FAQ - Chondromalacia Patellae
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glucosamine for chondromalacia does it work?

hi, im 17 years old male who plays tennis which is how i got chondromalacia. i was wondering it glucosamine supplements like Move Free Advanced will help or will only glucosamine sulfate only help it? and what is the difference of the two?

In large scale blind randomized studies the National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends that Glucosamine is no more effective than placibo... so basically keep you wallet in your pocket. Take aspirin or other NSAID.  (+ info)

What is the difference between chondromalacia and patellafemoral syndrome?

I have been diagnosed with patellafemoral syndrome, but was wondering what the difference is between these two?

Also, I have been doing physical therapy for about 5 weeks now, and adamently doing my exercises at home. We started the bike and treadmill during my sessions, but had to stop both times due to pain. Has anyone else experienced this? Why am I not getting better?
Also, if anyone can give me any excercise ideas... I am 20 and a college student with access to a great gym and rec facility. What should I avoid, besides running? (Bikes and ellipticals even hurt worse than running...) What kind of machines can I use and shouldn't I use? How can I get a cardio workout without straining my knees?

Patellafemoral syndrome refers to pain that occurs due to misarticulation of the patella....this can be caused by a tight quadiceps, weak quadriceps, abnormal angle between the hip and knee, poor foot alignment, as well as a number of other things.

Chondromalacia patella refers to changes on the underside of the patella, causing it to "soften." Chondromalacia patella is usually caused by patellafemoral syndrome...chronic misarticulation causes these changes.

This is not a no pain no gain situation...as painful exercises may only further exaccerbate your condition. Once chondromalalica patella occurs, it usually takes a couple months for the majority of the pain to go away, but could take up to 3-6 months of continuing the home exercise program.

It requires a delicate balance between doing too much and doing too little. Different treatment option in physical therapy include: stretching/strengthening of deficiant muscle groups, addressing any foot anomalies, bracing or taping techniques, etc. All of these would best be discussed with your PT since he or she has completed the evaluation.  (+ info)

What kind of excercise do you recommend for someone with chondromalacia?

I have chrondomalacia and I was wondering what I can do to strengthen my knee without having to go to physical therapy. Does anyone have any suggestions or have this issue? Would love to hear from you...!!! Thanks

Go to physical therapy. If just for one visit they can show you the proper exercises and what not to do to prevent the condition from worsening.  (+ info)

I have Patella Chondromalacia and I need help?

What kind of things can be dont to help with this.
I am only 16 and have had 6 surgeries.
I have tried natural remedies, and many medications.
What treatments or surgerys are available for this condtition?
i have been going to therapy for over 4 years

its a hereditary condition.
also have patella femoral syndrom

maybe you can find something in here look thru or even write to them. good luck  (+ info)

Should I perform Plyometrics if I have chondromalacia?

Will it be bad for my knee if I continue to do plyo's?

depending on what your body can handle.. best way to fight arthritis is to keep moving  (+ info)

Can someone contact me about chondromalacia?

I was currently diagnosed with condromalacia. ;-( I am a serious dancer and need advice about bracing.

Chondromalacia means that the cartilages are softening, and becoming not very good.

I will post some links on both bracing and services. You should also consult with a physiotherapist and a orthopedist.

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can you receive compensation for damaging your knee and getting chondromalacia and not able to work at tiling?

how much coppensation would you receive for slipping&damaging ur knee and not been able to continue tiling

That would depend a bit on where you are.

If you were in Australia, then you would have to be reviewed by a doctor (quite possibly a few specialists) and the Work Cover people would work out what sort of entitlements you could get.

It would be variable depending on whether it was deemed to be due to work or not ... who's fault it was at work ... etc. etc. etc.  (+ info)

Will I be limited because of painful chondromalacia?

