FAQ - Blod- och lymfatiska sjukdomar
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what can be done about blod clots in the heart.foodwise or other to eliminate?

friend of mine say she has blod clot in heart..is there anything can be done besides surgery to make it go away?herbs or sumthing?

There is no food that will do the trick. Warfarin (coumadin) is a drug used to prevent clotting. A more important issue is to address why there is clotting. That is not normal. Atrial fibrillation is a condition which can result in clotting. If it can be stopped there is no need for thinning blood. Also, one should also be mindful of any medical conditions which may contraindicate the use of blood thinners.  (+ info)

How long can a blod clot in the lung go undetected?

I am a 32 year old female who was just diagnosed with blood clot in the left lung. Severe symptoms came on about 6 day s prior but looking back now for past couple of months I had dry cough at night and was increasingly getting more tired and depressed feeling. Is it possible to have clot in the lung for months possibly even a year before detection?????

It can go undetected for months. My husband is also 32, and had a pulmonary embolism almost 2 years ago. For about 2 months prior, he was noticing unusual shortness of breath. For example, after walking up about 4 stairs at a bowling alley, he felt winded for no good reason. Then about a week before he was finally diagnosed with several blood clots in both lungs, he started feeling sick...coughing up blood, chest pain, fever. He was diagnosed with pneumonia, and when he wasn't getting better with antibiotics we had him tested for blood clots. Since then we've also found out that he has genetic a blood clotting disorder called Factor V Leiden. About 30% of people with pulmonary embolism turn out to have that. There are many other blood clotting disorders too. Young people especially are likely to have some sort of disorder.  (+ info)

what is life time of the HIV when it is outside the body , in a blod drop for example?

for example, when somebody is enfected with HIV and he got injured , the blod drops contains HIV. what is the lifetime of the HIV virus in this drop?

What I have read in my infection control, HIV lives a short period of time when it is exposed to air. However hepatitis can live for days and can be reactivated if dried blood becomes moist. However due to the deadly nature of both illnesses, I would not advise not to be tested. There is no reason to take chances.  (+ info)

How do you maintain normal blod pressure?

Mine is low while my bf's is high. A few days ago his blood pressure was v high and he was very tired we're 24 and 25 so we're not supposed to be that way.
Thank you

The most important thing to realize is that you must manage this problem yourself. After the initial investigation, you should be able to handle the management of this problem with relatively few visits to the doctor. It will be up to you to control your weight, your exercise, your salt intake, and to take your medicines. We think that it also should be up to you to take your own blood pressure. No matter how much the doctor would like to take care of this for you, he or she can't. Your doctor should be no more than a trusted advisor. You are in control, and good doctors will emphasize this point. I hope this helps you. And good luck.  (+ info)

i had a blod clot in my lunch a few months ago in july, and i was wondering if i could smoke marijuana?

i do not currently smoke, but i would like to recreationally smoke marijuana. would i die from the smoking? i know that MJ expands your blood vessels and this is the part i worry about. will i have another pulmonary embolism if i smoke MJ?

ask ur docter  (+ info)

I can not afford to see a Dr. about blod clots and such in my leg. Any suggestions on self help?

I am a female 42 yrs old and this happened overnight.
Well my leg just swelled over night and I have pain in my tailbone all the way to below my calf, left side. I have 0 insurance. I am confused as to why this is happening.

blood clots in the leg don't have any self-help options. you must go to the hospital for treatment because you're currently at risk of stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism or death if part of the clot breaks off and travels somewhere else. aspirin is no substitute for proper thombolytic therapy, as aspirin reduces platelet aggregation to help prevent the formation of clots while thrombolytic therapy dissolves the clots. as to why it's happening - women seem to be at a higher risk of blood clots and it tends to be hormone-related - ie. women on the contraceptive pill or hormone replacement therapy. when I worked in a female medical ward - most of the women in with DVT's and PE's were 40+.  (+ info)

Wen people get shot, its is normal for blod to come out of they mouth?

And wat is the biological mechinisms involved?

  (+ info)

What is the different in blod types?

I'm A+, and I was once told that A+ is useless blood. Especially since I donate blood once in a while. Last I donated was to help a woman get a blood transfusion.
What are rare or significant blood types then?

I suggest this website: http://anthro.palomar.edu/blood/ABO_system.htm

A+ is NOT useless- no blood is useless, because blood donations are very much needed. It's REALLY great that you donate your time.. and blood. :)

Generally, A+ and B+ are very common blood types, so they have a good stock of those types. "Rare" blood types: O, AB-, and AB+.  (+ info)

If a man's blod type is Bpos and his wife's is Arh neg,what blod type is their child going to have?

I don't know much about blood types or why they are important.My son and his wife have a new baby and I have some questions.I do know that DNA is used nowadays but blood type has to tell something.

A or AB or B or O
Rh factor: + or -  (+ info)

what is the best oil for cooking to the people who are having blod Cholesterol?

sunflower oil / canola oil/ corn oil/ coconut oil ?

WOW! At the risk of upsetting the people who have replied, almost everyone has given the wrong answer. Please forgive me because I make mistakes, too.

No one has given you the correct answer.

The ONLY oil one should cook with is coconut oil. All the rest have low temperatures at which they break down and become potentially hazardous to your health by creating free radicals. Olive oil breaks down at about 140 degrees F!

Coconut oil can be heated up to 375 degrees before it breaks down.

In addition...and this is very important...the other oils are high in omega-6. That can be a pro-inflammatory fatty acid...especially when heated.

In contrast, coconut oil is high in omega-7. It lowers the bad cholesterol while raising the good cholesterol (HDL). The HDL's act as arterial scrubbers. So the more HDL's the merrier.

The most dangerous cholesterol are the free radical cholesterol molecules, or xLDL. Those are the ones that heated olive, canola, and corn oil would make.

Good luck and be well.

Kelley  (+ info)

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