FAQ - Cellulit
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What is the best way to get rid of Cellulit?

I think thats how u spell it, just to let u know I'm no tthe one with it, my cousin is, I'm only 13! haha, anyways she wants the quickest cheapest way please! thank-you!

Try exercising to work on your cellulite, like spot reducing...
creams don't really work, it doesn't affect the fat in your tissues...
try walking, swimming, dancing or running...  (+ info)

will rubbing your thighs vigorously help to reduce the appearance of cellulit?

I've heard that rubbing your thighs vigorously will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, somewhat similar to the "cupping technique", but is there any truth to it?

NO. Unless the redness from the rubbing covers it up. It will not help it, cover it or remove it. i wish it was that simple haha  (+ info)

what is cellulit and how do i get rid of it?

i know it's those things which looks like an orange skin that usually appears on the hips sides. but what is it exactly? does it always appear on women? how to get rid of it other that using surgery?

that was mean Kelly but exercise does help. They also have creams and lotions that help reduce the appearance of it, Good Luck hun  (+ info)

i have just started working out seriously, and want to tone and lose cellulit on thighs?

has anybody had any sucess, any suggestions for what works, how long befor noticing more tone and decreased cellulite?

squats, lunges and cardio honestly 3-4 weeks  (+ info)

whats the best way to get rid of cellulit and marks?

use cocoa butter cream and massage it into your skin each day. try not to lose or gain weight too quickly and if you must go in the sun. use a high spf cream.  (+ info)

so i saw on tv and 2 of my friends say the nivea good bye cellulit works...any luck???

Okay, i did research, im 19, thin and walk/ride a bike regularily. my legs are very slim but covered in cellulite, so any answers of "eat right, loose weight, and excercise" arent good. Ive had cellulite pretty bad since i was about 14 or 15 and it drives me crazy!! does the nivea stuff work like Tyra and my friends say, or is it just another beauty scam??

I cant help u I dont have cellulit but I dont think Nivea its a good brand anyway  (+ info)

Cellulit !Help?

I have Cellulit on my leg and butt and i 'm trying to make them firm and get rid of it...help me please..........

the only way to get rid of it- organic food, healthy eating (undereating creates it), regular exercise.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried - no junk food.  (+ info)

how to get rid of cellulit??

i think i have cellulite on my thighs. i dont really know what it looks like. but whats the best way to get rid of it??

if you have cellulite on your thighs and glutes (bum) there are 3 strategies you need to implement to get results. first,you need to exercise. remember to really target the cellulite area with the exercises. like leg curls: laying on the leg curl machine and bring your ankle to your glutes. your also want to be doing some cardiovascular exercises like jogging or riding the bike these will burn the fat in the problem area and tone the area. remember you should not only do exercises in the gym as you don't want to become under stimulated.

along with exercising you to changing your diet. theres no need to go on a diet you just need to make some simple changes. like removing as much saturated fat and foods that contain a lot of toxins. these fats and toxins make the fat cells in your cellulite zone become larger they also cluster and group together causing the appearance of dimples on the skins surface. really you want to eating foods that help you detox. but theres no need for a full blown detoxing diet you just need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

lastly, this can be the difference between decent results and great results. you need a cellulite cream. why? because the cellulite has damaged you skins connective tissues and cell structure. exercising and dieting can't give you the required properties needed to repair you tissues and cell structure. a cellulite cream will also improve your skins elasticity and smoothness. one of the most reputable cellulite cream on the market is revitols cellulite cream. it works very well 100% natural and 100% safe, no precription needed and they have a money back guarantee. it's avaliable at http://www.revitol.site88.net

i wish the best of luck  (+ info)

How do I get rid of cellulite?

I never noticed I had any cellulit - but I started losing weight - and now it's so obvious - and gross!!

Is there anyway to get rid of it?

well theres this cream by nivea. its really good. i tried it, my sis and my mom tried it and it does really work. there is also a patch. but the cream it more effective!   (+ info)

best anti cellulit cream?

what do you recommend - and please fro international labels like [dior, chanel, l'oreal ...] cause they're about the only comsmetic companies in israel.

  (+ info)

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