, organizing, storing, retrieving and using information based on auditory stimuli. These difficulties may become exacerbated in noisy or unfavorable acoustic environments.

Warning signs
Some warning signs that might lead a parent to think that CAPD may be a factor in a child's development include:

Family history of similar difficulties with auditory processing or history of hearing loss

History of frequent middle ear infections in the preschool years

Hypersensitivity to loud sounds

Developmental speech and language delay

Poor readiness skill development or poor early academic achievement
At the present time, causes of CAPD have not been defined. The suspicion among scientists is that problems may arise from neurochemical abnormalities too subtle to identify.

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CAPD - the diagnostic dilemma

CAPD can resemble other disorders and should be differentiated from impairment in hearing, intellectual capacity and ability to sustain attention. Most cases of CAPD develop in the early elementary grades when the curriculum demands require a child to be an active listener and to take in more complex auditory information. Difficulties in this area are common to the children diagnosed with attention deficit disorders , learning disabilities , behavioral problems or emotional disorders.

How are characteristics of CAPD observed in the classroom?

Children with CAPD may have difficulty in:

following auditory directions

remembering auditory information

learning information presented auditorially

understanding speech, especially in the classroom environment

remaining attentive and non-distracted

More fine-tuned difficulties appear in:

auditory discrimination, such as localization and pitch

decoding, such as blending, sequencing sounds

phonological awareness, such as rhyming, manipulating sounds, deleting sounds, and segmenting sounds
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Specific characteristics of CAPD (ASHA CAPD Task Force, 1996)

Sound localization and lateralization - where is the sound in space. Ex: where is the dog if I hear a barking noise.

Auditory discrimination - distinguishing one sound from another. Ex: pat/pad; rice/rise.

Auditory pattern recognition - similarities and differences in the patterns of sounds. Ex: apple/appeal; apple/chapel.

Temporal aspects of audition - the sequencing of sounds into words. Ex: change the /ch/ in peach to a /s/ (peach/peace); change the /ee/ in sheep to a /i/ sheep/ship)

Auditory performance decrements - the ability to perceive words if other sounds are present. Ex: listening to the teacher assign homework if there is a lot of noise in the hallway

Auditory performance with degraded acoustic signals - Ex: perceiving the word if part is missing.
The series of abilities listed above are the results of CAPD, not the cause.

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Evaluation for CAPD

Assessment should be interdisciplinary and collaborative. Parents who suspect that their child may have CAPD should first consult their pediatrician to rule out other possible problems, such as faulty hearing. A team approach is essential: other professionals who may need to be consulted include an otolaryngolgost (ear specialist), speech-language pathologist to assess language skills , and educator, a mental health professional to rule out factors such as behavior problems, and an audiologist who administers the actual tests. Tests are designed to measure highly specific skills - discerning speech among background noises, auditory memory, auditory discrimination, integrating sounds coming from different locations, among other abilities. The tests are not valid for children under the age of 7 because they have not yet developed the necessary auditory and attention abilities.


Although the above-listed abilities are critical to sound auditory processing, isolation and treatment of each ability separately is not helpful. An integrative approach which takes into account the interrelationships among abilities is effective. Children with CAPD seem to do best in a one-to-one situation and in an acoustically quiet environment. This can best be accomplished when remediation plans consider the following:

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Modifying the listening environment when appropriate

Classroom acoustics should be modified - Reduce reverberation within the room by adding room dividers, bookshelves, acoustic tiles, carpet, wall hangings, bulletin boards, etc.

A self-contained, structured environment is sometimes helpful. An open, unstructured teaching environment should be avoided.

Preferential seating, such as being closer to the teacher, can be helpful.

Face-to-face communication should be facilitated. However seating should take into account the student's ability to follow when the teacher moves around. Children who take cues from other children may do better when seated toward the rear of the classroom. Child should be seated away from the hall and street noise.

A quiet study area should be provided

Provide pauses for extra processing time.

Consult with an audiologist to ensure that the acoustic environment is appropriate. For some children, the use of an auditory trainer which beams a teacher's voice directly into earphones that a child wears, is helpful. Some classrooms can be "wired" for better auditory processing.

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Using strategies for improved communication

Consider input vs. intake. Input refers to all the language to which a child is exposed. Intake refers to whether the child notices, hears and listens to the input and how the child interprets the information. The goal of improving communication is to adjust the input for maximum intake.

Gain the child's attention by using alerting cues and signs, such as calling the child's name or by a gentle touch.

Monitor the child's comprehension. Periodically ask the child questions related to the subject under discussion.

Restate material by rephrasing what has been misunderstood rather than repeat the information.

Use brief instructions. Reduce complexity of the message.

Pretutor. Familiarize the child with new vocabulary and concepts to be covered in class. Parents can be particularly helpful in this activity.

List key vocabulary before dealing with new material.

Present information in several formats. The children need to interact with information in a variety of ways, such as in small groups, individually, collaboratively with others, and to have different opportunities and ways in which to express themselves.

Multisensory approaches are helpful.

Write instructions on the board.

