FAQ - Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal
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Is candidiasis (yeast infection) dangerous to a child's overall health and well being?

- i can't find this anywhere on the internet!

The yeast infection itself isn't dangerous, but it is INCREDIBLY uncomfortable. It can also increase the risk of urinary tract infections in girls.

Frequent yeast infections could indicate a health problem for the child. Diabetes and immune disorders can lead to frequent infections among other causes. Improper wiping habits after using the bathroom or other behaviors that can introduce yeast into the area can also lead to an infection in which case you'd want to find and correct the cause of the problem.

A yeast infection isn't life threatening, but they are absolutely miserable to have. They can be very, very painful and I would imagine that living with one for a long time could even cause some emotional damage to a child.  (+ info)

Do men suffer from candidiasis and what are the symptons.?

For married people for example can a man transmit candidiasis to a woman and what can you advise a couple to do because to avoid accusing another for infidelity.

this is not a sexually transmitted disease, so strike that notion from your mind.

it is no different from athlete's foot. It is a fungus that is always present on the skin - but if give the proper growth conditions it will cause irritation of the skin, discharge, and itching.

yes, men can get candida on the penis - it happens only to uncircumcised men who have poor hygeine, especially if there is some chronic urinary leakage that allows the glans to be wet all day. They do not catch it from their wives. Symptoms are little red dots on the glans, some burning and itching. Sometimes they'll have minor irritation when voiding.

Likewise, women do not "catch" yeast from their husbands.  (+ info)

Where can i buy Hydrogen peroxide 25% food grade to cure systemic Candidiasis?

My symptoms are driving me up the wall, I need to cure this, I have researched thru the internet because my dr. does not believe that i hav it, but i have all the major symptoms, so now i cant find this product, why is it so hard?
Welll a lot of the symptoms are from candida but if its yeast how can I tell the difference??
sometimes i have vaginal itching but most of the itching is anal. have red itching patches real problem, then goes away goes to another part of body.

Basically the reason you have a yeast infection is because there's an imbalance in your body. A healthy person has a balance between the yeast in their body and the good bacteria in their body.

Too much yeast, you have a yeast infection. Too much bacteria, you have a bacterial infection.

So, when you have a yeast infection you essentially have too much yeast in your body relative to the good bacteria. The natural way to treat it and bring back that balance is to starve the yeast and introduce more good bacteria into your body.

Oh and BTW - That's why you often get relief from using the over the counter meds temporarily, and then the yeast infection comes back. The creams aren't changing the source of the problem. They are just killing the yeast they come in contact with, and not balancing the yeast/bacteria in your body and actually sometimes end up making things a lot worse.

Oh BTW2 - That's also why many times you'll get a yeast infection after using antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your body, the good and the bad. When that happens the balance between the yeast and good bacteria is off, and once again and you get a yeast infection.

Things you can add to your diet (to help promote good bacteria) are live yogurt cultures (or take Acidophilus), plenty of water, fresh vegetables, lots of protein rich foods, whey protein, raw garlic, nuts, seeds, oils, millet, rice and oat brans

Things you should remove from your diet (to starve the yeast) are all sodas, sugars, fruit, fermented foods, foods containing white flour, alcohol (especially beer), antacids and any product that has yeast or mold

Changing your diet will definitely get you on the road to balancing the yeast and good bacteria, but what I would also recommend is to use a homeopathic solution to help naturally speed up the process.

I always feel if there's a natural way to do something, then it's best to avoid the chemicals. I would look for an natural product, that can be taken orally to promote re-growth of the good bacteria in your body.

There are a few out there, I think they are probably all pretty good. One that I have used and was very effective for me was is yeastrol.
Best of Luck!

Hope this helps and best of luck! :)

If you're interesting in finding out more I've added a link that has some more info.  (+ info)

How do i treat vaginal candidiasis. I've been to the doctor before, but it keeps coming back. HELP.?

This is a kind of irritation around the vagina. One gets unusual discharge, that sometimes smells like bread because of the yeast. There is an itchy feeling, and burning sensation when passing urine. it is really painful at times and even being sexually intimate is a problem. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Go back to the gynecologist and say you're having recurring yeast infections. The doc should give you a prescription for Diflucan (a tablet) or a stronger cream so you can take it once a month for three months. That should knock out the yeast infections.

Diabetes can cause frequent yeast infections, so you may want to get tested for that.

One overlooked possible cause of yeast infections is a little urine dripping into the vagina when you urinate. Dry yourself gently yet thoroughly, wiping front to back.

Eating yogurt may help prevent a yeast infection, but it won't cure one. Make sure you pick a kind with live and active cultures. I take an Acidophilus caplet each day, and that helps fend off the yeast.

Taking a bath and using an Aveeno bathing product may cut down on the irritation. A little cortisone cream may help, too.

Self-care measures can help prevent infections: http://www.drspock.com/article/0,1510,6235,00.html

Finally, it's possible you have a different kind of infection. Your doctor should make a definitive diagnosis.  (+ info)

Is candidiasis an STI? If it is, does it result in infertility after a long time before treatment?

what is the cause of candidiasis(a whitish substance or fluid found in the vagina or tongue)? where can it be treated apart from the hospital?
what sort of drugs can be obtained from the pharmacy?

Frustratednurse is right. Yeast is a fungus and can be treated by over-the-counter antifungals such as Monistat. If you use the Monistat and symptoms return you should seek the attention of a physician because it is probably not yeast.  (+ info)

I am sufferring from oral candidiasis.Where can i get Grape seed extract,olive leaf extract in pune/india.?

I am suffering from oral candidiasis since last 2 years.Problem is chronic and reoccuring.Can some body tell me where can i get Grape seed extract,olive leaf extract,oregano oil in pune/india.

Oral candidiasis can be treated with topical anti-fungal drugs, such as nystatin, miconazole or amphotericin B. Topical therapy is given as an oral suspension which is washed around the mouth and then swallowed by the patient.

Patients who are immunocompromised, either with HIV/AIDS or as a result of chemotherapy, may require systemic treatment with oral or intravenous administered anti-fungals.

Herbal medicine (from Grape seed extract,olive leaf extract) is not as effective as the above medicines used in oral candidiasis. Herbal medicine may complicated the oral cadidiasis, may cause chronic thrush.  (+ info)

What is the significance of CSF analysis in candidiasis?

To check for candida meningitis. Check out link of Dr Fungus  (+ info)

If a person with Candidiasis takes only Probiotics will the Candidiasis get better or worse?

Better. Probiotics will replace the beneficial bacteria we all need in the digestive tract.
Candida thrives on carbohydrates, try a very low carb diet while on probiotics, and "starve" it to death.  (+ info)

Candidiasis - Has anyone had success with Candidol, ThreeLac or other anti-Candida cures?

There are many websites claiming to offer cures/remedies for chronic Candida infections. I heard of a non-pharmiceutical product called Candidol, but I am also aware of ThreeLac and know there are others.

Can anyone tell me if these work? Do you have other (related) advice for me? Personal testamonials are welcome.

Simple Garlic is anti Candida. Take ordor free garlic tablets.
or better Aloe vera  (+ info)

what is the recommended dosage of dilucan for oral candidiasis in a patient receiving hemodialysis?

  (+ info)

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