FAQ - Back Injuries
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My SEXY boyfriend got hit in the balls and one was jammed back into his body. What are possible injuries?

He hit his right nut really hard on a piece of wood and it got stuck up in his body. He pulled it out but it's still sore and I want to know what possible signs of testicle damage he should look for. What kind of things can happen? I need his balls in working order so we can make babies.
I was joking ya dickheads.
Well, about the SEXY thing, but not about his balls. I really am worried.

I suggest your SEXY boyfriend head on over to his SEXY doctor for a SEXY checkup, just to be on the (SEXY) safe side.

There probably wouldn't be any visible signs (besides bruising or maybe bleeding), but he could have internal injuries. SEXY.  (+ info)

I fell flat on my back on cement over a month ago, the pain is worsening by the day, what injuries can I have?

I am having severe pain inside my rib cage and am fearful of having internal injury, is this possible?

If you punctured your lung you would know, it would be extremely painful. I would say you cracked your rib. This happened to my husband when he was snowboarding. If it was just bruised it would have healed by now. So it is most likely a cracked rib. All the doctors can do is x-ray it, and a lot of the time they can't find rib fractures. Then they would wrap you, it is actually better for your ribs to heal without being wrapped because then they will recover at full capacity. However the wrap will help with the pain. Then they will give you pain pills. There's not much else they can do. You have so many muscles supporting your ribs they will heal back together on their own. But if you're concerned about an internal injury you will need to see a doctor they are the only ones that can tell you. Good luck!  (+ info)

What are some good exercises that will strengthen your back and help with back injuries?

For the lower back, lay in your bed on your back, legs straight. Now lift the legs and feet, still straight, up off the mattress, to a height of about 8 inches, higher if you can. Now hold them there until your legs begin to quiver, then let them back down slowly, wait a minute and try it again. And then do this everyday and so on and so on, until the quivering lets up. Just don't over do it for the first couple of days. You also need to stretch those back muscles. This can be accomplished by laying on your back in bed, legs straight. Now start bending the knees as you move your legs forward, far enough for you to grab your knees with your hands. Now pull them as far forward as you can toward the stomach/chest area and hold. Let back down slowly until the legs are straight again. You are stretching the legs muscles all the way up to about the middle of the back. Do this every day. Back injuries are best treated with moist heat. You'll need someone to help you though. You lay on your stomach, have someone take a towel, soak it with hot water, ring it out, then lay it across where your back hurts. Do this several times with the towels until the skin begins to turn slightly red. Then have the person massage your back muscles along both sides of the spine, while applying some Aspercreme. Wishing you the very best young lady and some needed relief from the pain. Good luck.  (+ info)

Have any of you ever come back from any chronic joint injuries? How?

I have had shoulder knee leg wrist problems for years and it is really really dampened my performance in life, what can be done in terms of physical therapy, surgery, supplements, weight training, or nutrition (please help)?

I have issues for years too, I final decided to go see a pain doctor. They started giving me shots and told me to see a physical therapist. The shots have helped, I adjust some things to not aggravate the areas that I have issues with. The shots help though, wish I did this earlier. But I just started.
Talk to your primary doc and see what they say about going to see a pain doc about your issues. Good Luck.  (+ info)

how effective is swimming for healing and relieving back pain from several injuries?

my doctor has highly suggested 45 minutes of vigorous swimming per day to help with severe back pain. the pain is the result of several injuries and deterioration of bone and muscle. i live in constant pain. i am also on a pain management cycle. if this works no surgery required. how effective is swimming for this kind of problem.
thanks guys i have been swimming every day since i was told i should and it has helped i am 5 days into the treatment and i have lost 3lbs of body weight

its good for my knees so i am sure its good for your back

according to this link its really go for you go swim and have fun\

http://swimming.about.com/od/injuryandrecovery/a/swim_back_pain_2.htm  (+ info)

is aerobics good for people with lower back injuries such as step aerobics bike riding walking?

i have a herniated disc and pinch nerve L5 s1 COULD BOXING BE GOOD?

