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Bipolar disorder?

I'm writing a book. Anyone have any experience with living with a parent/loved one with bipolar disorder? I'm particularly interested in the mania stage of the disease. The mother in my book has it and rarely, if ever (I'm in planning stages) goes through the depressive stage. Mainly just mania. Any comments/anything I need to know?
I may describe the depressive side, but it isn't actually required to have the disorder. I do know a little bit of what's required for diagnosis, but I don't know what it's like to be around someone who has the disorder.

I dated a woman once who was bi-polar. Every time she went through a depressive stage I would hold her in my arms all night long and tell her everything was going to be ok. She would tell me about why she was sad and I would stay with her until it was over. One time I asked her what was wrong and she told me she didn't like her toothbrush. That was when I realized that she would never be better, that I couldn't take all her pain away, that I was helpless with her problems.

Later, I went into healthcare. At one point I got one of my MR residents diagnosed as bi-polar (they incorrectly thought he had obsessive compulsive disorder). When he was manic he would be easily distracted, in the middle of a conversation he would start cleaning his apartment because it was dirty. He would do this for hours at a time even if there were other more pressing things to do. When he finally had a depressive episode he would lie in bed and lack the energy to even get up. The medicine helped but left him feeling like he couldn't experience emotions (it took the highs & lows away).

I remember a third person who was obsessed with germs, when she was in a manic state she would shower dozens of times a day. She would actually run her books and notebooks through the dishwasher to keep them germ free.

Manic Depressive behaviour often looks a lot like OCD, except in OCD people realize what they are doing is silly - they just don't feel comfortable not doing it. With bipolar they don't realize there is anything wrong with thier behaviour.

It can be very difficult to live with someone with Bipolar, and it requires a special kind of love.

Good luck with the book :-)

NOTE: manic / depressive cycles are very long, usually weeks or months... shorter cycles (hours or days) are a different disorder.  (+ info)

Bipolar Disorder?

I saw a web site for Bipolar disorder people to date,In other words, Bipolar disorder dating site.Is this a good idea,2 people with the same diorder.Would like feedback on this.

I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder myself, and quite honestly, I think it is a horrible idea for two people with this disorder to date.

I want to be able to have a normal love life, not a relationship that focuses on Bipolar.  (+ info)

bipolar disorder?

My 14 year old brother has bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, fetal alchol syndrome, and oppositional difiance disorder. He and i were severely abused by my biological mother for many years, and all of the non-genetic disorders are results of the abuse. My biological mother also had many mental disorders, including the bipolar, which she passed on to him. I managed to escape the situtation with only bad memories and bruises. Why does he have so many problems and i have none? I am not saying that i want any of them, just wondering how i managed to not get them.
We have since been adopted and our entire family is in therapy. The therapist says that i have moved past my issues and have "healed", but because of my brother we are still in therapy.

The reason it passed you by is because the universe wants and needs you to be there for your brother. Coming from the background that you did I am so glad that you are both in counseling.  (+ info)

Bipolar DIsorder?

Can Untreated Depression or Major Depressive Disorder turn into Bipolar Disorder and/or psychosis?

its not the un-treating it makes it turn into bipolar but more that the manic side of bipolar was just lay dormant waiting for something to trigger it off.
take care good luck  (+ info)

BIPOLAR DISORDER???????????????????


please help me out my teacher wont help me and Google or all encyclopedias don't explain any of this. Do u know???

The reason you can't get definitive answers, is that there are none. The current research does indicate the possibility of a genetic link, but that is not proven. The statistics shows that it does tend to run in families, but no specific gene has been linked to Bi-Polar disorder. It could be a genetic and environmental causes.

Sorry, but there are no definitive answers to your questions.  (+ info)

BiPolar Disorder?

