FAQ - Epilepsia Partialis Continua
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Define and explain the stages of you personal fitness continuum?

yeah i do go to townview for personal fitness

  (+ info)

Do they make lip rings that have screw-in pieces?

Rather than fit-in or snap-in? I've been having a lot of trouble with the fit-in ones; I've gotten one with a ball and a continuum ring and they've both fallen out. however, the ball didn't fall out as easily as the continuum piece, so if I can't find a screw-in ring I'd be fine with going back to a ball.

Yes, you can find them at Claires but they arent the traditional full circle ring with the little ball. Its more like a bull ring with two screws on each end.  (+ info)

I'm having a rough time dealing with the current space-time continuum. Any advice?


Anyone know which are the best dimensions?

If you get a chance to go from one reality to another, I say take it.  (+ info)

Help Managing Cluster Headaches?

Hello Y!A. Treatment for Hemicrania Continua failed (I did not respond to indomethacin...too bad too, I would have rather had that than this). At the same time, I've started having jabbing, "hot" pains in my eye-socket and into my temple with tearing and nose running. Neurologist changed the diagnosis to cluster headache, which, as you know, really doesn't respond to much.

For those who suffer, what have you found helps you get through the pain of a headache?

My husband gets those pretty bad. He has tried several different remedies. He swears by sticking a cotton ball or ear plug into the ear that is on the same side of the eye with the pain behind it. He always has the pain behind his left eye so he just stuff a piece of cotton ball into his left ear and it has helped him tremendously.  (+ info)

Music suggestions based on who I like?

my favorite artists/bands are:

john mayer (I LOVE continuum)
train/pat monahan
jason mraz (but not the pop stuff. the REAL stuff)
lucy schwartz
a fine frenzy
plain white t's
the script
civil twilight
jack johnson

thanksss :) I need some new music.

John Mayer= Excellence :) Good choice.

I'd say-
Ingrid Michaelson
Jack's Mannequin
The Hush Sound (Possibly? Don't know how you'd feel about them.)
Mirah (She's a bit different, but I think she's good.)
Angel Taylor  (+ info)

a picture of the mental health continuum?

a link would be wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&q=picture+of+mental+health+continuum%3F&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&resnum=1&ct=title  (+ info)

Can anyone help me with this?

Dunn’s High-Level Wellness Grid demonstrates interaction of environment with illness-wellness continuum; importance of family, community, environment, & society
1. High-level wellness in a favorable environment
2. Emergent high-level wellness in unfavorable environment
3. Protected poor health in favorable environment
4. Poor health in unfavorable environment

what it is about? or can anyone give me examples?

the wellness continuum is just there to assess your sense of wellness. the more you are to the extreme right of the continuum, which is the high level, the better off you are. it means that you are experiencing a high level of wellness. Your environment too is so conducive to your wellness, maybe you have supportive people around you, or you move around in an area where it is clean, healthy less stressful to your sense of wellbeing.

as you move to the left of the continuum, it tells you to pay attention to your health becuase it may lead to poor sense of wellbeing... Check your environment because it may not be contributing to your wellness...  (+ info)

Alcohol consumption rate / intoxication?

Does the consumption rate of alcoholic beverages have a significant effect in increasing the quantity required to be absorbed for the body to enter a state of intoxication, and furthermore, do the effects of intoxication remain for an extended chronological span when a synonymous amount is consumed, but over different stretches of this chronological continuum?
When accounting for the long term effects of senescence, does this multiplier subsidize, or is it a constant variable in which the alcohol intoxicates at an equal rate {Assuming body mass and vertical lineages are proportional between the two participants}
Using the two samples I have formulated below, I conducted a minor experiment:
Amy Wong – Aged 19
Body mass: 121 pounds.
Vertical lineage: 1.56m
Consumed: 6.7 L of vodka.
Time elapsed: 5 hours.
Time elapsed before intoxication: 3hours, 46 minutes.
Intoxication recovery: 12 hours.

