FAQ - Cerebral Hemorrhage
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Is there a relation between Parkinson's disease and brain hemorrhage?

Can someone who has suffered brain or cerebral hemorrhage develop Parkinson's disease?
Please I really need to know.....

Viewing the brain hemorrhage as a severe trauma, the answer is yes, there is a greater possibility of developing Parkinson's disease than if that trauma had not occurred. However, that sort of trauma should not see the development of PD until at least 10-20 years afterward.

Causes of cerebral hemorrhage which for this argument = severe head trauma:
Brain aneurysm
Ruptured aneurysm - various arterial conditions
Cerebral arteriosclerosis
Brain injury
Head injury
Post menopausal vaginal bleeding
Congenital artery defect
Cerebrovascular accident
Hemorrhagic stroke
As a complication of concussion, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, whooping cough, drug interactions such as Warfarin & ginkgo

Risk factors: hypertension, diabetes, menopause, cigarette smoking, alcohol, caffeine
What is interesting is that both cigarette smoking and caffeine are somewhat neuroprotective for Parkinson's so that might work to reduce the odds. Menopause, however is an increased risk factor for women developing PD so that would probably up the odds.

You have the brain hemorrhage and survive - beating some significant odds and "Whew! made it out safely" and then it appears years later. It isn't BAM and then PD.

Here are some links about head trauma which might help. As you will see, it is thought that the trauma initially kills brain cells and as the person ages, more cells die of the aging process itself.

In 2003 the Mayo Clinic found that people who had a head injury were 4x more prone to having PD later in life than those who had not. If the injury required hospitalization, the odds went up 8X. The the injury was severe - 11X. Severe means loss of consciousness and brain bruising.

There have been recent small studies which contradict the above however. Still the majority of research points to severe head trauma as a contributory factor. This link indicates the importance in the care of the original injury(s):

Currently there is at least one long term study following athletes who play in sports which contain a greater risk of severe head trauma. Back in the day when Mohammad Ali fought, the brain scan technology was limited. Now injury can be seen in many cases: This may provide hope for athletes and others who suffer head trauma but also for researchers investigating conditions resulting from the trauma in an attempt to find treatments and cures.


Knowing the odds are greater, patients should be their own best monitors for precursor signs of Parkinson's disease because even beginning to lose the sense of smell which can often be seen by decreased sense of flavor of food which is related to the aroma, should not be overlooked. If PD treatments begin early, whether with nutritional supplements, alternative treatments or medication or all of the above, there is a greater chance to slow progression.

In situations like this regular check-ups following the trauma are important to track any changes. If suspected precursor symptoms occur, your cardiologist or primary care physician will refer you to a neurologist specializing in motor disorders.

I hope this helps.  (+ info)

Are Cerebral hemorrhages linked to heavy smoking and alcoholism?

I want o know if these things are linked.

It is in theory possible. Smoking leads to hypertension, which could cause cerebral hemorrhagic stroke. In rare cases, alcohol abuse (long term) could lead to DIC, which can cause cerebral hemorrhaging.  (+ info)

Can a brain hemorrhage be detected through an ofthalmological exam?

Can a brain hemorrhage or the beginning of one be detected though a test by the ophthalmologist?

  (+ info)

How long after concussions do brain hemorrhage occur?

I had concussion about 5 days ago, My head has stopped hurting and I feel fine, the spot on my head is still a bit soft but almost back to normal, I did not go to the hospital. I just want to be safe, none of the hemorrhage symptoms, do you think I'll be fine?

At any point. That's just it there is no way of knowing. A clot could be formed and something like a hit to the head could jog it lose. Head aches are warning signs. Most likly though you'll be fine just you NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR concussions can KILL YOU!  (+ info)

Can a person with cerebral palsy start to walk on their own if they pratice alot?

i have cerebral palsy. i think that i can walk if i pratice alot. the other day i went to store and walk with my walker. now my legs are score and i cant pratice now. how can i make my legs less sore?

In my experience, the only way a person with CP will learn to walk is to learn how to do it with minimal effort. When you use the right muscles, walking should be almost effortless.

Think about it...babies experiment by using different muscles and bending their bodies in different positions until they find the simplest way. We don't consciously think about breathing, we just do it. Walking should be easy, too.

