FAQ - Blod- och lymfatiska sjukdomar
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how long does it take for my iron infusion to absorb in the blod cells?

i just had 500cc of iron infusion due to severe anemia and wondering how long will it take to feel more energized and better

Double click on the following website for info.:

http://www.doctorslounge.com/hematology/forums/backup/topic-9258.html  (+ info)

what should i do if my blod pressure suddenly drops in school or class? or anwhere.?

i have alot of low blood pressure moments. and i was wondering what are some techniques or things i can do incase my blood pressure drops randomly. like drinking fluids or something. what are some good foods that i should eat? or drinks? this would mean so much to me and is worth 5 STARS! thank you so much!
ur right! i should go see a doctor! ill schedule an apointment!

A cool cloth on your forehead and lying down and elevating your legs should help, if you havent seen a doctor about this you should.  (+ info)

When a person who is 80 has high blod pressur?

And when they stand up there BP drops very fast Is it a really bad sign
she is in the hospital with a stroke. and they are sending her home over the weekend.. I am a bit nervous as do not know exactly what the BP dropping means

Orthostatic hypotension is brought on by a sudden change in body position, usually when shifting from lying down to standing. This type of hypotension usually lasts only a few seconds or minutes. If this type of hypotension occurs after eating, it is called postprandial orthostatic hypotension. This form most commonly affects older adults, those with high blood pressure, and persons with Parkinson's disease.  (+ info)

i had blod work done that said my pregnancy test was postive and that im 5 weeks and 3 days !?

now im bleeding heavily but never passed any clots or anythng like that , i was at my ob dr yesterday who tok blod to check my quanatative levels and then i have to go back in 2 more days to do it again. is this somethng that is normal .? or is this a miscarriage ? i never had this with my other children so this is new .

Speaking from a woman that has had a miscarriage, that is exactly what it sounds like to me (a miscarriage). But every womans body is different. Heck, there are women that have a normal period all through their pregnancies. Just Pray, remain calm, and continue to seek medical attention. God Bless and Good Luck!  (+ info)

What's the word for someone that likes having needles (injections, blod tests.etc.)?

Like a necrophiliac (or however u spell it) r people who like /have an an obsession having sex with dead people

well wats the word for someone that loves getting vaccinations and actually asks to watch the needle go in...
coz wateva it is...I'm that lol
*but i am NOT a druggie i just like needles in general*

Masochist??  (+ info)

Do I have a blod clot or something weird like that?

I don't know why but I have all these bruises on my legs and some bug bites, but nothing ever goes away I have the same bruises on my legs that I have had for months and one mark on my leg that I have had for a year wth is going on?
i'm not diabetic ( that is a fact)

dont wear tight shorts to sleep or wathever  (+ info)

what do they check for in blod tests?

i have symptoms of anemia but my question is i was in the hospital about a month or so ago for something completely different and they took 2 blood tests from me,when they take a blood test from you do they check everything like anemia,diabetes,cancer and so on? or do they only check for what they think you might have?

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6 weeks preg with twins and have a blod clot?

i am 6 weeks pregnat with fraternal twins and there is a massive blood clot threatening my babies. I am currently on bed rest but wanna know what are my chances of my twins making it. Please help someone iam going crazy.

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How long does blod last in a needle? I am afraid of HIV.. weather someone diebetic pokes me, or a drg user?

Each needle is a new needle so dont worry. They should have gloves on before giving an injection or drawing blood. If you notice that they dont then ask them to put them on. You are very safe when it comes to this.
Other than being in a doctors office I cant imagine why you would be around anyone that has needles.  (+ info)

what to do about high blod pressure?

my mum has high blood pressure, what can she do to bring it down, besides going to see the doctor?

be physically active (at least 30 min 3 times a week), eat healthy, stay in her ideal bmi (body mass index). tell her not to take hot showers or baths or use the steam room or jacuzzi because that only increases your blood pressure. have her monitor her cholesterol and of course stop smoking if she is. hope this helps  (+ info)

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