FAQ - Delirium, demens, kognitiva störningar med minnesförlust
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What is the difference between Presenile Dementia compared with Amnesia and Delirium?

As far as I can tell, an early sign of all three is short-term memory loss, but when one focuses on the presenile dementia, how does one differentiate between that and the possibility of amnesia or short-term delirium?

Dementia, which is commonly caused by Alzheimers (But also can be caused by other diseases like Parkinsons, and Head traumas, etc) is usually a permanent Condition. There is many different stages. Pre, Mid , and Late stage.
Amnesia, and Delerium are temporary conditions, and can involve memory loss short term, or long term. They are usually caused by a blow to the head, or often drugs, which is the main cause for delerium, like Hallucinogenics( 'Shrooms) , LSD, etc. These conditions are usually reversible, but in science, nothing is ever concrete, black and white. THere is exceptions for everything. Dementia really is something usually considered organic, resulting from a problem inside your brain, not from outside sources.

(Presenile DEmentia is just another word for Early Alzheimers, or Prealzheimers)  (+ info)

How can i comfort my friend who is with delirium due to fever.?

how can i comfort my friend who is with delirium due to fever.

she is my best friend.she is suffering with fever (she has some blood infection,its not contagious).she is also suffering with delirium.now she is in hospital .her mom called me yesterday but i am planning to go tomorrow .how can i comfort her.i don't know how to handle this type of situations .

When you visit her, introduce yourself. In her delirium, she might not immediately recognize you.
Say something like, "Hi, Jane. It's me, Ann. I came to see you. How are you?"
See if she answers, and go from there.
If she does not make sense, let it go.
Don't press her to speak coherently.

Talk about people you both know, events at home or school or work, family, etc.
Stimulate her memory by saying things like
"Remember the time we showed up at a party wearing the same dress?" or other incidents from your own lives she might remember, find amusing, etc.
Bring photos of people and places she might remember.
Keep the talk upbeat.
Now is not the time to tell her about someone else's accident, illness or relationship breakup.
Try to engage her in conversation, but if she can't respond, don't push.
If there is a VCR or DVD player, you can even bring a funny movie.
Laughter really IS good medicine!

Mostly, just be there for her, and be reassuring
"It's OK, Jane. You are going to be fine. We are all waiting for you to get better and come back home."
Hold her hand, or hug her, if she can tolerate it physically.
And it is OK to just sit quietly, holding her hand.
Don't overstay your time.
She needs rest to get well, too--so don't overdo the stimulation.  (+ info)

What about stun guns and excited delirium?

In a seven-month-old pilot project, Miami police have been using sedatives and cooling solutions to prevent the deaths that sometimes occur in people who have been shot by electric stun guns, also known as Tasers. According to a story in USA Today, the police say that the sedatives and salves – which, they report, may have saved at least a dozen lives so far – are not needed to treat people for the effects of the stun gun but for the reason that the police had employed the stun gun: a controversial condition that has been described as “excited delirium.” Excited delirium is characterized by extremely high body temperatures and other life-threatening symptoms, often as a result of the use of cocaine or other street drugs. The condition is considered controversial since professional medical associations do not recognize the diagnosis and since nearly all reported cases involve people in conflicts with police.


I'm not sure what journal reported that "professional medical associations do not recognize the diagnosis" of excited delerium. Having worked in the Emergency Department for several years I have treated patients with this syndrome who have injested ecstasy and one who was high on crack cocaine and had been tazed by the police. We treat with cooling blankets and sedatives. The only alternative to this would be to let the patient die as their core temperature can go as high as 105 degrees.  (+ info)

How soon does delirium tremens start?

I have stopped drinking 5 days ago... I have never been real hard core with drinking. I have done binge drinking for 5-6 months at a time drinking daily sometimes, but mostly every other day.

I feel kinda ok today, just feel mentally fuzzy, nervous and weak feeling?

Should I be concerned about delirTremain'smens?

