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Cellulit problemm?

My question is : To have the best result from an anticellulit problem is it neccesar to make in the same time fittness exercises ?

Exercise is always a good thing to boost your energy metabolism and to help you loose weight even if you are taking fat blockers  (+ info)

im 13 and im 5"4 im starting to get cellulit on back of thighs..its not that noticable but you can see..help!!

you shouldn't be. . . does it run in your family? Run? when you get in ok shape start to run some stairs. . . . watch it go away . . . .  (+ info)

How to make thigh lose weight?

Im thin, but my thighs are fat.
So yea
and cellulit help too pls?

jogging is an excellent exercise because it let you lose weight
evenly throughout your whole body. If you want to lose weight in
specific areas, you should target them with exercises. If they are
your problem areas, they will be very difficult to tone. You will have
to work double on them. The best approach is this:
1. Lower/control your daily calorie intake (control for normal
weight, lower for overweight).
2. Run/jog to lower your overall body fat percentage.
3. Target your problem areas with exercises.
Side Lunge Slide
Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.
Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot to the side, torso
upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position,
repeating 8-12 times. Switch legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.

Lunge Slide
Stand with feet hip-width apart, left foot resting on a paper plate.
Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge
position, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and abs
in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat 8-12
times. Switch legs and repeat on each leg for 2-3 sets.

Front One-Legged Squat
Stand on a step or small platform. Lift left leg out in front of step
and bend the right leg, bringing the toe of the left foot to the
floor. Touch the floor lightly and keep the knee of the bent leg in
line with toes. Straighten the right leg and repeat 8-12 times. Switch
legs and repeat for 2-3 sets.

Chair Squat
Stand in front of a chair with feet hip-width apart, abs in and torso
straight. Slowly bend your knees and lower and until you're almost
touching your butt to the chair. Hold for 2-3 seconds, knees behind
the toes, and straighten. Repeat for 12-16 reps, 2-3 sets.

Heel Drops with Leg Extension
Stand on step or platform with left leg on the step, right leg
hanging off the side. Bend the left leg and lower the right foot
towards the floor (a few inches). Straighten the left leg and bring
the right leg out to the side, foot flexed, in a leg extension. Repeat
8-12 times, switch legs for 2-3 sets.

Hip Extension
On a flat or inclined step or platform, lie facedown with hips on the
edge of the step, legs straight out behind you with toes resting
lightly on the floor. Squeeze the glutes and hamstrings and straighten
the legs until they are level with the hips. Hold for 2-3 seconds, and
lower letting toes lightly touch the floor. Repeat for 2-3 sets of
8-12 repetitions.  (+ info)

How to get rid of cellulite...?

I have cellulit on the back of my thighs and it really bugs me cause im really skinny!!!!
and also my legs are quite dimply and have some really small red spots/dots on them from shaving and stuff. but when i use tanning lotions they turn black and are really noticable.

how can i get rid of all this?

Assuming you're in the UK, pop down to Asda with a £20 note and buy Nivea's Goodbye Cellulite. It was proven to work on Tyra Banks's show (the video's somewhere on YouTube, can't find it at the moment LOL) and it works really bloody well! Almost miracle-like!

Whilst using it, it will help greatly to massage your legs towards your heart, i.e. circling upwards with one of those handheld tools that look like inflatable hedgehogs. Edit: it's called a cellulite massager (duh) and it looks like this: http://www.honeycosmetics.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/c/e/cellulite_massager_2_1.jpg It feels a bit painful at first, but you get used to doing it, every morning (and preferably night too).

This sounds really stupid, but use nappy rash cream such as Bepanthen on your legs, rub it in a bit and then wrap your legs with cling film and go to sleep. When you shower the next morning, use an exfoliating washcloth (i.e. one that's a bit rougher) or buy a salt/sugar scrub to get rid of the nappy rash cream's remains - your skin will be baby soft! :)

Just finish with a deep moisturiser of your choice and you should be done. When tanning, I'd start using a tinted moisturiser, or mix your fake tan with your usual moisturiser for an even finish.  (+ info)

how to get rid of cellulite?

i have very slight cellulit on my ass...im thin...but my ass is a problem any tips?

Exercise girl... Exercise... probably the best way(=  (+ info)

Little cellulite on thighs and bottom butt, big deal???

I'm 21, so I feel like i should have smooth suptle skin all over, on the back of my thighs and lower butt I do have a bit of cellulit, do guys ever notice? My boyfriend says he loves my butt, but I'm still very parinoid. I'm not fat, kinda small actually, just my theighs have a bit of cellulite. Little encouragment please???

same thing.
well i cannot say im thin but not "fat" either. maybe full figured!
and i have cellulite too near my butt but it seems to work. and rather very well!
relax as long as he finds you sexy! besides men like having soemthing to hold on to!  (+ info)

Is it true that some pregnant women?

stuff bean burritos in their cellulit for a snack later on/

You know it.. I have a chimmi chonga saved for later..

WTF?!  (+ info)

why do i have cellulite?

okay so it hinda looks like i have cellulit. not very much just a little. but im 14 and super active i go soccer 3 days a week and run about 3 miles the other days. im 5'6" and 120 lbs im not fat at all. im not even chubby. soo why ywould i have cellulite?!?!

All healthy humans have fat on their body, but in some areas, even small amounts of fat bump as there are several layers in the skin, giving it a puckered appearance, even in the skinniest of people. Cellulite isn't caused by anything bad, most people have it. Kate Moss has skinny legs but has it. Not smoking or drinking can improve it, but since your only 14 and are in good shape, it'll get better and you grow and shouldn't be a problem.  (+ info)

cellulite how to get rid?

how do i get rid of cellulit quick, i have started to get it on the top back of my legs and want to et rid please help xx

drink lots of water
cut out all soda pop

I really like Nivea's new anti cellulite creams
It appears to be smoothing out the little thigh dimples  (+ info)



The obvious way to burn fat is to consume less and exercise more, the issues appear when we actually aim to put that into practice! There are a lot of opportunities to fail in the real world don't you think?! The sole thing which clearly worked for me is wu-yi tea, it can be viewed in the resource box below, they have a few free trials left, it has been highlighted in Reader's Digest and CNN. I worked off twenty pounds, it clearly does produce results!  (+ info)

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