FAQ - Dermatit, perioral
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cause and treatment for pediatric perioral dermatitis?

My doctor has tried many, many creams for my 2 year old, some prescription some over the counter, nothing works. Now she's on a waiting list for a dermatologist, what do I do now? What can I use, what can I avoid?

I typed in my search bar "treatment for pediatric perioral dermatitis" and several sights came up with alot of information. This must be very frustrating to you and your baby. Until you can be seen by the dermatologist, search these sights so that you have as much knowledge about this condition as possible and what type of treatments can be expected. I hope this helps and I wish you and your baby best of luck!  (+ info)

I think i'm suffering from a skin condition on my face called Perioral dermatitis.?

i've been suffering from this skin condition for about three-four months now. Some of the rash has disappered from my face, but it still hasn't completely gone. Does anyone know anything about this condition? Or know how it can be treated?

treat it with sudacrem will get rid of it sell it at all chemists  (+ info)

suffering from perioral-nasal dermatitis. Psoriasin gel recommended. Anyone ever used this product?

This flared up over 1 year ago. The sun clears it up...but it comes back. Will stop moisture night creams to see if it helps, but I am looking for a cure without using months of antibiotics or steroids.

  (+ info)

What does perioral mean?

What does perioral mean?

Perioral means something that has something to do with, or is, in the tissues of the mouth.  (+ info)

People who have perioral dermatitis and when tothe Dermatologist?????????!!!?

Did thery give you a shot? If so, what is that???? ....I for got to ask...

so call them up and ask  (+ info)

Acne and perioral dermatitis?

Acne and perioral dermatitis- are they same?


For acne see- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/acne/
for perioral dermatitis click- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/perioraldermatitis/  (+ info)

Perioral dermatitis...what can i use other than hydrocort..i'm rashy, itchy and look like a mess..?

I currently tried clobetasol sparingly...looked better for 2 days and then a reoccurance. I keep wondering if it is truly an allergic response to wheat or gluten..? any thoughts.

Steroid creams are generally not recommended for this condition. Other topical creams some dr's may prescribe are metrogel, erythromycin, or benzl peroxide. If the rash is severe you might need some oral antibiotics. This condition is very prone to reoccuring. See your Dr. Stop the hydrocortisone cream.Best of luck.  (+ info)

Perioral Dermatitis? Doxycycline?

My dermatologist told me i have perioral dermatitis and gave me a month's prescription for doxycycline and then finacea cream to put on it once the redness goes away....i've been on the doxycycline for a week now and if anything it's getting worse. the redness isnt quite as bad but it's so dry and sore it hurts to smile! How long does it take to work? Anyone else who has had this have any advice?

I was diagnosed with it almost 2 months ago; it was caused by a topical steroid (for something else). I'm on Oracea (oral) and sulfacetamide (topical) and topical doxycycline, and I don't think mine's going away either. My dermatologist told me when it's caused by steroids it's pretty stubborn.

When my skin gets dried out from the meds I put aloe vera gel on it, and that helps a lot.  (+ info)

perioral dermatitis? Doxycycline?

My dermatologist told me i have perioral dermatitis and gave me a month's prescription for doxycycline and then finacea cream to put on it once the redness goes away....i've been on the doxycycline for a week now and if anything it's getting worse. the redness isnt quite as bad but it's so dry and sore it hurts to smile! How long does it take to work? Anyone else who has had this have any advice?

I suffered from terrible eczema yrs ago and was on the same tabs my advice to you wud be to apply a perfume free moisturiser to ur skin until u start using the creams it will get rid of the soreness and dryness whatever u do do not use anything fragranced on the sore parts it will take a while to clear up and will continue to hurt like hell for a while but u will get there in the end, good luck :-)  (+ info)

perioral dermatitis...what cant and can i use on my face?

i think this mite be what i have...but not too sure
what do i need to do now if i think i have it....can this be fixed....what should i eat drink and put on face or not put on face


well you have to figure out if it is contact dermatitis (to an irritant or product) or if it is your body causing the dermatitis.... you prolly need to go see a dermatologist bc they can help you figure out what is causing it... it is most likely not what you eat or drink....  (+ info)

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