FAQ - Bells pares
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What is the rule with touching dumb bells together when doing a bench press?

When doing a bench press with dumb bells, do you touch them together when fully extended at the top? Or are we not suppose to touch dumb bells together when fully extended?

DON'T DO IT! It send vibrations down your radial ulna (forearm bones) and is very bad for the elbows (even if you're in a wussy gym like mine la fitness and they're rubber coated, it's still bad for you). Additionally when they clink, although it sounds cool, you're taking pressure off the muscle and momentum will bring the dumbbells down now instead of the negative contraction. Bring them close but they don't have to touch, trust me you'll get the same benefit.  (+ info)

What can I do with dumb bells to develop bigger chest muscles?

I use the perfect push up and it has made my arms bigger but I have a small chest. I'm 6 feet tall and only 150 pounds. I want to get a bigger chest. I have two 20 pound dumb bells. What can I do with them to aquire a bigger, stronger chest? Thanks for the advice.

you can do dumbell press, incline press and decline dumbell press
also you can do flys
here are my favorites:
http://www.shapefit.com/chest-exercises-dumbbell-flyes.html  (+ info)

What are some good exercises to do with dumb bells?

I walk between 3-6 miles a day so I am losing the weight that I want to lose but getting back in shape, for me, includes muscle too. I would like to do dumb bell excercises because my schedule makes that extremely convenient. I need to work on my chest, biceps triceps and whatever else you can explain to me that I could work on with dumb bells. I think I could incorporate them with crunches or situps, not sure how/where to hold them. Please explain in detail some different things that I can do with them, as they're all that I want to buy because of their portability. Give me everything you got! Thanks a lot!

you can do so many exercises with dumbells it may take too long to try and answer.

Chest presses. You will need a bench, or do them on the ground.
Shoulder presses
Incline presses
skull crushers
pec flys

and on and on.

Go to mens health.com and sign up for a free 10 day personal trainer. It will give you examples of these and more. Just be sure to cancel after 10 days or they will start charging you.  (+ info)

How often is Bells Palsy a symptom of lyme disease? How accurate are blood tests for lyme disease?

My son was put on steroids after being diagnosed with bells palsy. Since he was bite by a deer tick 5 months before any symptoms I am worried he has lyme disease. The blood test was completed and came out negitive. Could the steroids have caused a false negitive?

aaargh!! DEB- FIRST, TAKE YOUR KID OFF ALL STEROIDS UNTIL LYME DISEASE IS RULED OUT BY A QUALIFIED [LYME-LITERATE] DOCTOR!! Why? Steroid use can lead to PERMANENT neurological damage if the disease IS present & allowed to get into places where it normally couldn't, due to the local immune-response suppression that steroids cause. {sigh} PLEASE take heed of this warning.
Now... Bells Palsy is not a "common" symptom but not rare either, though it occurs more in children, and especially when the bite is in the head/ neck area.
As far as the accuracy of Blood tests for Lyme, they are woefully inadequate & miss ABOUT 1/2 the actual cases of Lyme. (I hate having to repeat this over & over, but do some research. It's sadly true.)
Lyme disease remains a clinical diagnosis (see CDC & even IDSA guidelines). The typical ELISA test relies on the body's ability to generate sufficient antibodies to the Lyme spirochete PIECES to be detected by the test. Sometimes there aren't enough...for various reasons.
Finally, steroids can suppress immune response, but I haven't heard that they particularily interfere with the common blood tests for Lyme.
(Oh... and My neurological Lyme symptoms started 4 months after the tick bite. A very common period of time, as I understand.)  (+ info)

How do you work out your pectorials (chest muscles) with dumb-bells?

I want to get jacked and I can do that on my own but how do you work out your pecs? Im only 14 but I am strong for my age and need a bigger chest to matchthe rest of me... Sorry that was kind of weird.... And I need to know if I need special equiptement or if I can just use my dumb-bells

bench press

use this site it has helpe me allot reach my fitness goals.

http://www.intense-workout.com/  (+ info)

What is the best way for beginners to start off using dumb bells?

I would like to start and work out abit more and would like to buy some equipment and was wondering what weigth's etc. to buy to start off with as i have never used dumb bells before. Thanks.

I'm not sure of your size, but the weight shouldn't be so easy that you can do 12-15 repetitions without some effort on the last few. It shouldn't be so heavy that the first couple of repetitions of an exercise are really hard. Stay a bit on the lighter side until you get used to it. You can always increase the reps.  (+ info)

What is Bells Palsy and how can it be treated and cured?

I just got word that one of my relatives has been diagnosed with Bells Palsy. I know very little about this condition? What are the syptoms? How can one get better? How can a doctor help? What are the long range challenges? Can one still have a quality of life? Is this cureable and if not how can this condition be managed.

Bells Palsy is chacterized by lack of muscular control on one side of the face. it's caused by a malfunction of the facial nerve. Someone with bells palsy might have problems smiling completely, or it might look like one side of their face doesn't move. If you've ever seen batman, imagine "two-face". It's completely painless, and is sometimes more of just an annoyance than a real problem.

There's still a big debate about what causes it, but some studies indicate that EBV (the virus that causes mono), Herpes and Lyme disease might be a cause. Generally it tends to go away on it's own in a few weeks to a few months. There are not many treatments for this. I generally tell my patients to wait a month and see how it goes, unless it's severe and they have problems eating and such. Then i usually prescribe steroid medications.

It shouldn't affect the quality of someone. They might drool a bit at first, or have some problems eating, but they should get used to it very soon. As I said, symptoms generally disappear within a few weeks to a few months  (+ info)

What is the right age to exercise with dumb bells?

Is it true that the growth of height is stunted due to the use of dumb bells?

the height thing is lies. Muscle will not restrict you from growing. You can lift however many you want. My friend has been lifting since 6th grade and we are in 9th now and hes huge. (Height and muscles) You might not want to jump to a high weight though. just lift what you can and when you can do more then 10 reps up the weight

hope i helped  (+ info)

Is it odd that 3 people from the same church have come down with bells palsy?

We know a lady at church that came down with bells palsy a little over a month ago. Then about 2 weeks ago my Dad came down with it. Today I learned that another lady we know from church now has it. Is this strange?

The devil gave them bells palsy, stop going to church... haha

just kidding, but yeah, bells palsy isn't communicable, maybe like the person above said they're all just stressed out  (+ info)

Where can I buy a cheap set of dumb bells online or in person without paying a ton in shipping charges?

I'm looking for 1-3 pound set of dumb bells, but shipping is a killer! Is there any stores I could go to for a cheap set? and can I buy a set (under 5 pounds) for around $10? Thanks
Thanks, but I've already asked on my freecycle group 3 times over the last 2 weeks and nobody has any to give me.

Try your local freecycle site - www.freecycle.org  (+ info)

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