I am a 13 year old extreme athlete and about 6 monts ago I noticed a little pain in my knee. Now it's at the point where walking is painful. I don't want to give up my workout regimen but it's hard to do it. My podiatrist diagnosed chondromalacia but my P. T said that he didn't think that was it. I am seeing a podiatrist because of my painful flat feet. I have three questions: When would arthroscopic surgery be required? Who should I believe? Will I need to stop my activities and use crutches to rest it or what? Any info is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

First see an orthopedist. Flat feet can cause chondromalacia. They may also cause shin splints, subluxing patella, patellar tendinitis, or osgood schalater disease.
Second, don't even think about surgeyr until you get a diagnosis. Most likely this is an overuse injury. With an overuse injury you need to correct the improper biomechanics. If it is chondromalacia a solid knee brace to help realign the patella will help. Again, you should not listen to either the PT or the Podiatrist. Go see an orthopedist. They will determine the next course of action. Possibly an MRI.  (+ info)

If you have chondromalacia in one knee,does it effect the other knee?

I fell over on my knee 4yrs ago and it has been giving me problems ever since.It started as a pain under my knee-cap and now it feels like a grinding feeling when i move my knee-cap.i am going to a specialist next week,i do not now how he can help..
I have started to feel pains in my other knee.
what could be wrong?/
thanks for any help.

Chondromalacia patella is abnormal softening of the cartilage of the under the kneecap (patella). Chondromalacia patella is the most common cause of chronic knee pain. Chondromalacia patella results from degeneration of cartilage due to poor alignment of the kneecap as it slides over the lower end of the thigh bone (femur). This process is sometimes referred to as the patellofemoral syndrome.

The doctor might include the following in his conservative treatment.

Treatment of patellofemoral pain often begins with simple measures:

Rest your knee as much as possible.
Avoid any activities that increase the pain, such as climbing stairs.
If needed, take pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers, such as aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others).

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs medications such as ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) are often prescribed both to alleviate pain and reduce the chronic inflammatory processes that increase structural damage. Icing the knee can also help

Exercises and therapy

To promote your recovery, your doctor may recommend specific exercises or physical therapy to strengthen the muscles that support your knees and control limb alignment, such as your quadriceps, hamstrings and the muscles around your hips (especially the hip abductors). In other cases, knee braces or arch supports may be recommended.

When you exercise, choose activities that go easy on your knees, such as bicycling and swimming. Your physical therapist may show you how to tape your knee to reduce pain and enhance your ability to exercise. You may be able to return to activities such as running, but you may need to reduce the number of miles you run until it doesn't hurt during or after exercise. Icing after exercise may be especially helpful.

Don't rush back to activity, however. It can take six weeks or more before you begin to feel better.

Types of surgery
If these measures aren't effective, in rare cases surgery may be an option.

Arthroscopy. and realignment.

No, if you have chondromalacia in one knee; the other might not be affected. This condition is common among athletes( runners; cyclists; etc) , flat- foots and knock-kneed.

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My case is chondromalacia patella patellofemoral pain syndrome.?

My chief complain is pain when sitting even for just a short while. Kindly help advice on how to remove or avoid pain when sitting. Thank you.

You have the muscle/tendon shortened up on your kneecap so your kneecap is now riding up on your knee and is being pulled into the knee as well. When you are sitting for any length of time it has pulled your kneecap into your knee again so when you are getting up it has to get the kneecap released before you can move your knees properly. Here is the easy way of releasing the muscle/tendon pair that is creating this problem for you:
Kneecap: (Use a chair that has no cross members on it.)
While sitting start with your leg out in front of you extended out to a comfortable length. Wrap your hands around it so you leave a open working area. Place your thumbs about two inches behind your knee and press into the top middle of your leg hard and hold. Relax. After 30 seconds, slowly slide that leg back until it is pulled up under the chair as far as you can make it go. Then release the pressure but hold your leg there for one minute longer.
It is very important to keep a good amount of pressure on it during this whole time especially when you go to bend the knee for that is when you are getting the proper length back into that tendon. If you don't have enough pressure it won't work, just try it again. It will work and it will take away your pain.  (+ info)

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