FAQ - Dyspné, paroxysmal
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Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, do you have it?

Here is a wikipedia article about it. Basically it's when you tilt your head back and it makes you dizzy. This can be prevented by holding the back of your head with your hand. Not everybody has it, do you?

No.  (+ info)

I am looking for some answers about BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO. Exercises anyone?

I have just been diagnosed with BPPV and have tried some of the exercises prescribed by the Doctor but they have only minimally helped. I heard there is a a one-time execise which treats and almost instantly cures this affliction. Does anyone know of any?

Try this website awesome explanation with exercises......www.tchain.com/otoneurology/disorders/bppv/bppv.html I am a physical therapist who treats this disorder. Hmm, the rest of the web address will not print? Once at the tchain website click on dizziness and epleys maneuver. I do not know why the more specific address will not print out? The site explains your condition andgives a home program. I hope you can find it.  (+ info)

a paroxysmal tachycardia will occur with what?

a. stimulants
b. blocks
c. irritable focus that comes and goes
d. irritable AV node

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what are the causes of paroxysmal hypertension?

It could be stress related, but the most common concern (if this is your only symptom) would be a tumor on your adrenal gland. Basically a tumor could be causing spurts of adrenaline in your body.  (+ info)

How to cure or treat Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea (PND)?

The treatment of PND, shortness of breath or labored breathing occurring when lying down sleeping, depends on its underlying cause. The cause of the PND (of which there are many possibilities) needs to be treated in order to control the PND. If you have not had a sleep study done or have not seen a physician to find the cause, you need to do so. Once the cause is determined, measures can be taken to help the PND.  (+ info)

Any one have paroxysmal dystonia?

I was wondering if it ever goes away? I have MS so I'm sure I'm stuck with it, but does it go away for the rest of ya'll?

paroxysmal choreoathetosis is "potentially" treatable, try this link and otherwise try to search for this on yahoo and read up on webmd etc. Besides MS is typically waxing and waning disorder, though in some cases it can be progrssive. So for the former type the symptoms would come and go, wish you all the best with your illnesses, good luck  (+ info)

i`m trying to find if paroxysmal atrial fibulation ,is associated with , Ischemic heart disease?

im on meds that are used for treating Ischemic heart disease

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Can anyone HELP me get rid of my Benign Paroxysmal Positional vertigo? Semont Epley are NO GOOD!!?

In benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, short (< 60 sec) episodes of vertigo occur with certain head positions. Nausea and nystagmus develop. Diagnosis is clinical. Treatment involves canalith repositioning maneuvers. Drugs and surgery are rarely, if ever, indicated.
Please see the web pages for more details on Benign Paroxysmal Positional vertigo (BPPV).  (+ info)

Has anyone ever heard of BPPV(Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)?

Does anyone know how long it last?
Any treatment for it?

I have had this for 10 years. It comes & goes in uneven spurts, sometimes every 6 months, sometimes a year between episodes, usually lasting for several days each time. There is a series of positions that a doctor can manuever you through that helps some people, although whether my doctor did them wrong or they just didn't work for me, I'm not sure. There are a few things I've found on the internet about "sure-fire" cures, but I'm hesitant to believe many of them, especially since they're expensive and only a few doctors know about them--why would that be, if the "cure" is so effective? I just carry non-drowsy motion sickness medicine for the nausea creating by the spinning sensation and put up with the funky vision for the days that it bothers me. I've also found that drinking LOTS of water (only water) to stay hydrated during those times helps a bunch, too. Keeping your eyes open when the spinning overcomes you helps with the nausea, too.

Good luck, and please post if you find better answers.  (+ info)

Which upper respiratory bacterial infection is characterized by a paroxysmal cough?

or pertussis

Pertussis, also known as the Whooping Cough, often begins with symptoms similar to the common cold, however after 1-2 weeks, patients often develop "fits" of coughing (paroxysms). After these rapid paroxysms of coughing, patients often make a "whooping" sound as they breathe in, hence the name.  (+ info)

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