The best thing is to simply increase blood flow to the area through stretching or very light weight lifting...aerobic biking will only aggravate your back due to the fact that it is a lower body/ cardio exercise same with boxing.....if you'd like a free personal training session and live in the seattle tacoma area contact James at 253-840-1111. Get well soon. ( Answered by an employee of Vision Quest sport and fitness, puyallup Wa.)  (+ info)

Back injuries from a car accident have led me down a path of medication, anyone have similar experience?

One year ago I was victim of an idiot that decided that red lights are meant for running. Well, his mistake caused me 3 ruptured discs and one bulging disc in my lower back. They are also telling me that I have degenerative disc disease and arthritis has began to settle into the injuries. I now take four 10mg percoset, 900 mg of neurontin, and 8mg of Zanaflex daily (obviously not at once). I have been to 2 Neurosurgeons, one saying I need surgery and the other saying NO because I was not in extreme pain. I saw the first surgeon before the Neurontin did its magic and second one after being numb. My body has built up a tolerance to the percoset and its not taking pain away like it used too not to mention my body CRAVES it. My doctor has not switched the meds even though I have told her that they are not working. Is there something out there I can use that is non habit forming? Has anyone had similar injuries and went thru the surgery. I am only 31 and want my life back. Any advice?

Hey this will sound kinda , different. Ok, definately get some other ortho/neuro/pain management opinions! Not just one or two. See what a bunch of em tell ya and your bound to decide on whats gonna work for you or at least have several options to consider. Here's another thought, try rehab with swimming, easy does it, jacuzzi for comfort, eat more protein cut down on all the carbs but be sensible about it. For pain, I would do the exercise, jacuzzi, and smoke some bitchin weed for the freakin pain! I'd get off those Rx long term they are bound to mess your body up amigo. Realize that there will be a transition when you try something different. It sucks but ya gotta give something a chance to work. Good luck to you have a Happy Holiday!  (+ info)

Why do most people say they have back/neck injuries after a car accident?

I recently had a car accident and people were telling me I need to see a doctor and sue the other driver. But I was so thankful to be alive I didn't care about the accident.When did this era began that everyone thinks of this same theory automatically? or how is it that everyone seem to the same type of injuries when it comes to car accidents, and eager to sue the person that hit them? Please no mean answers because I am just asking a question of life:)

some do. many more have pre-existing problems aggravated by one, but you're right to a degree, there are a lot of opportunists out there who think an accident is like winning the lotto.  (+ info)

I have pretty severe mid back pain from old injuries.What beside cortisone can be used Celebrex did nothing.?

I had a cortisone injection last week but today the pain is back.I have also tried PT and an osteopath.
I broke my rib on my left side towards the back a couple of years ago and the leg on my right side is 3.5 inches shorter from a fall from a cliff in 1972.My back never gave me trouble untill I broke my rib.The cortisome injection only gave me partial relief for 5 days.CT scan didn't show anything besides the old injuries.I have done everything PT Ostopath ect without even partial relief.I take 40 mg of vicodine 10/325 a day.Not sure where to go from here

A couple of thoughts on this, being I've had the same problem. Try Lidocane patches, you'll have to get a prescription from your doctor for these. These are a pain patch worn over the affected area and slowly disperse numbing medicine to the spot. Another idea is a TEN's unit. Again, you'll need a doctors order to buy/use one. This is a small electrical unit with 2-4 patches you wear over the affected area, and it delivers small low voltage current to numb the nerves. A PT can teach you how to use it. Finally, exercises are good to strengthen the back. Doing them once or twice will not help, after a back injury you'll need to make a exercise program a daily routine. Strong muscles will support the spine better, preventing future flare ups.  (+ info)

How do you care for an unconscious victim of head, neck, or back injuries?

1st - don't move them or you could make their injuries much worse (unless puts them in further danger not to do so - fire, drowning, etc.)

2nd - call 911

3rd - look for any visible injuries/bleeding - do what you can for those injuries, without moving the victim, while you wait for help to arrive. There's nothing that first aid can do for brain or spinal injuries.  (+ info)

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