Sarah Gardener – Aged 19
Body mass: 121 pounds.
Vertical lineage: 1.56m
Consumed: 6.7 L of vodka
Time Elapsed: 45 minutes
Time elapsed before intoxication: 7 minutes.
Intoxication recovery: 18 hours.

No, the opposite effect is actually true. By increasing the quantity consumed within a given time period, there is a greater concentration gradient between the stomach/blood. Thus the diffusion/absorption rate of alcohol into the bloodstream is greater.g

While the rate of alcohol elimination can vary from person to person slightly, most people will eliminate about one serving of alcohol per hour. Thus, front-loading the alcohol consumption will increase intoxication, versus spreading it out over 5 hours. Steady drinking results in a longer time period before intoxication. Drinking more could potentially result in getting rid of more alcohol through sweat.

The above experiment would kill both subjects. 6.7L of vodka for 121 pound girls would result in alcohol poisoning.  (+ info)

What is an Illness-Wellness continuum?

Please explain to me how it works.

Hi Twinkle,

A continuum is like a spectrum, or a number line.
Think of the Ilness-Welness spectrum as the "degree" of illness or wellness along a number line (continuum)...

Where a very sick person would be a -9, and very fit person would be 9.

-9 -8 -7-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Continuum defined:
(plural continuums or continua)
A continuous series or whole, no part of which is noticeably different from its adjacent parts, although the ends or extremes of it are very different from each other.

Hope this helps.

:-)  (+ info)

To parents following continuum concept parenting...?

Do you think it's cruel i have my newborn sleep in her pack n play for 3 hours worth of naps every day? She sleeps with me in bed at night. Thanks for your insight.

I think that's fine.

I try to be as attachment parenting as possible... but I honestly don't see how you can be a totally AP parent when you have more than one child.

I had twins first and they weren't mobile until almost a year. They were large for their ages and it wasn't really feasible for me to carry them around constantly, even with a Moby Wrap... it just wouldn't have worked.

Now I have a 3 month old and twins who will be 2 in a few days. It's not really feasible for me to hold him all the time because my twins like to sit on my lap a lot so my kids all just have to share me a lot.

Anyway, all I'm trying to get across is that yes, many cultures do constantly hold their children all the time and the mothers do all their chores and work with a baby attached to them.

I think it's because of things like poison snakes, scorpions, spiders, ants... they can't put their babies down to play or sleep until they can get away from dangerous things. They also are very poor and can't afford child care. I'll bet a lot of these mothers would probably like to put their baby down. lol

I am all for holding, carrying, babywearing, co-sleeping, breastfeeding, etc. but I think that when done to the extreme it can be REALLY hard on the mother.

In short, I don't think it's cruel to let your baby take a nap in a pack n' play. It's going to be hard on you to maintain the standard of constant holding and carrying of your baby... especially if you have subsequent children!

If your kid is happy then rejoice! :-D

My 3 month old is sleeping in the middle of my bed right now.

I'm looking on this site to find out what continuum concept parenting is since I have never heard that term and it looks like attachment parenting.


I think that there is a balance between the continuum concept of parenting and the traditional western style.

It doesn't necessarily have to be one extreme or the other. :-)

I thought one concept in particular was interesting. Wearing your baby while carrying on normal daily activities. I find it really uncomfortable (and so does my 3 month old) to have him in his Moby all the time. That doesn't mean he spends all his time in a nursery or playpen, though.

I did the dishes today while he sat in his bouncy chair on top of the dish washer, watching and interacting with me. :-) I know they say no bouncy chairs on elevated surfaces but I was right there. There is no way he was going anywhere. I stood a greater chance knocking his head on something while I was bending over multiple times putting away dishes. lol

I carried him for 9 months. I was ready for a few breaks by the time I had him. It's Ok to put your baby down if they're happy.  (+ info)

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