I'm a 12 year old girl. I think I have BiPolar Disorder.
Ever since i can remember i have had anger issues, occasionally ( like every 6 months) i get very frustrated, angry, or outraged and afterwards i have a complete melt down... Then after about and hour and thirty minutes I'm ok again! (Weird huh?) Well this week it has happened twice! And right now im on top of the world... Bipolar disorder seems to be the only answer...
Earlier today I was having tons of troubl with my algebra homework. I was cursing, out loud, tearing and stabbinng at my book, pulling my hair out, and plain just beating things ( even my own hand with a pencil...
So my sister offers me help soo i except it because i was SSOO confused. Well she helped but my behaviorgot even worse. So i get introuble with my dad.
Then of course had a melt down... then got better

How can i tell my parents i think i am bipolar and them take me to a doctor?

Do you think im bipolar?

What are the symptoms?

What you descried doesn't seem to indicate bipolar disorder. I do think you should talk to your parents and explain to them that you feel like your behavior is out of your control and that you don't want to behave this way and that you feel that you need help. Maybe you just need someone to talk to, pinpoint where your anger is coming from. Also they can teach you ways to deal with your anger without letting your emotions get the best of you. Just google bipolar and you can find the symptoms easily.  (+ info)

What happens if bipolar disorder goes untreated for a long time?

Can bipolar disorder form into a more serious mental illness? Also does anyone know why it seems that all the mental disorders involve chemical imbalances, like the dopamine hypothesis, and serotonin and all that. Psychologists always say its Genetics, though it really seems environmental factors play the biggest role. I honestly think that almost all personality, mood, and psychotic disorders are not cause by genetics, but the way people were raised and the kind of life they lead.


If left untreated people can cycle and their moods will escalate and then depression sets in. Genetics are involved, but I also believe enviroment plays a huge role. Good luck!!  (+ info)

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

I was wondering, what are like the symptoms of bipolar disorder? I know its like manic and major depression, or there's another kind? called like bipolar ii or something? like, its hyper manic and just depression? Any details on these? Also, could someone be able to suspect that they are bipolar or have bipolar ii (if that's what its called)? Thanks in advance. I'm not trying to diagnose anyone, I'm just wondering, of some of the symptoms and different types of bipolar.

There is bipolar 1, bipolar 2, cyclothemia, and bipolar NOS.

Cyclothemia is the most mild. It is characturized by hypomania (mania lite) and moderate depression. People with cyclothemia can generally function, but they may have somewhat unstable lives and may benefit greatly from therapy.

Bipolar 2 is the "swinging" bipolar. It goes from hypomania to severe depression. People with bipolar 2 do tend to go through remissions, and can function during hypomanic times generally, but may not be able to function during severely depressed times. They often wind up seeking help while depressed and getting misdiagnosed.

Bipolar 1 is the "raging" bipolar that goes from full-blown mania, severe depression, or mixed episodes. Mania may result in psychotic symptoms, and severe impairment in functioning. Mixed episodes are unique to bipolar 1. Basically, they are what they sound like. A mix of depressive and mani symptoms. The person may be hopeless, anxious, paranoid, but also aggressive, hyperactive, grandiose. Mixed epsiodes cause more suicide attempts than depression because they are so frightening and confusing.

And finally there is Bipolar NOS (Not Otherwise Specified) when the person has some form of bipolar, but the type is unknown, or doesn't fit.

Within any type of bipolar, there is also varying speed of cycles. Typical bipolar episodes of (hypo)mania, depression, or mixed epsisodes last from 3-6 months typically. Rapid cycling is having 4 or more episodes per year. Utridian cycling is even fast than that, sometimes switching moods every couple days (that is the rarest type).

Depression you're probably familiar with (the definition, anyway). Feeling lethargic, hopeless, isolates. In extreme cases it can cause suicidal thoughts or actions.

Mania makes you hyperactive, over-talkative, risk-taking, grandiose (where you may think, for example, that you're going to be a rich movie star). It can cause paraoid thoughts, delusions, even hallucinations in very severe cases.

Hypomania is the milder version of that. The person is hyperactive, talks fast, spends lots of money, takes on more projects than they would otherwise... but it doesn't USUALLY cause their functioning to break down. A lot of people become very creative during hypomanic episodes.