There's no way to know but if you're not a late stage alcoholic, you most likely will not get the DTs. I know middle stage alcoholics who can quit days on end without feeling anything but irritability and cravings. Hopefully, you'll be okay. Like you said, you aren't hard core (I assume you mean you don't have a drinking problem?). Feeling mentally fuzzy and nervous is normal. Also, the DTs start much sooner than 5 days.

"Symptoms of DTs typically start 2-4 days after the last drink in someone with prior heavy and prolonged
consumption of alcohol. Earliest signs of DTs can be the three T's—temperature elevation, tremor and
tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). The affected individual can experience anxiety, restlessness, nausea, and
impaired sleep. By the time delirium tremens becomes fully developed, it includes the entire battery of "grizzly
bear" symptoms mentioned above. These occur because a portion of the nervous system responsible for
regulating basic bodily processes, the sympathetic system, jumps into overdrive."  (+ info)

What's the difference between dementia and delirium for old age people?

Delirium and Dementia are the two main types of organic brain syndrome, with focal lesions also to be considered.

The term organic brain syndrome means a general disturbance of brain function due to a physical disorder. The characteristic feature is a reduction in intellectual functioning.

If the disturbance comes on suddenly, eg in the context of a very high fever, then there will be acute organic brain syndrome, most often referred to as delirium or acute confusional state, with reduced conscious level- drowsiness- as the cardinal feature.

If however the disturbance comes on gradually, for example, in dementia due to Alzheimer's, then the reduction in intellectual functioning will occur in clear consciousness, that is, there is no drowsiness (only until the terminal stages).  (+ info)

Do you usually have to be hospitalized for delirium?

just wondering and also is delirium something that makes you just unbelievably tired and how long should i ttake to go away?

"Delirium is a medical term used to describe an acute and relatively sudden (developing over hours to days) decline in attention-focus, perception, and cognition"

it's one of those things that you should get checked out, because it's caused by bigger things..  (+ info)

How does one explain the differences between delirium and depersonalization?

They seem similar. They both have disorientation.

yes, but...
Delirium can be interpreted in two ways, consciousness alteration; or in psychiatry, delirium is the altered perception of a real object (they think a chair is a dwarf). Delirium is sometimes used as synonym for hallucination,(seeing something that isn't there), but if you want to be strict, they mean different things.
Depersonalization is the altered perception of the self being, patients feel as if they were floating and seeing themselves from above, or as if "it was my body, but it wasn't at the same time" (quote).

Hope i helped  (+ info)

What happens to a person suffering through alcoholic delirium tremens?

What do they see? How do they feel? What do they think? How do they act? How long will it last? Are they the same when it clears? Is it fun? scary? like a new high? I want to know everything.

I am a former practicing alcoholic,
sober 4yr 5 m.
Each individual is different,
when suffering delirium tremens. ( D. T. )
It is caused by the bodies reaction to the alcohol,
leaving the system/body.
For some, if medical attention is not present,
They can go into convulsions, coma, death,
or all the above.
Some get the sweats, visible shaking, blurred vision,
slurred speech.
Other symptoms include, racing heartbeat, lose of balance,
headaches and stomach pains.
some do hallucinate visually and audibly.
No, it is not fun, I thought I was having a heart attack.
I almost fainted. I had to sit down. My heart raced fast.
I felt very weak. I was scared!
Some people do recover to normal health.
I did, except parts of my stomach lining was eaten away,
by the alcohol. I take meds for this.( not an ulcer)
Some hurt the liver, so much, that the liver can not repair itself.
others get " wet brain " and never recover.
wet brain is the swelling caused by alcohol.  (+ info)

Is it normal to experiment delirium after a surgery?

A familiar of mine have gone under 5 surgeries in 4 months. In the last one she had to stay for 3 days at the ICU, where I visited her and she was fine.

Yesterday she went to the room and she was delirious, sleepy and confuse.

She is still like this today.

She is 65.

Is this normal? Could be brain damage? Is it lethal?

  (+ info)

Is Delirium Tremens sold in the bottle in Memphis?

I tried this on tap at the Mellow Mushroom, and it was amazing! I would love to buy some bottles to bring home. Does anyone know if it is sold at any stores in Memphis?

try Mr G's Grape & Grain on Highway 64.  (+ info)

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