FAQ - Duodenogastric Reflux
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How to get a baby with reflux to fall asleep?

My son is almost 4 months old and cries bloody murder if I lay him down in his bassinet awake because when lying down, he's in pain from reflux. To get him to sleep we've been walking around with him in the Baby Bjorn, but as he gets older and more alert, I think he's fighting sleep more. How do you get them to fall asleep if they are uncomfortable lying down? Nursing him to sleep simply doesn't work. The swing doesn't either, and we have the aquarium swing which was supposed to be the magic put-your-baby-to-sleep swing. Help!

I would ask your ped. about infant Zantac. I had the same problem with my 4 mo. old son and after being on the med for a month we've seen a huge difference! We now have a happy baby.....I'm saying this kid before the med. would only sleep for 30 minutes at a time because he was so miserable and would scream in pain, but now he will sleep 7 hours straight during the night! We also swaddle him tight in his receiving blankets, prop up the head of his mattress and he's on soy formula. I heard that having your baby is a sitting position, like in the swing and car seat, puts pressure on the abdomen somehow and can make the problems worse; which I would agree with b/c before the meds my son would scream when I put him in the swing or car seat! A nurse told me to try a bouncy seat, I never got around to purchasing one. I was really hesitant to put him on meds so young, but I was desperate and both my son and I were suffering and had tried everything. It was definately worth it!!!!!
Good luck!  (+ info)

Can I get some tips for dealing with infant reflux?

I have a 6 week old who has reflux- I worry that he is not getting enough food. I am currently using anti-reflux formula but it becomes lumpy and cannot get through his newborn teats. I attempt to keep him upright after a feed. Can you give me any more tips?

Hi, I have a 5 1/2 mths baby and he had infant reflux (and was a cat napper) as well. If you had a natural birth, then go and see a chiropracter as the neck/spine might be out of alignment. Our son had three treatments and it worked miracle. The chiropracter said that all babies should be checked out as birth is a stressful thing with neck/spine. We had tried Losec and that worked but the chiro is better.

With the Anti-reflux formula being lumpy, wait for the hot water to cool down, then put the formula in and stir it clockwise (or anti) so the formula doesnt clog up the teat hole. A teat with a bigger hole (eg. 4mths +) is better as the formula is thicker than the ordinary formula and it is easier for your baby to suck the thicker formula.

Raise the cot up by put in a couple of wood under the the front legs will help the baby to sleep (especially when he/she got a blocked nose from a bad cold) and a jumper underneath the mattress in the pram.

Good luck and it is all worth it in the end :-)
  (+ info)

Can a baby without colic or reflux be given Alimentum formula?

A friend of mine is in desperate need to formula for her son and I have a bunch of cans from my son, but her son doesn't have reflux or colic. Can he still be feed this formula? I hate to throw it away, it was really expensive and I cannot find anyone who needs it.

yes,,,,i had twins that were on this milk. i breastfed for 3 weeks and ran out,,,after going to formula my daughter had an awful time of it. being that there were twins,,,our dr put them BOTH on it to avoid the risk of my daughter getting milk that wasnt "hers"....it helped her tremendously and the dr said it would NOT hurt my son one bit. there was more risk in having 2 different milks and the risk of HER gettin the wrong one than him gettin the alimentum. there should be NO problem with handing down the milk.  (+ info)

What can you take for acid reflux during pregnancy?

I'm just over 25 weeks pregnant and started getting AWFUL acid reflux the other day. Is there anything I can take to alleviate this? Thanks for any tips.

I'm so sorry to hear you have such horrible acid reflux! Here's an article I found that may be able to help you prevent it in the future:

http://www.ehow.com/how_5404459_avoid-acid-reflux-sore-throat.html  (+ info)

How do you know when a baby has congestion reflux?

My baby is snorts an breathes like he has something in his nose mostly when hes eating or is done eating...does this mean he has congestion reflux? how you do know when a baby has congestion reflux?

my daughter does the same thing. I'm unsure how old your baby is...mine: 5 weeks. Our pediatrician suggested that the milk may be too much for her to digest so he switched her to Gentlease Enfamil. We will begin using it tomorrow and hope that solves the issue. Consult with your child's pediatrician bc each baby is different. But the conditions you're describing are very similar to my daughter's.

Good Luck.  (+ info)

How to measure the extent of reflux for my baby ?

My one year old baby boy still has silent reflux even after taking prevacid for 4 months. The GI is not helpful as in, always keeps saying that we should continue with it. Is there a way to know whats happening within my baby's gastrointestinal system?
We already had a barium swallow done and it was after that the prevacid was started. Are there any other 'ultrasound like' tests that can tell us if the prevacid has helped at all?

