FAQ - Diarre
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If I take ducolax for release of constipation and now I have a diarreah, can I take lomotil to stop the diarre?

I have a diarreah after taking ducolax tablets for constipation. Can I take lomotil to stop the diearreah?

I sorry; but, I have a severe headache as I found myself beating my head against the wall after reading your question. You need to get a Yo-Yo. Then you should practice basic Yo-Yo exercises. You know up and down. While doing this ask yourself the question again. The answer should eventually come to you.  (+ info)

I have a bad case of diarre, help?

I have felt like crap all day :/ I woke up and Ive had the runs all day, Im not sure if its diarrea or just the runs. Ive been drinking so much water. How can I get rid of this? and how long does diarrea last for? its so annoying

Diarrhea.. cha cha cha! LOL.. sorry sux.. just take some pepto.  (+ info)

my 3 yr old has had a gastro virus for 6 days now when he eats he gets pains in his stomach is this normal?

he still has diarre but vomiting has stoped

Sounds like he still might have a little bit of it, you may want to continue with the medication, and have him drink pleanty of water... I would take him to "another" doctor, for a second opinion if it keeps up. Cranberry juice will help flush his system as well and is good for him.  (+ info)

is p24 test after 44days accurate? please tell me!!!!!!?

After 4 weeks from the relation i had a pain in my neck, flue, and white tongue but no diarre... it last for 10days i made p24 test after 44days (6weeks) and it came with negative is it accurate... i did it the next day also and it came negative?
Please help me i can't stop thinking of that!

I think it is only accurate for 3 - 4 weeks after.  (+ info)

Hurting Stomach?


I'm wondering what's going on with me.

For the past 4 years I've had this weird condition on and off, but it's gotten a bit worse now, in the first 3 years say it happened about 4-5 times: After I eat something my stomach would be in pain for hours, weird movements and then it would go to the very bottom of my belly and hurt there, they would come in waves though not constant, so for 4 hours constant waves of pains in my stomach then I would shit out hot burning diarre and it comes out just like water... Then I start to get a relief abit and my stomach is sore for the next day and such then it's over.

This year it has happend about 10 times, I don't know if it'd food poisioning, rotten foods etc,. But I doubt it is.

Here's one thing I think it might be, as I just found out pushing poop is bad for you.. I've alwayed pushed poop out my hole life, because it just won't come out on it's on. But sometimes it comes out fine. with minimal pushing.

What do you guys think it is?
but most of the time it doesn't. I'm thinking maybe because I'm pushing so much it's putting too much stress on my bowls, and causing this to happen.

So what do you guys think it is? And anyone ever had this problem?

I know exactly what you are talking about and that happened to me one time! What maybe cause relief is:

1.) Drink tea to calm your stomach
2.) take something that will make your poop come out
3.) Eat foods that DO NOT expire yet!
4.) don't worry for your s*** to come out, it will soon

This is what I took. Hope this helps!  (+ info)

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