FAQ - Bladder Exstrophy
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What happens when you get checked for a bladder infection?

I'll most likely be checked for a bladder infection, and I know the doctor will have to check down there.

I'm not a virgin, but I have had this infection way before anything sexual came along.

But when I'm being checked for the infection, could the doctor tell right away I've had sex?

Can someone just explain to me exactly what happens.

Your assuming you have a bladder infection? The doc will be able to determine by your signs/symptoms. BTW if he did need to check "down there", he would be able to tell if you were a virgin or not.  (+ info)

What is the earliest you can experience weak bladder in a pregnancy?

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant. My period should be coming within the next three to five days (if it comes at all *crosses fingers*). It seems WAY too early in the game to be experiencing a weak bladder, but I can't find another explanation. I don't have UTI symptoms so it's not that and I don't know what else it could be.

Sorry, I don't mean to sound stupid, I just have no idea what's going on.

No it's not stupid you have the right idea. Before i found out i was pregnant i had a weak bladder also.
I felt a weak bladder right away id say probably when i was a month or month and a half pregnant. Or even sooner, not sure i just know it was a early symptom.
That was one of my early signs. Including being thirsty all the time, tired with a cold.  (+ info)

What are symptoms of a gull bladder infection?

I've been having pains on the top part of my stomach and a headache (but the headache might not have anything to do with it, cause I also get headaches because of my eyes). Anyway, my older sister (who is now 22) had to have her gull bladder removed because of an infection or something like that and my mom thinks that I could have the same problem. Where is the gull bladder located and what are the symptoms for an infection? Thanks!
Sorry. *Gall Bladder*

The Gallbladder is located in the right upper part of your abdomen. Gallbladder infections (Cholecystitis) are symptomatic with pain in that area as well as radiation at times to the chest and right shoulder blade, fever and nausea and vomiting. Evaluation of the disease at a hospital would show an elevated WBC (white count) and sludge and gallbladder wall thickening on Ultrasound.
Gallbladder Disease, Gallstones (cholelithiasis), can cause biliary colic or spasm, pain in the same area with ingestion of a fatty meal. Not necessarily an infection, just spasm of the gallbladder which stores and secretes bile to digest fats. To minimize biliary colic or gallbladder pain, stick to a low fat diet. A ultrasound can diagnose Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis.  (+ info)

What is the most effective way to clear a bladder infection in my dog?

I have a 5 yr. old rescued greyhound and when she gets a bladder infection it takes weeks to clear up. Any faster methods to cure?

You can go in rectally and massage the infection out. It's messy, but it's worth every stinky second. Or take the stupid thing to a damn vet.  (+ info)

What kind of natural remedies are out there for bladder infections for cows?

We have a cow who has a bladder infection. I need to treat her with our tainting the milk. Thanks!

If the UTI has already established then I guess the cow needs antibiotics. The specific antimicrobial will likely depend on the culture once it gets back from the lab. As with humans, untreated UTIs can be fatal. Call the vet, and buy milk from the shop while she is being treated.  (+ info)

Could an incision to the left of the bladder affect the bladder itself?

Today I got an incision to the left of my bladder, fixing a couple veins in my scrotum. It still feels numb and is still swollen, and I find peeing somewhat difficult.

Is the incision and the local anesthestics used connected to my troubles peeing and the bladder?

Yes, the local anesthetic could have affected the muscles of the bladder, making it difficult for them to contract properly (which they need to do in order to pee normally). It should wear off within a day or so at the most; if not, give your doctor's office a call.  (+ info)

Why do I feel like I have a bladder infection right before I start my period?

i have a history of bladder infections, and have never felt like i was getting a bladder infection before starting my period. but for the past 4 months, i have felt like i have a bladder infection a couple of days before starting. why is that?

It's very possible that you actually do have a bladder infection! Try drinking cranberry juice, and if it gets serious go to your doctor and try to get them to prescribe you antibiotics.  (+ info)

If all my bladder infection symptoms stopped, should i still go to see a doctor?

I havent gone to the doctor yet, but I've had bladder infection symptoms for a couple weeks and now they are all gone. Should I still go to the doctor, or am I fine now?

Go to the doctor. Just because you feel better does not mean the infection is gone.  (+ info)

What's the difference between kidney stones and bladder stones?

Or do bladder stones even exist? Please NO pictures!

Bladder stones are small masses of minerals that form in your bladder, the balloon-shaped organ in your pelvis that stores urine. Bladder stones, also called bladder calculi, often form when concentrated urine sits in your bladder. As urine stagnates, minerals in the urine form various crystals that may combine to form "stones." Bladder stones usually develop secondary to another condition, such as an enlarged prostate or a urinary tract infection.

Kidney stones (renal calculi or nephrolithiasis) are pieces of minerals found in the kidneys. They may stay in the kidney or travel out of the body through the urinary tract—the tubes that connect the kidney to the bladder (ureters) and lead outside the body (urethra). When traveling through the urinary tract, a stone may cause no pain or cause great pain and other symptoms. Kidney stones usually do not cause any long-term damage to the urinary tract.

See illustrations of a kidney stone and a stone traveling through a ureter.

About 12 out of every 100 Americans (12%) have a kidney stone at some time during their lives, and almost half of all people who have a stone will get more stones within 5 years unless they take preventive measures. 1

What causes kidney stones?
Kidney stones may form when the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other substances found in urine changes. How this balance changes determines the type of kidney stone you have. Most kidney stones are calcium-type—they form when the calcium levels in your urine change.

Factors that can change your urine balance include not getting enough fluids (dehydration); certain medical conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease; and eating foods high in oxalate, such as dark green vegetables. Kidney stones may also be an inherited disease, as they often occur in family members over several generations.  (+ info)

What are causing all of my bladder infections?

I have had numerous bladder infections and I am on the second antibiotics they my system as come immune to. I have no idea why I am getting these bladder infections, I have stopped using tampons and I urinate after intercourse I don't know what else to do. Could taking baths every night be the cause? Any ideas what could be causing all of these infections? Is there any way to prevent them?

One way to keep yourself healthy down there is to drink around 8 cups of water a day, it's a natural way to help your body detox. You also may be low in certain vitamins. Or have an STD. When was your last physical that included blood tests? Have you gotten a pap smear this year yet? Another thing you can do is keep yourself extra clean in that region, but try not to get lotion of perfumes there. Use a mild soap to clean yourself. Another factor can be a genetic thing. You may be prone to getting bladder infections. Hope this Info helps. Good Luck & Feel Better!

p.s. if you are going to drink cranberry juice for the bladder infections, make sure to get 100% cranberry juice. Most of them are just pure added sugars, and tons of other juices added to it. You can find the pure cranberry juice in the health section in your supermarket.  (+ info)

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