Provide visual aids. Jotting key words on the board or providing simple written/picture outlines may be useful.

Auditory attention can be enhanced by having child listen to tapes, transcribing from tapes, and playing games such as Simon Says.

Provide breaks since children with auditory processing expend more effort in paying attention and in discriminating information than other children.

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Teaching a child strategies to help interpret, organize and synthesize auditory information

Using categories to organize information.

Grouping information to be learned into meaningful chunks.

Reading and summarizing by thinking of a title for the story.

Learning to solve math word problems by extracting important information and determining what process to use to solve a problem.

Solving riddles.

Practicing with contingency problems such as: "if you like ice cream more than spinach, count to ten."
Teaching the child to be a self advocate

Promote self assertiveness by teaching a child to ask the teacher to slow down, or to give directions or information in another way.

Help a child to bypass her difficulties by giving her a list (in words or pictures) of the tasks you'd like her to accomplish or of the directions you'd like her to follow. Pair those directions with brief verbal prompts.

Strengthen areas of where the child excels so he doesn't feel hopeless.

Help children learn how to reflect on what they are learning, monitor their learning, and to be aware of when they are inattentive and develop strategies to stay focused.
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Special Intervention Software

The following materials may be helpful as an adjunct to other interventions to help the child with CAPD.

Step l - for children 4 - 7. Six interactive games that focus on auditory skills.
Step 2 - for children 7 - 10
I for adolescents and adults (ages 10+)

Fast ForWord
Computer-based training program from Scientific Learning (ages 4 - 12)

LocuTour Media
CD Programs

The Listening Program
Based on the Tomatis Program

Other Programs

Thinking Publications
Metacognitive workbooks

First Five Things to Do After Your Child Is Diagnosed with CAPD
From Terri Mauro,
Your Guide to Parenting Special Needs.
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!
1: TRY a simulation of what it's like to have auditory processing problems.

2: BUY "Childhood Speech, Language and Listening Problems" to learn how to deal with the disability ... and the tests and the IEPs and the specialists.

3: JOIN AuditoryProcessing or another e-mail support group to get ideas and support from fellow parents.

4: READ messages from the hearts of parents of children with CAPD, and open your heart to the possibilities.

5: VISIT our listing of auditory processing links for more information and ideas.

Do you have suggestions for parents of children newly diagnosed with cerebral palsy? Please share them in the forum.

Sponsored Links
Auditory Processing
At-home listening program for children and adults with CAPD

AIT Auditory Integration
Autism, ADHD, APD, Dyslexia, SPD. Berard AIT Experts Help Your Child!

ADHD Incentive Charts
With EasyChild encouragement system ADHD kids focus on being good
More on Central Auditory Processing Disorder
What Is CAPD?
Preparing the School for Your Child with CAPD
Say What You Mean
Good Books
The Child with Special Needs
Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success
What Did You Say? What Do You Mean?
Suggested Reading
Homework HELP!
Study Buddies Make Facts Stick
School Survival Kit  (+ info)

Absence/Petit mal Epilepsy vs Central Auditory Processing Disorder?

Absence seizure/Petit mal Epilepsy vs Central Auditory Processing Disorder?

What's the relationship?

There is no relationship. Epilepsy is a disorder that is caused by abnormal brain activity. Absence seizures are brief - 1-5 seconds often, and may be accompanied by staring and lip smacking. These can occur multiple times an hour. They are diagnosed only with an EEG, and the pattern is unmistakable. Children with Absence seizures often miss conversation, instruction, etc - because their brain is effectively turned off during the seizure.

The article on central auditory processing disorder describes this problem of one with hearing/language processing and can occur in people with ADHD.  (+ info)

i am a 26 year old woman with a central auditory processing disorder...?

I was just curious is there any other way to help me not lose my focus among other things that come with capd?? I was tested for it as a child. Now I don't know what to do for it now that I am an adult. Does it only get worse as I get older? I feel like it has a little. Please help! Thanks guys. Oh and one more thing, is there any books out there for this?

my son is 18 now. I had him tested at 9 because everyone wanted to say he had ADD/ADHD type symptons. I felt it was something else. Sure enough he tested out as a classic Auditory Processing Disorder. Sounds like the same thing you have. If you google what you call yours you will get all kinds of info on it. The Dr. that I took my son to told me that it is something that you can't fix or correct with meds. It is something that YOU have to live with and others have to learn to work with. It means that your mind can only handle a certain amount of commands at a time. If too much is said to you, you lose certain key verbage and it is almost impossible for you to get back to where you were. In my sons case he would just shut down and wouldn't move forward. if the teacher told the class to close the english book, take out the math book, go to page 3..etc... he would be lost at take out the math book and he was lost from that point on. It was up to the teacher to not get all pissy and tell him that he wasn't staying focused. She needed to just point out the page and leave it at that. Please google your CAPD and see what you come up with. you need to understand it because it's hard for others to understand unless you go thru the whole thing step by step with them and you can't do that with everyone you meet. my best to you... you'll be great as long as you know where you stand.   (+ info)

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