FAQ - Blodförlust vid operation
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How to prevent growth of nasal polyps after operation?

I recently had an operation of nasal polyps which the doctors removed. People say that the polyps can regrow in months. Is this so? If so, what should I do?

Polyps can regrow quickly. See the links below for more information.

http://www.drmirkin.com/morehealth/8988.html  (+ info)

What is the procedure for a heart-transplant operation?

I wanted to know what the actual procedure was during the operation. I was told it could take between 3-7 hours, and that they have to cut your chest and then get through the ribs somehow, and then stitch in the new heart. Can anyone help out with more details, and names of intruments used, etc? Any comments from actual doctors would be especially great! How do they replace the heart without the patient dying? Thanks!!!

The procedure is nicely explained by the following animation


Essentially the procedure is

Make an incision in the chest down to the breastbone then cut with a saw. Retract the breastbone then cut through pericardium to heart. Attach bypass machine then turn it on so heart is bypassed. Make incisions in major blood vessels so that only a small amount of the heart remains. Then suture the new heart in place. Remove the clamps on blood vessels and turn off bypass blood should flow into the new heart. If it does not restart automatically use a defibrillator. The answer to your second question about the patient dying is that during the operation the heart is bypassed. Blood returning to the heart is taken away by tubes to a bypass machine that oxygenates it and then returns it to the aorta the major artery of your body. By doing this the heart and lungs are bypassed and blood continues to circulate around the body.  (+ info)

Is there any cure for endometriosis without getting an operation?

Young girl of 19 years suffer from endometriosis and want to know if there is anything she can do to be healed without an operation?

There are medications that can help, but surgery is the best long term prognosis.

Oral contraceptives or GnRH agonists would be the possible medications. Frequently all three are used at different times.
First surgery (laproscopy) is performed to confirm diagnosis, and remove whatever scarring and endometrial implants present. Followed by a course of GnRH agonists to further regress any implants not seen or removed by surgery. This if frequently followed by Oral contraceptives indefinitely to keep menstrual periods lite to lessen the likelihood of retrograde bleeding and new implants.

Most doctors would agree, this is the most successful course of treatment and is more likely to preserve fertility.
When and if she wishes to become pregnant she would stop the O.C.'s

I was diagnosed with endometriosis 17yrs ago. My treatment was very successful. I would not say I am cured but I am much, much better. She is a young women and should seek aggressive treatment, waiting increases her chances of infertility and chronic pelvic pain.  (+ info)

How safe is it to have a liver transplant operation in Tianjin hospital in china ?

I am about to travel to China to have such operation, and I would appreciate it if anyone could let me know how safe is it before I go, since it is gonna cost 200,000.00 $

I think you will be amazed at the hospital for all the right reasons. As long as its a decent hospital (and from the price your paying I think it will be, money goes a long way in China) I think you will find it to be clean and well arranged. The doctors English will be ok, but not amazing normally
Don't worry, you will be well looked after, just don't expect the food to be like the Chinese food you are used to!!  (+ info)

How can I get rid of kidney stones without operation by oral medicine only?

I am 32 and having kidney stone past 4-5 years. I have no pain currently but I fear it will damage my kidneys. How can get rid of it without operation and just by medicines?

Kidney stones can be mild to severe. The severe ones are usually a hereditary trait. I have had kidney stones for 19 years. You need to look at your diet. High calcium foods dairy/cheese) without drinking enough water is a surefire way to get flare ups. Cranberry pills or juice is a good supplement. The pills have a lot less calories. The kidneys can be damaged from recurrent infections. So, it is really important to drink a lot of water or decaffinated beverages. I notice pain and a tendency to get an infection if I have been drinking more coffee than water. These are all preventitive measures. Stones, themselves, cannot be taken lightly. Some can be broken up with drugs. Others need to broken up with shock wave lithotripsy. I have had that done as well. I have also had stones surgically removed. They can cause some other serious problems. So, you should be going to a urologist regularly. It is just something to be aware of for the rest of your life. ps. Yoga is good for removing toxins and waste from your body.  (+ info)

Family Planning Operation , which one is best either labroscopy or open surgery?

we have 2 child ( 2 years old boy and now a girl baby) and my wife wants family planning operation. My wife is very thin and week and we afraid for open surgery and prefer the labroscopy method.
But some of our friends told that there is a chance of pregnency.
Kindly advice me which one is best and safe. Particularly doctors pls.

my friend u should think of ur wife now . u told that she is weak so plz give her time to recover till then use condom aftr she recovers u can do labroscopy.  (+ info)

How much will it cost me for an operation in UK?

Hi my friends!

I am a Pakistani citizen female and am considering travelling to UK for a general operation. My husband does have a five years visit visa for UK and I am thinking to go with him in the next 3 months to UK for the said operation.

My question is that can somebody please let me know how much will be the medical expenses for a general operation. It need not be the specific, precise amount, but just a general, estimate, gross figure, so that I can have an idea about the costs.

Thanks and regards,
Sorry for not being specific. This operation is a delivery operation, involving a complication.

A friend of mine looked into having a Caesarian delivery on her mother's private healthcare here (she gave birth in April this year) and was told that the least it would cost would be £7,000. This was mostly to cover the cost of the epidural you're given, and the consequent medication, as well as he time taken to deliver your child.

However, you say there are complications and my friend's pregnancy was fine, so any after-care you may need will bring the cost up, though by how much I'm not sure. I'd certainly say stay where you are to have your delivery as the cost of such an operation isn't really the issue; we have waiting lists (I waited three years for a routine operation on my knee. By the time I got my operation, the damage to the ligaments etc was irreparable and now I will suffer from problems with it my whole life.) that are so long, your care can be hindered.

You could easily end up paying in excess of £10,000 for an experience that is way less than satisfactory. I certainly wouldn't do that...!  (+ info)

What are the risks if a woman having an active toxic goiter will undergo a Cesarean operation?

my wife is having an active toxic goiter and she is on her 5th month of her pregnancy now. Her doctor told her she has to undergo cesarean delivery because of her goiter. On the other hand, the doctor told her that her recovery after the operation will be difficult also due to the same condition.

Nobody should go through pregnancy with an "active toxic goiter". So your question is moot. Get your wife treatment for her health problems! She need to be on PTU, pronto.
  (+ info)

After LASIK operation is dryness of the eye a longterm side effect ?

The dryness experienced is overcome using some type of lubricant/allergen (eg.; Refresh + ) immediately after the operation.
Is this required to be used over a long period ? My daughter has been advised to use it every one hour. Please give precise answer.

Cannot give precise answer since everyone is different. Some people have no problems in a few weeks, some forever and have to use stuff like Restaysis the rest of their lives. Some see clearly at night some only see halos.
It is a shame that many Lasik docs care more about money then screening the patients correctly and that more people aren't correctly warned of the problems before  (+ info)

What is the operation that reattaches back the testicle to normal Called?

My left testicle has fallen beyond normal I made an appointment with an urologist but my appointment is in May and I’m afraid by then it will be too late and I won’t be able to save my testicle. What is the procedure or the name of the operation that reattaches the testicule to at least make it look normal?

It's called an Angel Wing deformity and it usually indicates some lack of support of the ligaments that hold the testicle in place in the scrotum. Swelling in the cord could be a hernia but could also be epididymitis or inflammation of the cord. Sensations down the leg are not easily explanable from the point of veiw that testicle problems usually are felt in the groin and upwards as that is the course of the nerve supply. Urologists handle this problem and should be consulted.  (+ info)

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