FAQ - Epiretinal Membrane
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What exactly does a membrane sweep do?

I just got back from my doctor's appt and I was still only at 1 cm, I am due in 4 days now. And she said she did a membrane sweep, she didn't say what exactly it is but just that it's a natural induction type thing. I am wondering if this will do anything for me as I read online so far that it just makes you lose your mucus plug, but I already lost that last week. So was this just completely pointless?

What is a membrane sweep?

A membrane sweep is one of the more 'natural' means of encouraging your baby to arrive if you have passed your due date with no sign of labour starting on its own. They are often offered to pregnant women as a first alternative as they can significantly increase the chance that your baby will arrive within the next 48 hours and thereby reduce the need for other, more chemically based, methods of labour induction such as prostin gel or ARM (artificial rupture of the membranes).

How are they carried out?

Usually, a membrane sweep will be carried out by your doctor or midwife either while you're at home or in the doctors surgery itself. They are performed during an internal examination and involve your midwife inserting a finger into your cervix (to stretch it a little) and then making a firm, circular, sweeping movement around the neck of your womb. This movement helps to separate your cervix from the membranes of the sac that is currently housing your baby, and is a procedure that helps to stimulate the release of prostaglandins - the hormones that signal to your brain that it's time to start labour.

How effective is a membrane sweep?

There is no guarantee that having a membrane sweep will induce labour, its effectiveness will ultimately depend on how ready your body is to give birth. To gauge this, when examining you internally your midwife will feel for your cervix; it if has begun to soften and efface then a membrane sweep is more likely to succeed as your body has already started to prepare for labour. However, if your midwife has trouble feeling your cervix because it's still sitting high a membrane sweep is less likely to be effective and in some cases your midwife may suggest you wait a little longer before having a sweep.

Opinions vary greatly as to whether membrane sweeps should be routinely given to women who are overdue. So, as with most things maternity related, whether you will be offered one should you go past your due date will largely depend on your midwife. However, it is important to note that even if your midwife suggests a membrane sweep, if you don't feel comfortable with the procedure and would prefer your baby to arrive in his or her own time, you are perfectly within your rights to decline.  (+ info)

Does a membrane sweep always work and start the labour?

my sister is 39 weeks pregnant and had her membrane sweep today at 1pm , does this guarantee the labour starting

No it don't always work, But sometimes it does but not every time, just tell her to relax, the baby will be here soon,  (+ info)

Can a human use what remains of their nictitating membrane?

Is it possible to retrain the muscles that control what remains of our nictitating membrane so that it can be used?

Many animals have a third eyelid called a nictitating membrane. This clear eyelid can be drawn across the eyeball for protection from debris, prey, or the dryness of air, similarly to regular eyelids. Reptiles, birds, sharks, and some mammals evolved this extra layer of protection to keep their eyes moist and clean while maintaining visibility.

The nictitating membrane is part of the conjunctiva, a mucus membrane. Usually, it resides in the corner of the eye when not in use.

In humans, the nictitating membrane is the apparently useless pink lump in the inner corner of the eyes; it is permanently folded into that corner and no longer functions, apparently rendered redundant by evolution some time in the past.  (+ info)

How soon do doctors usually alow you to get a membrane sweep?

I'm 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I was wondering how soon doctors usually allow you to get a membrane sweep I would really like my baby to be here before Christmas and I am just so extremely uncomfortable I know it happens to every one but I am just so ready for this baby to come
has anyone gotten one done
any answers are greatly appreciated!!
Thanks for taking the time to read this

I have heard getting your membranes stripped is EXTREMELY painful, and usually doesn't happen until after your due date (when the baby won't come on their own).

I asked to have my membranes stripped with my son and my OB said he doesn't recommend it (and this was AFTER my due date).

I never did get one and my son was born 1 week LATE @ 41 weeks ..  (+ info)

Can a bulging tympanic membrane cause dizziness?

I was diagnosed with a bulging tympanic membrane and was prescribed Ciprofloxacin. I was wondering if the the bulging could cause you to feel woozy, off balance, a drunken state? I've tried to look on the internet, and it says they are not connected. I've been woozy etc. for about 6 days. This started about a week and half after I was having my ear ache.
I've been woozy even before I was prescribed the antibiotic.

You could be experiencing an adverse reaction to ciprofloxacin.
Or it could because of your ear infection, since the organ which is responsible for your hearing is really really close to the one responsible for your balance.

Check with your doctor.

Take care  (+ info)

already dilating and effacing will membrane sweep work?

Since i am dilating and effacing already (1cm and 50% effaced) then will a membrane sweep work to help with moving labor along? Experiences please, im 38 weeks! ANd no comments please about how that is to young, i have had 2 biophysical exams done and she is an 8 of 8 and weighs 8 pounds.

  (+ info)

How to help things along after membrane sweep??

I had a membrane sweep yesterday afternoon, notes say cervix admitted fingertip, 2cm long, posterior anyone shed any light on what that means & any suggestions on how could help things along now had sweep? Im not trying castor oil for sake of baby, i walk everywhere as it is, eat hot food all time & am takin raspberry leaf tablets.. So frustrated as wanted to have him b4 next week as my son starts school.

I had 2 sweeps and tried e verything i could think of - walking, curry, fresh pineapple, sex and still my little monkey was 13 days late (i had to be induced), so it will come out when its ready!!
  (+ info)

When the amniotic membrane breaks during pregnancy?

When exactly is the amniotic membrane breaks during pregnancy? Is it when it is already full dilatation (10cm) or when the contraction exceeds 40secs in duration or when the fetal head already reaching station 0 or more??? And when is the time that you decide that you have to break the amniotic membrane manually and give the labor induction (oxytocin)?? Thank you very much for your help!

Sometimes your membranes will rupture before you are dilated at all, and sometimes it won't rupture and you are 10 centimeters dilated ready to push and the doctor has to break it for you. It can rupture before contractions start or after you have been in labor for hours. The doctor will be the one to tell you when you are at the hospital in labor if he thinks he should break it or induce, or if he thinks you should wait for nature to kick in. There is no determining factor here. It isn't clear what exactly causes your membranes to rupture spontaneously. Some say it is from a release of certain hormones, some say it is from pressure changes in the uterus. Sorry if this answer wasn't too helpful. There really isn't a definite answer to this one.  (+ info)

How successful is membrane sweep at 40 weeks?

I am hoping to have a membrane sweep done next tues when I will be 40+1 weeks. I have had no twinges, contractions, practice or otherwise and no show. Could the Dr refuse to perform a sweep if she feels I am not ready? Can they only do it if you have already started to dialate? I am keen to labour soon as I am really uncomfortable and my husband will be going away to work in a week and I really want him there with me
Thanks in advance for any comments

They will only be able to perform the membrane sweep if your cervix is what they call 'favourable', meaning soft and so they can open it to be able to fit their finger through it to sweep away the membranes. Whether or not your cervix is favourable, doctor cant refuse to at least give it a try and although it isnt as effectcive as a proper membrane sweep it still has some effect and can work too, just a little slower. Usually, if your doctor can give you a proper sweep, you will go into labour within 48hrs. This is what they told me anyway.

Good luck x  (+ info)

What happens after the membrane sweep? Please answer desperate to know?


I have to go for a membrane sweep, what happens after the procedure? Is it effective?

I had my membranes stripped (or swept) at my 38 week check up. The doctor said it would increase chances of early delivery because it is releasing your moucous plug. Unfortunately, it didn't really speed up delivery for me. I still carried to the full 40 weeks. My son was born on his due date.  (+ info)

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