FAQ - Chondromalacia patellae
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i have chondromalacia and i need help please its really pain full?

i am a 13 year old boy that has chondromalacia and i play a lot of baseball almost every day my knees are always hurting and sometimes so much that i have to skip practice i use a spray called stopain i works a Little but i was wondering if icy hot patches or cream would work i have already done physical therapy and dosnt work if you know of any other cream or stuff to use please tell me

Here are some home remedies I found on webMD: http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/knee-pain/knee-pain-overview?page=2
You should trust this site, but the site from eliktiro doesn't look too trustful.  (+ info)

Does chondromalacia ever heal?

I've had this injury for a couple years, and I was wondering if (with physical therapy, precautions, etc.) chondromalacia every truly heals? Does the cartilage repair itself, or am I doomed to always have pain, just on a lesser scale?

im afraid not  (+ info)

Had you have chondromalacia patellar and successfully treated it?

if you did, can you share your story with me please. I have chondromalacia patellar on my left knee, i was diagnosed with it on november 2005. I would like to read a story of somebody who had it, and sucesfully treated it, and live an active lifestyle

I was diagnosed when I was about 13, and was told to do special excercises to strengthen the tissues around the knee. I did them a little bit, but I mostly just quit jogging and doing heavy excercising. I am now 27 and I don't have any problems with it, but I am not very active either. I also used to wear "CHO-PAT'S" when I would have to run or excercise, they seemed to help reduce the friction. I started riding the bike a lot more, but I found that even that seemed to aggravate it, swimming was good, but I had to be careful not to kick to hard or my knees would get stiff and achy afterward.
My older brother also had this, and he had to have surgery a couple of times because he didn't slow down in his activies.
In short-to answer your question- you should take it easy. You can still be active, but be careful, and choose your activities wisely, or you may end up having to have surgery.
(Hope this helped, and good luck! Don't worry, there are worse problems you could have with your health! You still have a lot of activity to look forward to.)  (+ info)

can i get chondromalacia in my knee after damaging my crueite ligaments 3yrs ago?

I guessing yes. I was diagnosed with chondromalacia in my knees when I was 17 and have had flare-ups ever since. I had done no damage to my knees at any point prior to diagnosis so mine came up out of the blue. I've never met anyone else who had this and never met anyone else who's even heard of it! Glad to see I'm not alone!  (+ info)

where is the tilt of patella in chondromalacia patella?

The patello-femoral joint refers to a specific part of the knee joint. Medically, the kneecap is known as the patella and the thigh bone is called the femur. The knee joint is composed of three bones - the femur (or thigh bone), the tibia (or shin bone), and the patella (or kneecap). The parts of the knee joint are subdivided into the tibio-femoral joint which refers to the joint space between the tibia and the femur; and the patello-femoral joint which is the joint space between the patella and the femur. Both of these joints (patello-femoral and tibio-femoral) form the knee joint.  (+ info)

I suffer a slight pain in my knees because of soft cartilage (Chondromalacia), Avoid jogging & bicycling?

You may also have an imbalance of muscle strenths and you should get more variety in your exercise. Sometimes throwing a frisbee around is a good alternative, as is roller skating or dancing.

Variety is the spice of life.  (+ info)

What are example exercises for chondromalacia patella (knee damage)?

Just to clarify, I haven't had surgery yet. I am hoping to avoid (or at least postpone!) it by doing strengthening exercises. I have been a runner for years so damage is likely due to that. Thanks very much for your input!

  (+ info)

Anybody know anything good for chondromalacia in knees? Besides exercises..?

seems to act up more during rain or cold weather...

Bracing it may be an option to consider but I would recommend consulting your doctor as well and also maybe a physical therapist (sometimes they can help with devices like this) to see what they say.  (+ info)

I have recently been told by the doctor that I need a arthroscopy on my knee for chondromalacia or OCD, I was?

wondering, how long do you think it will be before I can start playing basketball again?
Should I lay off it for another year or wait the 5-6 weeks reccommended then get back into it?

You should follow what your doctor suggests. If you go back to it too soon, you can reinjure your knee and actually cause more damage.  (+ info)

what does "Class II/III chondromalacia, without high-grade osteochondral erosion or subchondral osteodema-like?

what does "Class II/III chondromalacia, without high-grade osteochondral erosion or subchondral osteodema-like signal" mean?

the softening of your bone cartilage without high-grade wearing away of bone cartilage.  (+ info)

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