Mixed is the most unpleasant. Paranoia, anxiety, rage, insomnia, and hopelessness are common symptoms.  (+ info)

How can someone get drugs for bipolar disorder for free or at a reduced cost?

A friend of mine is unable to pay for a psychiatrist to prescribe drugs for her bipolar disorder. She has been clinically diagnosed and her bipolar disorder is seriously affecting her quality of life and she is unable to function normally. She is having suicidal thoughts and she really needs help. Are there any gov't agencies that can help her?

If you are in America there are usually psychiatric emergency departments at a hospital. They will either give you samples, or a prescription to be filled at that hospital for low cost. It's usually a long wait to be seen, and the hospitals are usually teaching hospitals - but she will be seen and hopefully helped.

Also, check out local agencies in your area, such as clinics, case management, and behavioral services.  (+ info)

What exactly is bipolar disorder and the symptoms?

I have read that it causes highs and lows. What exactly does that mean when you have highs and lows. Can someone give me a detailed and easy-to-understand explanation of bipolar disorder? Thanks in advance.

Bipolar is one of the types of mood disorder associated with brain. It causes unusual shifts in energy, mood and ability of a person. It is also referred to as maniac depression. It involves recurrent episodes of depression and mania, which recur across the lifespan. A person suffering from bipolar disease often experiences mood instability, depression and extreme mood swings. One time, they may feel very sad, worthless, helpless, despairing and hopeless and another time, they may feel like creative, hyperactive and on the top of the world. This disease is named as bipolar disorder because the mood of a person with bipolar disorder alternates between totally different extremities, such as extreme sadness and euphoric happiness. There are two types of bipolar disorder such as Bipolar I disorder and Bipolar II disorder. The first type involves episodes of severe mood swings, while the second type is a milder form. Cyclothymia is a mild bipolar disorder. Causes of Bipolar Disorder The exact cause of bipolar disorder is not known. However, various genetic, biochemical and environmental factors are supposed to be involved in triggering bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder have some physical and chemical changes in the brain. Neurotransmitters, naturally occurring brain chemicals, contribute in developing bipolar disorder. Hormonal imbalance is also responsible for this disorder. This disease may be due to a combination of multiple genetic and environmental factors. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder Symptoms of bipolar disorder are characterized by alternate patterns of depression and mania. The symptoms may vary mild to severe from person to person. There are different symptoms of bipolar disorder in maniac phase and depressive phase. Manic Phase of Bipolar Disorder A person in the maniac phase may feel very energetic, creative and hyperactive. Some of the common signs of mania are increased activity and gestures, inflated self-esteem, poor temper control, poor judgment and pressured speech. The major symptoms of manic phase are:
Extreme optimism Agitation Euphoria Inflated self-esteem Rapid speech Aggressive behavior Racing thoughts Risky behavior Spending sprees Increased physical activity Increased sexual drive Increased drive to perform or achieve goals Decreased need for sleep Inability to concentrate Tendency to be easily distracted Drug abuse Depressive Phase in Bipolar Disorder Some people may experience more episodes of depressive phase than maniac phase. Some of the general signs of depression are excessive worry, sadness, crying spells and social withdrawal. Some major symptoms of depressive phase are as follows: Hopelessness Sadness Sleep problems Anxiety Irritability Guilt Appetite problems Fatigue Problems in concentration Loss of interest in daily activities Chronic pain due to unknown reason Symptoms of bipolar disorder are serious and can affect entire life of a person. Bipolar depression may result in damaged relationships, marital problems, poor performance in school or at job, and even suicide. Hence, it is very essential to seek an appropriate treatment immediately. Bipolar disorder can be diagnosed on the basis of signs and symptoms. Bipolar disorder treatment focuses on stabilizing mood swings and managing the symptoms. It can be treated with different medications such as lithium, carbamazepine, valproic acid, etc. Various therapies such as psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy and group therapy are found to be helpful the people with bipolar disorder. By Reshma Jirage Published: 11/13/2008    (+ info)

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