FAQ - Bett och stick
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How can I motivate myself to stick to a diet and exercise plan?

I've tried various things, but in no time at all I give up and head to to the couch to watch TV and eat some munchies. How can I motivate myself to stick to a plan?
I'm a young teen without a drivers license living in a semi-rural area... no place to work out for miles.

cut a picture of someone from a fitness magazine that you would like to look like and stick it on your bathroom door, or better, yet, the fridge!

Buy an outfit in a too small size and hang it where u can see it  (+ info)

How do I make my meatballs stick together on the electric skillet?

Do I just ball up the meatball ingredients and roll them around? Should I roll them in anything to help them stick together? Please respond.

Why would you want them to "stick together"? The idea is to fry them seperately!  (+ info)

How do you make loose glitter stick?

I have glitter that isn't eyeshadow. And its just loose glitter, how do I make it stick to my eyelid. I have tried using lipstick on my eyelid and it makes it clumpy. I really want to wear it, but all that came with it was a lil cotton ball powder looking thing to pat it on. Then the glitter falls off eventually. Any suggestions? Or tips?
A cream eyeshadow? What do you mean? Eyeshadow wont make it stick. Do you mean cream/lotion?
I don't want my eyelid to be sticky. I need something that I don't have to buy to apply at home. I kinda don't have the money to buy anything.
Is there no way to get that stuff on?

maybe you should try lip-gloss as base before applying the glitters. Just some hours ago, i sat next to a lady that had glitters on but i couldn't tell if it were loose glitters though but i guessed so. there was this nice glossy look to her eyelids that wasn't too shiny so i guessed she had applied clear lip-gloss mildly to her eyelids before applying the glitters. And it stuck! Go girl! its not going to make you sticky. and you should have clear lip-gloss at home as a lady.  (+ info)

What is the difference between chap stick and lip balm?

My lips are very dry and hurt real bad because of it. I asked my mom for chap stick and she said all I have is lip balm. And I asked if it was the same thing, and she said no. What is the difference?

Just that some lip balm has slight color to it (like Bonne Bell's LipLites: Glossy Tints),and will end up giving your lips a slight bit of color,which ChapStick won't.

And,most lip balms are not medicated,as ChapStick and Blistex are.

But,ChapStick and Blistex are both still types of lip balm.  (+ info)

How do you get seasonings to stick to popcorn without using grease?

I used to put (vegan) smart balance on my popcorn to get the nutritional yeast to stick, but now I'm trying to cut fat from my diet.

Does anyone have an alternative method that doesn't involve animal ingredients?

To make popcorn, your going to have to be using some sort of oil to get it to pop - unless your using a hot air popper.

Be careful or removing too much fat from your diet because there are serious side effects to doing so - and will cause great pain when you are attempting to use the restroom - if you catch my drift.......

Just use a the Smart Balance - just don't use so much that it is dripping or soaked with it. Moderation is the key.  (+ info)

What is the best way to stick to a health and exercise regimen?

I am trying to bring myself down to a healthy weight. Over the past three weeks I have been eating exponentially healthier (replaced junk in my diet with veggies, and cut my overall calorie intake by about 2/3rds). I want to some advice on ways to keep my healthy lifestyle going. It hasn't been tough yet, but if anyone has any tips that have worked for them, or others, to help stick to a healthy lifestyle, I would appreciate it.

keep it foremost in your mind, talk to people about what they are doing to stay fit, research health areas ......diabetes, running versus speed walking or swimming, healthy cooking sites, make it a passion......get yourself a few buddies that enjoy fitness and tell them to ring you up when they are going on a hike, jog or swim...they more you learn the more you will be convinced that a healthy weight and lifestyle is the way to go  (+ info)

How can I motivate myself to stick to my diet for weight loss?

I've got a good diet all planned out, even talked to a nutritonist, but i'm a horribly impatient person and i know results arent going to come in just one day.

How can i motivate myself enough to stick to it for a couple of weeks? Once i see some results, i'll be fine, but until then?
Jen O you helped none. I know what motivation is, sheesh, i just need something to motivate me.

Motivation comes from all sources. It could be a picture, a friend, or other weight loss success stories.

Here's a list of key ingredients I found on a website (not that you think I thought it up myself!):

1. Your belief.

2. Your mindset.

3. Your reason.

4. Keeping up your positive focus.

5. Setting practical goals and milestones.

6. Getting all the support available.

7. Rewarding yourself regularly for your new healthy behavior.

The more of these key ingredients you can take care of, the better chance you have of staying motivated.

Best of luck with your weight loss!  (+ info)

How do you get salt to stick to home popped popcorn?

You cant put it in the machine, but putting salt on afterwards doesnt 'stick'. Can you get special salt? Help!

If you are using oil it should be sticking. But there is popcorn salt that is more of a finely ground powder with flavoring added.  (+ info)

How can I get sauces to stick to my chicken when I bake them?

Every time I try to make Barbecue chicken or any chicken with a sauce or marinade it all runs off. How could I get it to stick better? If I coated the chicken in flour first and then the sauce would it help it? Do you have any tips?
Thanks. :)

Season your chicken with S&P and place in a 450 oven for 5 mins then reduce the heat to 350...this will help crisp the chicken and dry the surface.let bake 30 mins then remove and drain juices& grease..(.the grease&juice_ dilutes the sauce making it thinner and less likly to adhere to the meat)
Baste chicken well with sauce and return to oven for an addition 45 min basting ever 15 mins with sauce.  (+ info)

What causes egg shells to sometimes stick to boiled eggs and making them hard to peel?

Sometimes when I boil eggs, the shells stick and don't come off the egg easily. What causes this and how can it be avoided?

Don't use really fresh eggs. The membrane between the shell and egg is too tight. I use ones a week or more old.

And, after they're boiled, plunge them immediately into ICE water to cool.  (+ info)

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