FAQ - Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder
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what is the medical term for the genetic disorder for cerebral sclerosis?

  (+ info)

what happens when you have a diffuse or the cerebral sulci?

I assume you mean 'diffuse ATROPHY of the cerebral sulci"? That means the brain has "shrunk" a bit, could just be a normal part of aging, or if in a younger person may be a sign of premature aging, such as that seen with alcoholism, etc.

hope this helps!  (+ info)

How to diffuse hair with a diffuser attachment?

How do you diffuse hair to make it curly? What is a good brand of mousse?

hi there

I think it may be helful to know what diffuse mean ,and I belive that may be helpful in understanding  (+ info)

What is the difference between sclerosis and multiple sclerosis?

And what happens with the person if it has sclerosis?
T Bill S:
No it's Sclerose (Sclerosis in Latin) of the SIG's.
I think it's got to be involved with the muscles.
I like to know if it's the begining of MS?
Together with discushernia, Arthrose AND Scoliosis.

Hi there.. there are many types of sclerosis, since sclerosis means scar. The is sclerosis of the liver and muscular to name two. If there is a sclerosis on the brain it it MS. on the spinal column then it could be MS or transverse myelitis.

I myself have MS, and there is so much out there, its hard to know what will really happen.

I hope you find whatever answers you need.  (+ info)

What is the difference between Scoliosis and Multiple Sclerosis?

One of my good friends has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. However, after researching her autoimmune disease, she believes she has Scoliosis. After reviewing both of the a. diseases, her symptoms definitely fit more into the Scoliosis category. Still though, I am having a difficult time distinguishing between the two.
Update: Thank you for the responses but I assume I should be more specific. How may I decide which autoimmune d. my friend has? (Doctor would be the best option but at the current moment, money is an issue.)

You cannot tell what autoimmune disease your friend has unless you have a PhD in immunology. Multiple sclerosis can only be diagnosed by taking a picture of the brain and seeing if there is a certain type of lesion in the brain. Successive pictures (called MRIs) must be taken. Multiple sclerosis cannot be diagnosed by symptoms alone since there are at least 50 symptoms of varying degrees of intensity that a person with MS can have. All these symptoms mimic other diseases and conditions. Even neurologists have a very difficult time diagnosing it. I have multiple sclerosis. It took my neurologist ten years to make a definitive diagnosis. Scoliosis and multiple sclerosis have absolutely nothing to do with one another. They are not in any way similar to one another. They don't share one symptom. One is a correctable bone malformation. The other is a immunological disease that affects the nerves.  (+ info)

What is the natural cure for Diabetes and Multiple sclerosis?

You always hear about natural cures for diseases, but you never hear of what they are or even the treatments. I've heard there is a natural cure for Herpes, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, and hypertension, but no one ever seems to know what they are, or where they can be found. I have even read that book 'Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About' by Kevin Trudeau and he just beats around the bush. Is there anyone out there with solid evidence and answers?

I am sure that if there was solid evidence backed by real proof of natural cures for diseases that _many_ healthcare professionals would be talking about them, they would be in respected journals, even the so-called 'evil' pharmaceutical companies would be manufacturing 'enhanced', 'safer', 'more effective' natural cures. Just look at all the various companies that make different kinds of Vitamin C, Rosehips, Iron pills, and the like for your local grocery store.

IMHO, I think you're best bet is to work with a professional doctor.

Be cautious when referencing Kevin Trudeau's "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About." Do a little reading on this guy, then decide for yourself. Personally, I think he's a huckster out to make a buck using ridiculous claims backed by pseudo-science and possibly outright untruths .. but that's just my opinion .. and some other people like doctors, respected journalists, etc.

Analysis of Kevin Trudeau's "Natural Cures" Infomercial (2004) by Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Wikipedia entry

Kevin Trudeau Banned from Infomercials

20/20 Report "King Con? Bestselling Author Selling Questionable Cures to the Desperate and Gullible"

Skeptic's Dictionary
http://skepdic.com/trudeau.html  (+ info)

Is there a condition other than tuberous sclerosis that has a side effect of hypomelanotic macules?

Since my baby was born, he has had shaking and jerking episodes. He had a seizure at 3 weeks that lasted a minute or two. The neurologist said that the light colored patches on his body are called hypomelonotic macules. Since he has also had seizures, he feels that he may have a mild case of tuberous sclerosis. He also says that 50% of people with seizures do show signs on the battery of tests that are given to determine a cause(MRI, EEG and CAT scan. Tuberous Sclerosis does not have cure and is in the clinical stages of study so the treatment is in the preliminary stage. I would just like to know if there are any other conditions that would have these signs.

For help with the clinical signs of Tuberous Sclerosis, as well as loads of supportive information, visit the Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance:


Your computer (or anybody else's) can help find a cure for Tuberous Sclerosis! For information, visit Community TSC:

http://www.childhooddiseases.org  (+ info)

Where can I find some medical cannabis online for my multiple sclerosis?

I have multiple sclerosis and cannabis is the only way I can handle living with my condition. Does anyone know where I can find some online? Thanks in advance.

Your doctor should give you a perscription. He can reccomend someone who grows it for medical purposes and if you really need it and can't get a perscription just find a dealer. I've never heard of gettin it online.  (+ info)

What in the world is mesiotemporal sclerosis?

I've got a report that says someone that had an MRI has findings that are consistent with right mesiotemporal sclerosis & I need to know what the heck it is so I can explain it to them or have someone else explain it in a simple way for them to understand.

Lesions (damaged tissue) in the central part of the temporal lobe of the brain (the person probably has seizures).  (+ info)

What is diffuse erythema plus and diffuse gastritis?

I have an endoscopy result with following results
diffuse erythema+ and final impression says diffuse gastritis.
Can anybody explain what does they mean?

Diffuse means scattered and erythema is redness. Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining. You have redness and inflammation in your stomach, spread around rather than in just one place. With this result your doctor should be able to prescribe medicine to help.  (+ info)

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