PT is the best way for a person with CP to learn how to do these effortless movements. My son couldn't sit up, crawl, or walk for a long time; much longer than the average child. After 3 years of PT, (age 3 1/2) he took his first steps. Now he's 5 1/2 and walking, running, jumping, climbing etc. We continue PT visits once weekly and he also practices at home.

If you force walking before your body and brain learn the correct "tools" to master the movements correctly, I think you will be putting unecessary strain on your muscles and cause more pain for yourself.

Make an appt. with a good PT that specializes in people with CP. They are out there, and they are VERY good at what they do. Good luck!  (+ info)

I had a postpartum hemorrhage with my first child, what are the chances of it happening again?

I had a baby 4 months ago, and had a postpartum hemorrhage. It was really severe, and had to have 2 blood transfusions and 2 surgerys, I almost lost my life because of it. I really want to have another baby some day, what are my chances of this happening again?

If they used pitocin to augment your labor it could have caused the hemorrhage.

If it happened during a natural labor (no drugs whatsoever) then I would think you would be at risk.

Most hospital births cause more problems than they solve. Find out the cause of the problem and try to prevent it. Inform yourself and settle for nothing short of the best care for you next time.  (+ info)

What are the chances of having postpartum hemorrhage in future pregnancies?

After 4 weeks of delivery I got postpartum hemorrhage and now I am really afraid of getting pregnant again. Can anyone help me that what are the chances of getting postpartum hemorrhage in future pregnancies after having it once?

you may want to check a site like Cafe Mom where there are plenty of women to help you with this question. possibly someone who's had the same problem after delivery.  (+ info)

What are the challenges of cerebral palsy?

I am waiting to be a "Big Sister" in Big brothers, big sisters, and they have a possible match for me. She is a girl with cerebral palsy, and I don't know much about it. I have found info online, but it's very clinical and I just wanted some insight on the condition from real people.

Any thoughts? Anything I should know about?

Basically it is caused by damage to the part of the brain that handles your motor skills and muscle control. It really varies from person to person so its hard to say exactly what challenges someone would have though.

If her CP is more severe she might use a wheelchair or walker, and also it might be a little hard to understand her because the CP effects muscle control for talking too? Also a lot of people with cerebral palsy have this thing that makes their muscles really tense and they move involuntarily. I think thats what the other answer is talking about when she says her friend shakes. People will do stuff like shake or kick/move their arms or legs without trying, its just like signals from the brain so they can't control it?

My sister has pretty severe CP and her legs just kick a little bit back and forth constantly like 24 hrs a day. She uses a wheelchair only to get around (noo walking) and I think people who don't know her usually have a really hard time understanding her unless she talks really slow. She can't write or do much with her hands but she can drive her wheelchair and eat by herself. But also I have a friend with really mild CP and he just walks with sort of a stiff limp and has bad handwriting/fine motor skills, basically he's just a little bit klutzy/awkward when he moves. Like I said, it varies a lot? Maybe someone at Big Brothers Big Sisters could tell you a little more about her before you meet her?

Oh, also it is caused by brain damage but that doesn't always mean the person will have a mental disability too. Some people with CP will be mentally challenged and some will be average and some total geniuses.  (+ info)

How many different different types of Cerebral are there?

The only one I know about is Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Aneurysm
Cerebral Anoxia
Cerebral Concussion
Cerebral Gigantism
Cerebral Hemorrage
Cerebral Ischemia
Cerebral Ischemia, transient
Cerebral Parenchymal Hemorrage
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Pseudosclerosis
Cerebral Sclerosis, diffuse
Cerebral Stroke
Cerebral Vasospasm

All are disorders and conditions rather than diseases except for the following:

Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Pseudosclerosis
Cerebral Sclerosis, diffuse

Cerebral Gigantism is a syndrome.  (+ info)

How does the temporal lobe correspond physically to the cerebral cortex?

Is it a part of the cerebral cortex, or is the cerebral cortex inside the temporal lobe? Or are they totally unrelated?
I probably sound like an idiot to all the brain surgeons here, but I'm just a lowly eighth grader who's lost with her science fair project on memory.
Google only shows the temporal lobe; it says nothing about the cerebral cortex.

suggest you use google and enter "anatomy of the brain"  (+ info)

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