FAQ - Blodförlust vid operation
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How can I make a wound from a minor operation heal faster?

On Monday I am going to have an AVM (hole) in one of my lungs fixed. This will significantly increase oxygen flow around my body. I will need to have 2 needle size holes in my groin for the coil to go up through an artery to fix the hole. I have had this operation done before with great results. How can I make it heal faster this time by eating fruit etc and any other tips?
Many thanks in advance

I had my ACL repaired and the scar was really ugly at first. My ortho told me it would heal faster if I took baths (once he okayed it) with some stuff called "instant ocean" that you can get in pet stores or big discounters in the pet aisle. It makes the water really salty, but it works to heal wounds really fast. I never heard of it before he told me about it but have used it on every surgical scar and wound ever since. Now that I think about it, epsom salts would probabably do the same thing. Good luck with your procedure.  (+ info)

What happens if you get called for a hospital operation while in prison?

I am being sentenced next week and told to expect about 2 years. I am on the waiting list for a knee operation from a sports injury. What happens if I get the date and am in prison - will I still e able to get the op and how would it be done?

I hate to say it, but you might not be able to get the surgery from the place you wanted to...

Prisons have infirmaries, with surgeons :(  (+ info)

How long are you kept in hospital after an appendix operation?

Once you have been taken to hospital and had an operation on your appendix how long are you kept in hospital for in the U.K?

Depends... if you get in quick and they get it out earlier you can be out the next day.

If it ruptures or if there are complications you could be there for up to a week (give or take).  (+ info)

Is there an operation I can get so I can shoot solid waste from my penis and liquid waste from my rectum?

I think it would be pretty cool to be able spray a solid stream of feces from my penis. Is there an operation that can make my dream a reality?

a rectal/cranial inversion.  (+ info)

How long does it take to recover from carpal tunnel operation?

My wife has severe carpal tunnel and is considering an operation, but is afraid if she is off her job very long they will find a reason to dismiss her.

Is there an alternative to surgery?

it can take weeks I had both of my hands done & I am glad I did I went to a plastic surgeon that does hand surgery I have no scares & the most IMPORTANT THINGS IS THERAPY .... you must do therapy even if you fell better & when the Dr. says no using the hand DON'T USE THE HAND I had the best Dr.  (+ info)

What is the chance that in an operation you won't be put to sleep properly?

I read a story about someone wo wasn't put to sleep properly in an operation but they numbed her so she couldn't tell them, and she was awake when they cut her open! What is the chance that that would happen in an operation? Please help!

It is described in the literature as 1:100,000. Usually the only sensation is really hearing, since it's the last to be anesthetized.

Usually the docs try their best to make sure that you're asleep, by monitoring your face, your heart rate/blood pressure, your movements, in order to make sure you're well under.

The people that tend to get the awake sensation like in the movies are extremely rare and in the lottery ticket odds.  (+ info)

How long does an operation to have your gallbladder removed?

My gran went in for this operation at 2pm today and when we called the hospital they said she was still in surgery but wouldn't tell us anything else. Does anyone know roughly how long this surgery takes and should we be worried? any info would be helpful thankyou.

This person "Questa Q" keeps posting the same link for every question. I suspect this may be a computer virus. Play it safe & don't click on it.

The procedure is a choleycystectomy. Average time is between 1-2 hours for either a "lap choley" (laparascopic) or an "open choley" (a larger abdominal incision). The major diference between the two is the length of the incision and recovery time. Time is affected by any complications that may have been encountered.  (+ info)

How long do I have to wear surgical brace after jaw operation?

I had surgery on both my upper and bottom jaw, including splitting the maxilla. After the operation I have to wear this really uncomfotable brace for positioning my bite and keeping the maxilla stretch. It is really painful and I can't eat much. Can someone tell me what is the minimum time for wearing such brace. I am a healty active person, and my injuries usually heal fast. Thanks.

I think you have to wear them for 6 weeks. I can't remember. My friend had an operation and had to wear them. She was put on a liquid diet. Try taking some asprin to help sooth the pain. It won't hurt after a while.  (+ info)

What should I do if a surgeon accidently left in tubing during operation?

I had surgery over 10 years ago. The surgeon accidently left tubing in. He suggested that I leave it there considering that another invasive operation has risks. I am now having pain and can see the tube protruding from my skin. I don't know what to do or where to start.

Go to the doctor. Despite what the other person says a surgeon won't just take it out, and is not obligated to take it out because you want it out. But if its causing problems you should seek a different doctor and ask his opinion, and frankly consult a lawyer as well, as you possibly have a malpractice case. However, if a surgeon deems that it is more dangerous to take it out than to leave it in then you may not find someone willing to operate to take it out.  (+ info)

Is a second coronary bypass operation more complicated than the first one ? What is the success rate ? ?

What are the risks involved in a second bypass operation ?

you can have but you have to strictly follow up exercises they teach you and the drug has tobe followed as they say behind all these keep your mind cool and relaxed with reaching the tensional atmosphere  (+ info)

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