FAQ - Barretts esofagus
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Do I still have Barretts Esophagus?

My doctor performed an endoscopy 1 year ago, took 2 biopsies and told me that I had Barretts Esophagus with Intestinal Metaplasia and no Dysphasia. Last week he performed another endoscopy with one biopsy and said that I showed no signs of Barretts Esophagus or Intestinal Metaplasia which relieved me. He seemed perplexed but said I was OK. I still have a hoarse voice at times with burning in my throat. Should I be concerned and is it possible for Barretts Esophagus to go away?

It could be converted to healthy tissue or malignant .if during that year you was keen to obey your doctor advice up to letter then your fine and maybe this perplexed your doctor for him to find such a patient  (+ info)

Do plastic Hair Barretts have led in them?

Ok so my friend and i went to the dollar store to buy candles litghters and hair clips (cup cakes C:)
but, apprently the retared lady at 6the checkout was like
"oh im sorry i cant sell these to you, its unotherized"
where like oh no the the lighters
then she holds up the barretts
and asks anothe rlady whats wrong the the machine
then the fat hobo replied "oh they have led in them we cant sell them"
im like FTW o-e and im standing htere about to cry
because, they are cupcakes D:
my tummy is really sad now
and i jujst want to know
down ALL plastic barretts have led in them>?
because we think it might have been the lightsers and she was so freakin retarded that she didnt know lighters had more led then plastic T^T
. . .

no not all plastic barrets have led in them, only certain kinds, like the cheaper ones  (+ info)

For a tv characters theme day at work I am going as Kelly Kapowski from Saved by the Bell. About her hair?

Since I used to watch the show religiously as a young girl I know how she styled her hair. The poofy bangs in the front swept to one side. Often barretts and clips were used. A side-ponytail here and there.
But I am hoping someone will have some advice on how exactly to get that look. The feathered poof bangs and big hair kind of look. I figured that "teasing" your hair is the best way to get volume but since I grew up in the 90's I never did that to my hair. So any kind of advice is greatly appreciated!

I'd mousse the hell out of it and blow-dry with your head up-side-down. It will give you the same effect as teasing, but with a lot less damage.  (+ info)

Which Body building supplement to take from holland and barrets?

Just wondering what body building supplement i should take from holland and barretts and i currently take creatine capsules so what would go with that? Max price around £20

Creatine and protein are perfect for increasing muscle mass and strengthening muscles. You've got to make sure you work out quite often though otherwise you'll increase in water mass.

PS avoid holland and barrett and find your local body building shop! The owner will be massive and ripped no doubt. Tell him how you want to look and he'll give you good advice so you'll go back to him in the future and buy more of his product. Also, you can haggle with them!  (+ info)

What's the secret of making good popcorn?

I had a proper pop corn machine bought me which makes the popcorn from with the seeds I got from Holland & Barretts. After cooking them I was left with hot tasteless popcorns. So the question is how do I get to flavour them with say honey etc. I have no instructions with the popcorn machine apart from adding some oil.

Start with a good quality popcorn like Orville Redenbacher's along with an oil especially for popcorn. There area several flavors to choose from, I like the plain butter. You can find these oils in the grocery store around the popcorn....Regular oil just doesn't give a good flavor.They are some flavored salts & powders as well, read on the labels what is best for air popped or regular popped..The standard instructions should be on the back of either the popcorn or the oil or salt..  (+ info)

Did you have Gastric Bypass? How long did it take for your hair to grow back?

I was wondering is there anyone out there who's had Gastric Bypass, and did you lose 40-50% of your hair? I had a very thick beautiful mane of hair, and long too, and I've had to cut it to my shoulders because I lost about %50 of my hair. I know it does grow back, but how long did it take before you saw a difference in the thickness of your hair? I have to keep mine up in a barrett because there's no body to it, and it's just mainly strings. How do you style your thinning, or already thinned hair?

My sister had gastric bypass surgery. She lost a buttload of weight, but only because the surgeon made the stomach too small, and reverse paristollisis occured. (throwing up) Even water would come back out. She had to have her gall bladder removed because she lost allot of weight very fast. She never had hairloss. My cousin had this same surgery and didn't have any hair loss either... Sorry... My mom is loosing hair, but that is because she has allopecia. She is using Rogaine for men. My sister has since had the procedure reversed for obvious reasons....  (+ info)

What do you think of these names for twin girls?

My friend is having twin girls and her and her husband have chosen Sadie and Jaime (surname Barrett) and i wanted to know what you think of these names?

And what middle name would you use for them?

Jaime is Jamie if you didn't already know.

Jaime doesn't sound like a regular girls name, but a lot of people are adding new variations, like Alyse and Kaylin (as opposed to Alice and Caitlin).

Yeah, they're good.

Barrett? as in Barrett .50 Cal? WHO ELSE KNOZ WHAT THAT IS?  (+ info)

ever heard of john barrett are his hair products any good?

10 points!
actually his products are supposed to be amazing.

i don't think they are  (+ info)

What is the best Colon Cleanse Tablets i can buy from Holland & Barrett?

I have trouble going to the toilet and my doctor has told me to go to Holland & Barrett and get a Colon Cleanse Tablet, but i dont know what one is best, she also told me to try Acai Berry Tablets to help with the bloating, any advice?

Thanks x

try both of them but not at the same time, so you can evaluate which one is effective. This acai berry is very effective, for more info on acai berry products you can try visiting this website

for colon cleanse product reviews you can try
www.coloncleansecapsules.com  (+ info)

where can i buy cherry juice in the UK?

i can only find cherry juice online or a concentrated version in holland and barrett...any ideas? do any of the supermarkets stock cherry juice or is it popular in another country's cuisine?

You could try Aldi or Lidl - they often stock unusual fruit juices.  (+ info)

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