FAQ - Corneal Diseases
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If you have corneal neovascularization, which is better - gas permeable contact lenses or disposable lenses?

I am not sure which offers my eyes more oxgen - gas permable lenses or the newer, thinner disposable daily contact lenses. An optician at an eyeglass store sold me the disposables, but I am worried that his medical advice was biased by the sale. In the past, I have been told that gas permeables are the best for corneal neovascularization. The optician told me that things have changed with the evolution of the dispoable lenses. Any unbiased help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much!

Some of the daily disposables are great because you get a fresh, clean lens every day so the matrix isn't clogged up by wearing them over time. Ask your doctor for the highest Dk (oxygen permeable) lenses which he/she believes are right for you whether it be soft or rigid.  (+ info)

What are diseases you can be diagnosed with and die from as a teenager?

For a script. I was wondering if there were any diseases that a young teenager (10-15) could possibly come in contact and be diagnosed with at around your young teens. Thanks!

bacterial meningitis.
^^  (+ info)

What are the cause and effects of hemorrhagic diseases?

It would be best if you could also include the nature of these diseases and prevention methods. Examples of hemorrhagic diseases would be appreciated :)

put everything about hemorrhagic diseases if you can :) THANK YOU!

A hemarrhagic disease is any disease that causes bleeding.

There are thousands of hemorrhagic diseases - way too much for Answers.

Best you narrow things down a bit.  (+ info)

How many people die of diseases each year?

In the world.

I know the word "disease is pretty vague but I mean all types of infectious diseases.

Please give me a source so I know you didn't just make a large number up. Thanks!

i think i heard that 12 million die a year  (+ info)

What is the best vision insurance - my husband needs corneal transplant.?

We are self employed and need vision insurance. My husband has a severe eye condition which can only be treated with a corneal transplant. Of course we can't afford that out of pocket and I'm hoping someone out there can help us with insurance ideas.

Sorry, but no insurance company will accept him with a pending transplant. Also, vision insurance does not cover transplants; those are covered under a health insurance policy.

You might get answers concerning discount cards. Be very wary of these cards. They are not regulated by the Department of Insurance nor do the people that sell them need to be licensed. This means you have little recourse when you have problems with the plan. If you are tempted by the low price and claims of “save up to 80%” be aware that very few doctors actually take these cards. It does you little good if you have to drive 4 hours to find a doctor that will accept the card. Montana couldn’t find any doctors in the whole state that actually took the card and only one dentist who was on probation for unlawful activities so they banned the sale of the card and fined the company. See this link http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/west/2006/11/22/74554.htm for more information. Many other states are starting to ban these cards as well.

Before signing up with any discount plan get a list of doctors. If they won’t give you a list consider it to be a scam. Call the doctors on the list to make sure they’re still taking the card (many don’t even know that they’re listed as a provider) and that they’re accepting new patients.  (+ info)

What makes certain diseases more likely to be frequent and widespread epidemics?

like cholera, the flu, dengue fever, and the plague. there's a list of epidemics on wikipedia and i'd like to know what those diseases have to make them so popular (in relation to deaths/occurences/etc) throughout history.
Thank you.

Interesting, isn't it? These diseases are living right alongside humans. Humans and these diseases grew up together - evolved together - perhaps we're dependent upon one another in some mystical way. (Read "Guns, Germs and Steel" J. Diamond).

So on the day you don't enforce the health laws (as we often don't in these recent times of republican "deregulation"), these diseases wait in the wings to step up and start killing people - we just saw this with the salmonella in the peanut butter.

Li'l Bush killed the food inspectors - the money had to go to his rich friends instead for more bottles of champagne. And now people are dead from this - and we're damned fortunate it wasn't worse.  (+ info)

What are some diseases that can develop at a young age due to an unhealthy diet?

I'm writing an essay and I'm looking for some diseases that can develop at a young age if you don't eat healthy. Thanks!

diabetes  (+ info)

What types of diseases could some one get from working with dirty sewer water?

My husband just moved departments with the City and now he's in maintence in water but sometimes he may have to deal with dirty (pee and poop) water! Couldn't he get diseases from this? How to prevent them?

Hope he is wearing proper kit while on his job; like gloves, long boots etc. He must have a proper shower with soap after his work.
The water borne diseases include Dysentry, Diarrhoea, Hepatitis-A, Typhoid, skin diseases, infections in the eyes & ears etc..  (+ info)

What sort of diseases might cause slight limps but no deformity of the leg?

I need to know of a few diseases that a child might catch that would render her with a slight limp for the rest of her life, but no physical deformity.


The most frequent cause of limping in an otherwise normal youngster is the childhood disorder "transient synovitis of the hip." It is presumed that a virus produces inflammation in the lining of the hip joint since most affected children had a mild cold before they suddenly started limping. This self-limited condition usually occurs in boys between 2 to 12 years of age (average 6 years).

Legg-Calve-Perthes disease is a rare condition that always has to be considered when a child limps. It develops when, for unknown reasons, something happens to interrupt the blood supply to the top of the thigh (femoral) bone. This results in destruction of bone’s top causing pain when the child walks. Boys ages four to ten are five times more likely to be affected than girls. X-rays of he hip may be normal at first but repeated studies and bone scans make the diagnosis apparent.

Another cause of limp in children is "slipped capital femoral epiphysis." For unknown reasons the top of the thigh (femoral) bone slides into an abnormal position causing an abnormal fit of the hip joint. It is most frequently seen in overweight male teenagers (10-15 years of age). There is often a history of slight injury and pain may be first felt at the knee, even though the condition afflicts the hip.

The link to information provided is below. Hope this helps!  (+ info)

What is the maximum number number of diseases a person can carry at one time?

I tend to read a lot about people having 3-5 different diseases and dying, but what is the record for the person carrying the most diseases at one given time?
I didn't see a Guiness World Record for it either. Might be an interesting addition, though.

I've never heard of having 3-5 diseases at the same time. I have read, though, that people can carry a certain "virus" and never get sick with it, such as bacterial meningitis, herpes (oral) virus, and a few other's, but I can't remember them offhand.  (+ info)

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