FAQ - Cholecystitis
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why acute cholecystitis disease appear during pregnancy?

A lot of times it is caused by an increase in estrogen levels. When you have a increase in estrogen it can decrease gallbladder movement. Also with pregnancy the risk for cholesterol gallstones increases because the bile contains more cholesterol during pregnancy, so the gallbladder cannot contract as it normally would. That is the most common reason. Hope this helps!  (+ info)

How can one dissolve one's gallstones safely?

The CT scan said:
The gall bladder showed very high density content which looks like milk of calcium with non-calcified filling defect that could be stones. This is a rather unusual appearance of the bladder. This could be as a result of chronic cholecystitis. No acute cholecysitis.
What does it mean?

Not very likely. Anyone selling you that silly olive oil cure or similar products is not helping you. Talk to your medical professionals for the best advice. You can't dissolve stones.  (+ info)

anyone been using li dan pian to treat chronic cholecystitis?

Im have a cholelithiases and chronic cholecystitis. I dont' want to undergo operation because im afraid of getting my organs removed. Saw this medicine online and im curious if it has side effects. I want to try it but Im not sure if it's effective. If you've tried the medicine please share it to me thanks
really need advice coz im in a lot of pain.. you can contact me at [email protected] thanks

Yeah I've used it. Seems to work pretty well  (+ info)

Has anyone suffered from gallstones and other problems with their gallbladder?

For last 6 months I've had reoccuring problems with gallstones and cholecystitis. Can anyone give me advice on how to cope until I get my gallbladder removed in April?
I would appreciate any advice and information! Thanks.

i'm a surgical intern and i must admit that i didn't know what these pains felt like until i got them myself. my surgery was scheduled a month away. eventually i got fed up and went to the emergency room. this should be a last resort. your surgeon or another surgeon should be on call in the ER and will get to you as soon as they can.
in the mean time, you should stay away from greasy or spicy foods. anything loaded in butter and sodium is not good either.

best of luck~  (+ info)

I have cramping pain in my abdomen and I feel bloated. I have diarrhea alternating with constipation and there

I have cramping pain in my abdomen and I feel bloated. I have diarrhea alternating with constipation and there is mucus in my stool. Is it?1)Irritable bowel syndrome
3)pelvic inflammatory disease
4)Salmonella infection

could be something you ate that didnt agree with you..is it constant or does the pain go away...could be irritable bowel syndrome....good luck  (+ info)

cholelithiasis and cholecystitis?

cholelithiasis is gallstones. Cholecystitis in inflamed gallbladder.  (+ info)

diagnostic lab for cholecystitis?

Although there is no one way to fully diagnose cholecystitis without invading the body, physicians will use a series of tests in addition to a full history and physical to diagnose the disease. In addition to a complete medical history and medical examination, diagnostic procedures for cholecystitis may include the following: ultrasound, hepatobiliary scintigraphy (imaging of liver, gallbladder and bile ducts), cholangiography (x-ray examination of the bile ducts using an IV dye), percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (needle is introduced through the skin and into the liver where the dye is deposited and the bile duct structures can be viewed by x-ray), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (combines x-ray and the use of an endoscope - a long, flexible, lighted tube) or a CT/CAT scan  (+ info)

Nursing Care plan for cholecystitis...PLEASE HELP!!!?

Looking for help on a care plan...any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
pt is a 40 y/o female with no significant hx she is npo currently.....i was thinking fluid volume deficit, risk for infection, nutrition-less than, acute pain

consider whether or not the patient needs to be eating.......due to n/v, consider comfort measures such as pain meds, etc. Keep patient as mobile as possible to prevent
DVT, and skin break down (they'll love that one), some tests that might be ordered are MRI, Chem 7, liver function panel, complete blood count, and antibiotics if white count is elevated. Education regarding low fat diet, and possible surgery (that's another one they'll love) be sure there's frequent assessment of pain and patient's perception of pain goals.  (+ info)

nursing case plan for cholecystitis?

>nursing diagnosis

Try the link below for all you need.  (+ info)

chronic calculous cholecystitis - gall bladder removal?

i m 29 years old male, recently diagonised contraction in gall bladder due to stones. doc advised to remove the gall bladder. i m scared to death. can i lead a normal life? i heard that removal of gall bladder can later lead to intestinal cancer? and is it so that i have to pooh so many times? can i lead a normal healthy life? please share your experiences.

can i wait for sometime and get the surgery done? or should i do immediately? what are the risks in surgery? cant i live with stones all my life?

Sorry...this is long, but I just had my gall baldder removed (laparoscopicly) on April 3rd and I feel like I can offer some first hand experiences for you.
My surgery started at 9:30am and by 1:00pm my husband was driving me home. NO overnight stay! :-) I felt so good that afternoon that I baked cupcakes with my son! No lie!

The afternoon AFTER the surgery, the pain and soreness settled in. But nothing that wasn't easily controlled by the pain medicine. Take your pain medicine (Percocet, in my case) exactly as prescribed for the first 48 - 72 hours.

3 days after surgery....totally off the drugs. I drove my son to school, although I came straight home and rested for the remainder of the day!

By the 10th day, I was back to 45 - 50 min. eliptical machine workouts.

I was advised not to lift weights for 4 weeks.

I have 4 small incisions which are healing nicely! One along the bottom of my belly button and 3 from the middle of my chest downward along my ribcage.

Totally "normal life." Never heard a word about cancer. And your intestines will start producing the bile that the gall bladder will no longer be around to make for you. Your body is amazing.

As for waiting....sure you can wait. But have you had any pain from the stones blocking the bile duct? Have a round or two at that and get back to me. I bet you'll be BEGGING to surgery! After just 4 episodes of pain so severe I was close to calling 911, I knew I couldn't wait another moment to see a surgeon. By the end of the week, gall bladder was gone! What a relief!

GOOD LUCK!  (+ info)

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