FAQ - Cholera
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it is still popular today? if so where? where did cholera originate? what causes cholera? how do/did docters treart this? is there anything you can do to prevent this? what did docters think caused this dieasase? how many pepople suffer or died from cholera? when was cholera popular?

I guess you never thought to look it up?

Here are some factual websites:






Those should keep you busy for a while.  (+ info)

Why does a Cholera vaccine only contain cholera poison and not the cholera bacteria?

People can be injected with a vaccine against cholera. The vaccine contains a tiny amount of the cholera poison and NOT the cholera bacteria. As a result people become immune to cholera. But what i don't get is how does the vaccine make a person immune to cholera if they use the poison but not the bacteria? Please help =]

It's the poison that cholera bacteria produce that makes people ill. By giving someone a little bit of the poison, their immune system can get use to it and remember how to make it harmless in the future. This gives the person immunity to cholera.

If you were to inject someone with cholera, they might develop full-blown cholera since the bacteria would reproduce and make a much larger amount of poison before their body learned how to cope.

So to summarise, it's safer to give someone a controlled amount of the poison (which is what causes the symptoms anyway) for them to get immune to it than giving them a shot of bacteria.

A side note - I think I read somewhere that cholera immunity only lasts for a few months. Not sure if this is of interest or not.  (+ info)

Can someone please tell me what would happen if an infant contracted Cholera?

I can't find much on the internet about it. I want to know what the treatment would be for an infant. A woman just a few houses away from us has Cholera and believes she got it from mowing the ditch where sewage has been seen. THAT is a different story that I really don't feel like getting into at the moment. Our whole community is under a lawsuit for faulty septic tanks. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks =)
I live in Southeast Texas about 50 miles south of Houston.


The treatment would be lots of fluids, isotonic fluids like pedialyte. Possibly antibiotics. What kills you is the dehydration. It rarely kills anyone with access to medical care.  (+ info)

who is currently trying to find a cure for cholera?

My school is doing a project on Cholera, and a question we need ot answer is 'who is currently trying to fina a cure for cholera'. Can you help?

Cholera is pretty easy to cure.

Rehydration & antibiotics do the trick:


https://www.who.int/topics/cholera/treatment/en/index.html  (+ info)

How much infected water do you gave to drink to get cholera?

Is there a specific amount of infected water that you have to drink to contract cholera (ex. 1 pint). I'm assuming it depends on how much bacteria are in the water, but it there a general amount you have to drink? Thanks in advance!
let me rephrase this: i know 1 million v. cholera have to be consumed to get cholera, so how much water is that?

There is no way to know this without counting the cfu in the water. Sorry.  (+ info)

Is cholera only transmitted through ingestion of dirty water and there is no risk by skin contact ?

Don't people get infected by cholera if they wear wading suits and get in contact with dirty water or work in rivers but no ingestion or drinking that water is involved?

No you have to ingest the water cholera is not spread from person to person from casual contact  (+ info)

Explain why Vibrio cholera can live in human intestines, shell fish, independently in water and marine animals?

Explain why Vibrio cholera can live in human intestines, shell fish, independently in water and marine animals.

Many bacteria, including the vibrios, have the ability to live in diverse habitats. Vibrio cholerae is a marine bacterium that normally lives in seawater and brackish water and marine sediment and in or on marine animals and plants. If it gains access to humans via drinking water or eating raw or undercooked seafood or via an open wound, it can cause gastroenteritis or cholera and wound infections.  (+ info)

When did the Cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe first start?

I know that there are now about 800 deaths but i was wondering how lond this has been going on for.

Cholera is present in the region; endemic.

People have to realise that just because the media hasn't reported it, doesn't mean it wasn't there before we saw the epidemic on the news.

Also, the figures are almost certainly underestimates, as many (most?) people who are sick in rural areas for example cannot access mainstream medical care.

The media has been focusing on water access in relation to this outbreak, but sanitation and hygiene play at least as big a part (if not bigger) in the spread of cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases.

Final point: the case fatality ratio is extremely high in Zimbabwe. Cholera, in a healthy person, is usually self-limiting, and about 1-4% (if that) of people die from it. However, in a population where over 40% are under-nourished, and HIV prevalence is about 1 in 3, we are seeing a very high mortality rate from a disease which is both preventable and treatable (re-hydration and in extreme cases, antibiotics).

Shame on humanity.  (+ info)

what percentage of the population gets cholera annually in afghanistan?

I need to know for a project, also include a source, i need by tommorow please. The first GOOD AND ACCURATE answer gets the best answer vote.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)
Date: 21 Jun 2005
Cholera in Afghanistan

How many people roughly die of Cholera in Afghanistan?
It is very hard to say because in most places you don't get lab results. We can only do estimates. Every year there are outbreaks throughout the country but not necessarily in Kabul where the health facilities are good and where there is the ability to put preventive measures into place. Essentially, you can only confirm Cholera through laboratory results under clinical observation so when we have been able to receive lab results from Islamabad and we know that there is Cholera we have to implement these control measures immediately because it can spread like wildfire otherwise.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO)

Date: 21 Jun 2005  (+ info)

How does cholera attack and spread in the body?

I know it comes from contaminated water but then how does the vibrio cholerae cause the diarrhea and vomiting to occur, and so quickly too?

Cholera is an acute illness characterized by watery diarrhea. The toxin released by the bacteria causes increased secretion of water and chloride ions in the intestine, which can produce massive diarrhea. The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water.

Wikipedia Info:
Most of the V. cholerae bacteria in the water that a potential host drinks do not survive the very acidic conditions of the human stomach. But the few bacteria that manage to survive the stomach's acidity conserve their energy and stored nutrients during the perilous passage through the stomach by shutting down much protein production. When the surviving bacteria manage to exit the stomach and reach the favorable conditions of the small intestine, they need to propel themselves through the thick mucus that lines the small intestine to get to the intestinal wall where they can thrive. So they start up production of the hollow cylindrical protein flagellin to make flagella, the curly whip-like tails that they rotate to propel themselves through the pasty mucus that lines the small intestine.

Once the cholera bacteria reach the intestinal wall, they do not need the flagella propellers to move themselves any more, so they stop producing the protein flagellin, thus again conserving energy and nutrients by changing the mix of proteins that they manufacture, responding to the changed chemical surroundings. And on reaching the intestinal wall, they start producing the toxic proteins that give the infected person a watery diarrhea which carries the multiplying and thriving new generations of V. cholerae bacteria out into the drinking water of the next host—if proper sanitation measures are not in place.  (+ info)

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