FAQ - Esophageal Spasm, Diffuse
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How do I get rid of a muscle spasm in my neck?

I woke up today with a very painful muscle spasm in my neck. I can't turn my head.
:( How do I get rid of it?

about it you can get information from here http://webmd61.notlong.com/AA71vgc  (+ info)

What does a spasm in the testicles after urinating mean?

Occasionaly it happens, but after I go pee, sometimes it feels like a muscle spasm under the left testicle and it doesn't hurt, but it sort of does hurt, but not enough to make me drop to my knees, it's just enough to make me wince kind of. Please tell me what this means anybody, I would like an answer from a nurse or anyone who may practice in the medical field.

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how do i cure a quad cramp or spasm from playing sports?

my sister does basketball. when she came one day her quad hurt so bad she could barely move it without pain. i think its a muscle spasm. shes in alot of pain and i need to no a qiuick way to fix it. any suggestions pleaasssssssseeee?

Muscle cramps hurt and are usually a result of dehydration along with exertion. It's best to prevent them by staying hydrated and making sure you have plenty of potassium in your system. Drinking orange juice and eating bananas are a good source. Stretching is also important for preventing and easing cramps. Bad cramps need to be stretched gently. A good quad stretch if to stand on the unaffected leg and bend the cramping one. Hold the foot of the affected leg behind your butt and pull up gently. Your sister's team's physical trainer or coach can show her stretches to do before and after playing.  (+ info)

Under my left ribcage I feel like a mucsle spasm and a growling sound what could this be?

I exercise in weight training regualarly could I have pulled something? I also noticed when I take a deep breath i can feel the spasm beeting real quick then stopping.

sounds like a spasam...you might have pulled something...better go to get checked out.  (+ info)

Is it normal to have soreness were you've had a severe muscle spasm?

After a painfully severe muscle spasm under my right rib cage I now have soreness to the touch and when i cough or stretch. Is this normal after having a muscle spasm?

Normal. A muscle spasm actually pretty similar to a muscle strain. Rest for a week or two and it should take care of itself. Ice and tylenol work too.  (+ info)

Is it normal for your legs to have a spasm if someone touches your clitoris after having an orgasm?

Every time I have an orgasm, my body (particularly my clitoris) gets too sensitive to touch and when grazed, it makes my legs spasm and move involuntary. Even if you rub it for too long and i haven't climaxed, it does this to me. Just wondering if that was normal or not...and looking for suggestions as to why it does this. Only my legs spasm during this as well.

You must know some scientific facts. Clitoris is full of nerves which get excited during orgasm. These nerves have connections to muscles of legs and tummy , that is the reason many women raise their tummy and stretch legs during orgasm. it is possible that the nerves remain in excited state for some time after orgasm and when you touch clitoris it gives spasm to muscles of legs which are connected.  (+ info)

What is this weird spasm that i sometimes get before falling asleep?

Whenever I am falling asleep... just drifting off.. I sometimes get a random spasm and jerk quite suddenly - i can feel it coming about 3 seconds before the spasm and its quite weird - I also cant stop it from coming... it happens really randomly, about once a week.

My parents say its just slipping in and out of consciesness..

Any info? Thanks
Whenever I am falling asleep... just drifting off.. I sometimes get a random spasm and jerk quite suddenly - i can feel it coming about 3 seconds before the spasm and its quite weird - I also cant stop it from coming... it happens really randomly, about once a week.

My parents say its just slipping in and out of consciesness..

Any info? Thanks


Barbara G - Yes I know what you mean by those hypogonic or whatever images - like stretched faces or objects... quite weird.

First of all, it's completely normal. Your muscles are relaxing just before sleep to let you attain unconsciousness, but sometimes the primitive part of your brain interprets that as falling out of a tree and wants to save you by waking you up, hence the spasms. It tapers off with age. For me, what is really weird is those hypnogogic images you get just before drifting off... disembodied faces and images... who knows where THAT comes from...  (+ info)

What does it mean when your legs spasm at night?

My legs spasm/twitch when I'm laying in bed at night. What causes this?

It might mean your leg is recovering from an extreme workout.  (+ info)

What's the best way to make a guy's eyebrows look diffuse?

I'm a guy - i have very think and dark eyebrows kinda like anoop desai from american idol. I wanna make them look less significant and more diffuse or sparse. What's the best way to do this? Is it plucking? or can should I shave a bit off carefully using a moustache comb as a guide and restrictor?

im a beauty therapist..first thing is plucking between thee brows to get rid of the monobrow..do not shave! shaving cuts just the hair shaft causing it to grow back thicker and could result accidently in no brows! the inner brow should be in line with the inner corner of your eyes..use a pencil to measure up..pluck out any hairs that are stray and pluck the hairs one by one to your desired thickness...do not shape the brows or go too thin! not manly. lastly trim the bushiness with a brow trimmer (like a head shaver but smaller) voila! :)  (+ info)

I have muscle spasm on my thighs and feeling of numbness. How can i cure it?

During a soccer game, i felt strong pains in my thighs, but i continued playing. After that, i couldnt walk for one month. And ever since then i have muscle spasm, and a sense of fatigue. If i run its getting painful after a while. Physiotherapy didnt help much.

I would get a second opinion and have them run some tests...you could have a neurological problem...or you could just lack potassium! Better safe than sorry though!  (+ info)

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