FAQ - Endometrios
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Has any women on here had endometrios and fallen pregnant after a laproscopy?

im 22 and have endo,and am looking to have a laproscopy in few months,and im just so so worried i won't ever be able to concieve. if anyone has had experience themselves or friends it would be appreciated!
just to clarify i dont mean having a laproscopy will not make me concieve,just having endo..thanks =)

I was diagnosed with Endo when I was 14 I have had two surgeries for it. Whatever you do do not let them put you on Lupron injections after the surgery. It caused me to have a hormonal imbalance. Ask for birth control instead. My husband and I started trying 5 years ago and I finally got my BFP on 01/27/10 we did it all on our own. Sadly I lost our son two weeks ago. I was 15 weeks along. He had down syndrome and could not make it. The dr.'s said it had nothing to do with my endo and that I can start trying again right away. I was able to pass the baby on my own with medication however they had to do a DNC for the afterbirth when they did the dnc the dr said my endo looked a lot better so I'm hoping I was pregnant long enough to help it out some. Best of luck to you!  (+ info)

Endometrios is when the endometrial tissue grows on the outside of the uterus & other locations of the pelvic?


How does it travel backward out of the uterus into these locations?

Is it b/c of menstrual reflex

  (+ info)

What does laparoscopy with fulgration of endometrios mean? Sorry for the spelling.?

ful·gu·ra·tion (flgy-rshn, -g-, fl-)
The destruction of tissue, usually malignant tumors, by means of a high-frequency electric current applied with a needlelike electrode.

laproscopy is just a simpler procedure...they dont cut you open...you can view a laproscopy surgery on youtube.

Endometriosis is a condition in which bits of the tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grow in other parts of the body. Like the uterine lining, this tissue builds up and sheds in response to monthly hormonal cycles. However, there is no natural outlet for the blood discarded from these implants. Instead, it falls onto surrounding organs, causing swelling and inflammation. This repeated irritation leads to the development of scar tissue and adhesions in the area of the endometrial implants.

so this is surgery to remove the endrometriois  (+ info)

i was diagnosed with endometrios 12 months ago and i would love to talk to anyone who has the same condition?

i had a chocolate cyst on my left ovarie and had to have a operation to remove it along with the ovarie and the tube.

I have endometriosis and you may e-mail or IM me privately any time. If you are looking for a group to join as well check out: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/erc

Let the moderator know that a member from Yahoo Answers referred you to the group.  (+ info)

My doctor wants me to have a total hysterectomy to assist with my endometrios & put me on HRT. Is this safe?

I want a partial hysterectomy (uterus only) but my doctor is recommended that i get everything taken out and put me on HRT. I think this is defeating the purpose since i have had adverse effects from being on the pill. Has anyone had a complete done and taken HRT and have had any side effects? Has anyone just had a partial to assist with their endometriosis without the HRT? Are there any studies linking HRT with cancer or other diseases? Serious answers only from people who have had the procedure...no opinions please or inane comments about my disease or decision. (i already know a hysterectomy isnt a cure for endometriosis)

I had a total hysterectomy 18 years ago. I have been on hormone therapy on and off for a number of years. I have had no adverse problems with either. As for the studies do a quick search online and you should get the more resent studies. Since you and your doctor disagree get another opinion. A second opinion is best for any type of surgery. Good luck.  (+ info)

laparoscopy for endometrios?

I am having a laparoscopy done this Wed for endometrios and I just got my period today. My doctor didn't even ask to see when I would get my period nor did he mention if we need to work around it. Now I am nervous because I just got everything done (i.e babysitter, time off) and my surgery is in two days. Does anyone know if they can't do the surgery due to this? I am at the point of telling him that I just got my period the day of the surgery.

Do I have to tell the nurses when I go in since you have to take all of your clothes off ... etc? Any help pleasssse!

yes they can still do your surgery...with no complications...you may want to mention it to the nurses but it s not a big deal...we do it all the time...good luck to you and it is a relitively simple surgery that will leave minimal or no scarring ask if they have dermabond...it leaves less of a scar...good luck to you  (+ info)

menustration that is lasting more than 4 weeks?

I am 54 and my period now is lasting for over 4 weeks. the last time this happened was about 5 years ago. I had and endometrios biopsy done and a week later i had back pain that went into my leg and lasted 4 years. I could not do anything at all like regular housework. I do not want to have this test again for fear of having this kind of pain again. but having my period for more than 4 weeks is not acceptalbe either. Is this part of menapause and when will it end.

sorry but i think you need to see doctor agin ,,, change of life can go on till about 58y , so i was told ,,, 4weeks period to long ,you must need heaps of iron by then seek doctor advise again  (+ info)

Every heard of menstrual pain like this?

I am 25 and I have had severe menstrual pain from the day I started my period (10 years ago) and it has always caused me alot of problems. I have been checked for endometrios and nothing was found, and for the most part the doctors have all just brushed it off and prescribed me mortin. I have also not persued it futher because I assumed it was normal. But I take a tremendous amount of meds during the 2 days this occurs, and recently found out how horrible that is for my kidneys, liver and other internal organs. However, I cannot go an hour without taking something or I will literally not be able to pull myself up off the floor. I get severe pain (which I wouldn't discribe as cramping), nausa, diarerea, chills, and hot flashes. It is so bad that vicotin alone won't knocked it out. Recently I've been wondering if maybe this is not normal and something abnormal might be causing this. Also, how do I get around the high dosage of pain meds? Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.
oh I should also add that BC pills haven't worked much either, but I would like to have a baby soon so thats not an option right now.

I also suffer really bad with period pain, and would some times faint, be sick and have Diarhoea, hot flushes and really horrible pain and really flood. I haven't got endometrios either. As i have got older and had two children they are no where near as bad as they used to be. I know that may not solve your problem for you as you may not want children just yet. I really feel for you as it is bloody awful. A hot bath, a hot water bottle and nurofen plus is all i can suggest. Good luck.  (+ info)

* Kidney and Liver Problems *?

How can you tell if you have Kidney or Liver problems?

I have had alot of pain in my stomach and sides lately.
and also been feeling sick to my stomach and very tired.
Also for the past 6 months I've been taking Tylonal and Ibrophen for endometrios.

Some people with kidney and liver problems have symptoms related to those organs (see sources), but a lot of times it is hard to tell without a blood test and/or a urine test. Your doctor could also examine your abdomen and tell you whether those organs feel abnormal. It sounds like you have good reasons to go see your doctor. I hope he or she is able to figure out what is going on with you, and I hope you feel better soon.  (+ info)

Vaginal Atrophy at age 21?

I was going to a regular doctor who thought that i may have endometrois, he put me on the shot to stop my periods and i have been getting depo every two months. Well i wanted a second opinion because nothing was helping (frequency feeling or pee, painful sex, burning) so i went to the GYNO and he did a exam, and said nothing about endometrios, and said that i have Vaginal Atrophy. He have me estrogen cream to put up me. I have a two year old daughter and the pain started after she was a year old.

Have you ever heard of anyone this young getting that?


From what I know, vaginal atrophy is caused by a decline in estrogen, which can happen anytime during a woman's life.

If you smoke, that could be a cause too. Smoking slows circulation all over the body, including to the vagina. It also reduces estrogen.  (+ info)

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