FAQ - Eye Infections, Parasitic
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For people who know about eye infections?

ok i have this eye infection or so the doctor says. and it only seems to be getting worse with the medication that he gave me. i have these bumps on my eye brow and it seems like each day i have a few more. my right eye is half way blood shot red and constantly feels like there is something in it but the doctor said that there wasnt anything. i have no drainage at all. ANY IDEAS AS TO WHAT THIS COULD BE? and dont worry im going to get this checked out again.
oh and by the way the doctor said that i do not have a stye
or scratches on the eye because the doctor put food coloring in my eye to see if there were any scratches and there werent any.

Well its going to take a while before your eye gets better. Also when you go back tot he doctor ask for a flourizine test to see if your cornea maybe scraped or something. Thats the only thing i can suggest. Just give the med some time to work.  (+ info)

What r your chances of getting eye infections from contacts?

if u drop your contact on the bathroom sink and kind of just rinse if off with the solution ?

Depends what has been in the sink! Eye infections are always a risk with contacts.

Say you put your finger in your eye (without contacts). Any germs from your finger would swim around in the natural fluid in your eye, which would wash the germs away fairly quickly. But if you have a contact lens in your eye, it's hydrophilic which means it attracts and absorbs that fluid - and the germs. So the germs stay in your eye for longer and are more likely to cause an infection.

Same would apply to the situation you mention. If the lense picked up some germs from the sink, they're going to be sitting in your eye all the time you're wearing that contact. Not a pretty thought! You really need to soak the lens to disinfect it again.

That's why they say, never use someone else's eyeliner or mascara while you're wearing contacts.

Having said that, I must admit I've dropped my lens and then put it in my eye, more than once - and got away with it. So far!  (+ info)

What is good for eye infections?

What is good for eye infections? natural remedies

These are your eyes - so do not experiment with them. Every medical problem is on a case by case basis. What works for others may not work for you. Please do not risk your eyes.

Seek professional medical help.  (+ info)

Has anyone had a problem with eye infections while using Acuvue Advance with Hydraclear?

Has anyone had a problem with eye infections while using Acuvue Advance with Hydraclear? I have had three infections since switching to this product. I previously used Acuvue 2 and am considering switching back. They are cheaper and I never had a problem. The hydraclear isn't as great as I thought it would be. I actually find it more dry and I even switched cleaning solutions like the doc recommended. Anyone else had problems?

No I never had any of those problems that you mentioned.  (+ info)

what kind of eye infections warrants the use of TobraDex?

is it something i need to be particularly vigilant against contracting... i.e. shingles or what not?

Eye medication is not ordered based on the "kind" of eye infection but based on the "causitive" agent. That means it is based on the type of bacteria, virus or injury that caused the eye infection. What works for one eye infection, will not necessarily work for another.

This particular medication is for a bacterial infection and also contains a corticosteroid to alleviate swelling. I have no idea what eye condition you had that you received this medication so you would need to contact your doctor for more information. While I might know what a medication is for, other than major routine meds, nurses do not learn what specific diseases they are ordered for...after all, we don't order the meds, the doctor does.

P.S. Shingles is viral so this is definitely not for shingles. That doesn't mean you can't have an eye infection at the same time as shingles with the eye infection being unrelated.  (+ info)

How can you cure those painful altough small mouth infections (like an eye) on inside lip? And what are they?

i believe they are canker sores and just rinse with salt water  (+ info)

how are parasitic infections treated?

If an adult has a parasitic infection in the digestive tract, what kind of medication would be used to treat it?

A "parasite" is defined as a single cell animal(protozoan) or worm,that survives by living inside another,usually much larger animal organism ( host ).The treatment for these many diseases are with "amebicide" drugs like "Iodoquinpol","Parpmomycim"and "Diloxanide" For worm infestations of the intestines,drugs like "Mebendazole","Thiabendazole"and "Praziquantel".There are many sources of contamination with these diseases,soil, infested pigs and cattle,fish,and bird droppings etc.and poultry and eggs.Very common in rural Asia,Africa,and South America and undeveloped nations, also the USA.They range from very common to the most "exotic ". Take care. SW RNP  (+ info)

Natural ways to cure eye infections?

Hey, I have an eye infection but i don't have any anti-biotic drops is there any natural ways at home i can do to cure it?

Most eye infections...such as pink eye...are caused by viruses, and antibiotics aren't needed. Time and cool compresses are all that is needed for pink eye (conjunctivitis)

Even for things like styes we rarely need antibiotics, and in this case very warm, almost hot compresses usually clear them up nicely.

Throw out any eye makeup you were using so you don't re-contaminate the eye.  (+ info)

If you share eye make up with another person is it possible that you might get infections?

I was wondering.

We never used to think of such things. There used to be a time when you could try them in the stores and everyone did to get the right colors.  (+ info)

Is there a home remedy for eye infections in cats?

My cat had this problem before. Just use eyedrop or antibiotic ointment. But if it is very serious, you should sent it to vet.
Hope it will be fine.  (+ info)

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