First, define "silent reflux," is it Linda Blair in The Exorcist or Frat guy at a party?

Is he your first?

Are you caucasian? (trust me, it's relevant)

If you answered a, yes, yes, then he may have pyloric stenosis. It's common in first-born white males, I don't know why, it just is. It's a big problem but an easy fix, minor surgery with a couple days of recovery. The only caveat is you said he'd already had an upper GI (listed here as barium swallow) so I'm not sure. If you've already heard this as a possibility and it was dismissed because of the upper GI, then no worries, but you should mention it at his next appointment.  (+ info)

What if any Home Remedies for Acid Reflux work?

My acid reflux has been kicking my butt lately and I am getting tired of taking the "purple crack".
I have heard that their are home remedies that work and are very inexpensive compared to the over the counter and perscription drugs.
If you have had any success with anything please respond.

I am not a doctor, so either way you will want to talk to them, but this is what I have to say as a long time sufferer of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.)!

Three part answer: information, what not to do, and what to do!

I have a very severe case of Acid Reflux (G.E.R.D.). I have had to go to the hospital for some of the heartburn that I have had because the pain can become overwhelming or your breathing can be effected. It can be caused by Smoking, Drinking Beverages with caffeine (My case with hereditary), Drinking Beverages with Alcohol, Stress, Anxiety or can be Hereditary

The good thing about G.E.R.D. is that it can be a temporary thing and can be cured. It is never a permit thing even if you end up with it for the rest of your life it has the ability to be cured.

G.E.R.D. is caused by too much acid being created in your stomach. This can lead to or cause ulcers, esophagus damage, heartburn and/or damage in the mouth. . Other symptoms that can be found in a few cases are dizziness, tingling in limbs, numbness of Limbs, Chest/Back pain focused on the left side (in most cases), and shortness/difficulty breathing.

WHAT NOT TO DO!!!!!!!!
In most cases, stress is a factor to the reflux if you watch what you eat and reduce some of the stress it will help. If you watch what you eat for about a week you should find relief, if you do not then that is when you definitely what to listen to the doctor. Things to watch for are as follows:

Fatty Foods
Citrus Foods
Foods That Contain Grease
Fried Foods
Chocolate (including any Coco)
Tomato Based Products
Roughage (Berries and Nuts)

The two foods that I recommend is Black strap Molasses and Raw honey. The apple is better for night time reflux while these will work for just about all of it. What you will do is take about a tsp. of whatever one you chose. Molasses being the better because of strength and nutrition, but must be use to the taste. What the substance will do is stick to the sides of the esophagus and do two things, one is heal and the other is protect.
On the healing end, both substances have a healing property in them, and as they sit on the walls of the esophagus they will heal it. This is also helpful if you have a sore throat in the morning from refluxing.
On the protection end, both substances are high in sugar and when acid that is refluxed comes up to that the sugar will neutralize it and it will not longer be a problem at that point.

I would also look to putting Cinnamon and Ginger in you diet, they have been know to help with digestion and will help you reduce the amount of acid needed to brake down food, therefore causing you to reflux less.  (+ info)

What else could it be besides acid reflux?

My 9 month old son has been diagnosed by a GI specialist with acid reflux. However, the medication he gave my son, Prevacid, almost seems to be making him worse. He's got so much gas and burps that he keeps waking himself up from naps after 30-40 minutes. Sometimes he's crying, but he always has to burp or pass gas. Is there a possibility that it could be something else? Did anyone else have this problem?

My son is only four months old, but I did not put him on the meds and he is growing out of it. I would try some gripe water..A friend of mine had her son on that and he had some horrible reactions. She will never do it again! Google natural remedies for reflux and you should come across some good stuff..  (+ info)

What will a doctor prescribe for a reflux baby?

I'm taking my almost 5 month old son to the doctor this week as I am pretty sure that he has reflux. Just wondering what, if anything, will the doctor prescribe for him?


my son as gerd he was first prescribe zantac it didnt work now hes on prevacid in between time hes had endoscope done and a gastric emptying hes is so bad its causing him not to grow im to the point where i feel like hes just going to have to grow out of it and also they put on a special formula called elecare did u barely start to notice are have it been going on  (+ info)

What is an efficient and immediate acid reflux pain reliever?

I want to know any way to relieve the pain immediately, is there any medication, food, beverage or any other suggested intake to stop the major pain of acid reflux?

For INSTANT relief, I've only found 1 product that works. It's Pepcid Complete, best darn medicine they've come out with in a while!!!  (+ info)

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