FAQ - Endocarditis, Subacute Bacterial
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Can bacterial vaginosis cause a burning feeling in the clitoris and just beneath it?

I have been having a burning feeling inside the inner labia just under the clitoris. It sometimes looks a little red and sometimes it does not. I recently took Diflucan and that didn't help. Now I am noticing a slightly thick, milky discharge. I'm starting to wonder if it could be bacterial vaginosis. Would BV cause burning in the clitoral area without causing burning in and around the vagina?

BV has a very disctinct, unpleasant odour and burns. If it's near the clitoris and just under it, that could very likely be from a bladder infection (that's where your urethra is). However, if that was the case you'd have pain when peeing.  (+ info)

How to Bacterial intoxications differ from Bacterial infections of the digestive system?

Bacterial intoxications differ from bacterial infections of the digestive system in that intoxications :
a. are accompanied by fever
b. are more severe
c. are transmitted via water
d. are treated with antibiotics
e. have a shorter incubation time

E. The toxin acts immediately.  (+ info)

how long is bacterial conjunctivitus contagious for after start of treatment?

I have a bacterial conjunctivitus, and i started treatment, and i was wondering how long it is contagious for.

It can last up to 48 hours depending on the length of time it infects. If it has been more than two weeks before treatment you need to be careful not to infect others for at least 48 hours.  (+ info)

What kind of bacterial infecton will cause blisters in the back of your throat?

A 5 year old has been prescribed Amoxicillin and said the dr checked her throat ears and made her pee in a cup. It can't be a viral infection because amoxicillin doesn't treat viral infections. What all types of bacterial infections are there?

She could have tonsilitis, strep- or many parents are given amox. as it's a low dose antibiotic and makes parents feel like the MD accomplished something. (Many don't and aren't pro antibiotics)

Perhaps tonsilitis
Strep  (+ info)

What is the difference between viral and bacterial diseases?

Hey I have 2 questions:
1.is a virus a bacteria(or the other way around?)?Where do bacterias fit if they're not viruses and the other way around?
2.I'd also like to know the difference between viral and bacterial DISEASES,not between viruses and bacterias.I know you can cure bacterial diseases with antibiotics and you can't viral,but I wanna know the difference between the two.

Hopefully you'll be able to help,thank you very much!

Hi there. No, a virus is not a bacteria. Viruses are their own identity. They are infectious agents and are incapable of reproducing except by 'hijacking' a cell (such as a human cell) and utilising what they need from that cell to reproduce. Nasty, hey? You're right: because viruses aren't bacteria, they can't be treated with antibiotics. The symptoms of a viral infection depend on the particular virus. The rhinovirus - common cause of the common 'cold' - is exhibited through congestion (nose), sore throat, blocked-up head, cough, and so on. However, the influenza virus - what causes the 'flu' - can present with the above symptoms but aches and pains in the joints, some of the worst exhaustion you will ever experience and, the classic symptom, a fever (lots and lots of sweating).

Bacteria are capable of reproduction without outside influence (as opposed to viruses). Bacteria are responsible for wound infections such as 'golden staph' (or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), urinary tract infections (can be caused by a range of bacteria), and pneumonia (can be caused by several bacteria, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae).

Viruses and bacteria can be rather confusing. Hope that helps somewhat. =)  (+ info)

What kind of anti bacterial soap to use for belly button piercing?

My peircer said to use either saline solution or sea salt and water. However, I have read many times that a anti bacterial soap should be used 1-2 a day. What kind of soap should I use? Do you have any brands that work well?

  (+ info)

How does treatment for a bacterial infection differ from treatment for a virus?

How does treatment for a bacterial infection differ from treatment for a virus?

A. You can treat bacterial infections, not viruses, with antibiotics.

B. You can treat viruses, not bacterial infections, with antibiotics.

C. You can treat viruses with antifungal medications.

D. There is no difference. You can treat both types of illnesses with antibiotics.


Bacteria are killed by antibiotics, which target microbial bacteria.

Viruses are sub-microscopic and live off host organisms and multiply.
They reside in other cells, hence why antibiotics can not destroy them effectively.  (+ info)

What can be some possible causes for reoccurring bacterial infections?

I have had reoccurring bacterial infections for years now. Just recently my monthly period went away, and my vaginal area was hurting/irritatable. Now I have this discharge, with a slight order and I know that is a sign of some type of bacterial/yeast infection. It seems to come back like 3-4 months after I get the anitbotics.

Does anyone have the answer?

You have an imbalance somewhere. After the antibiotics are over, you need to take probiotics (acidophilus). Health food stores have them. This puts back the friendly bacteria in your body. Cut out the sugary food in your diet, it can spur the growth of yeast infections, they love sugar. You might want to drink natural cranberry juice as well. Good luck.  (+ info)

What is the difference between bacterial infection and yeast infection?

I have bacterial infection could I use monostat 3 for that?

A bacterial infection is caused by a bacteria and needs antibiotics. A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of yeast and you use an anti fungal such as monostat for that. They are not the same thing. If you have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection a doctor would have had to do that so where is your prescription. If you are self diagnosing, bad idea.  (+ info)

I keep getting bacterial infections and keep going back to the doctor for medicine. Any suggestions?

I have recurring bacterial infections. I feel like the medicine I am being given to treat the infection is not strong enough and doesn't completely fight off the bacterial. Has anyone been in this situation before and does anyone know anything that can be done?

Well, generally I can say that if the treatment and diagnosis is right there should be no problem. Do you take antibiotics on right dosages and frequency? If antibacterials are suddenly stopped or minimized, drug resistance may occur thereby decreasing it's effectiveness. If that should happen, a "stronger" type of antibiotic is given OR a combination of drugs to increase potency.  (+ info)

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