FAQ - Failure To Thrive
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My son was taken last month for failure to thrive. What are my Legal rights? Any suggestions would be great.?

He is 9 months old and is a very happy and active baby. He was born six weeks early and has always had problems keeping food down and spitting up to much. He also refuses food at times. I made an extra appointment for him when I noticed these problems and that's when he was taken out of my custody. I am in need of any advice or stories that might help our situation. Thankyou.

YOu need to find a lawyer. Honestly, my baby was almost hospitalized for the same thing. YOU made the appointment, it's not like someone else noticed it and called. He may have GERD that makes him throw up. My 2nd child has had it since birth and was very small as a baby. I will pray for you and your baby. I'm so sorry.  (+ info)

failure to thrive in 4 month old?

My four month old has lost weight and the doctors said she has failure to thrive. They don't know why yet. She was completely breastfed until last week when they put her in the hospital and they wanted me to start offering her formula after each feeding because formula has more calories. If she doesn't take any they say it's fine because it means she's completely full from breastfeeding but for me to try to get her to take at least 1 oz every few hours. Has anyone went through this and did you find out why? Do you know of any other options besides formula?
I nurse on demand, wear her in a carrier or hold her most of the time, and absolutely do NOT cio, but thank you for the tips. I was looking more for a medical reason- right now they've eliminated problems w/her thyroid and they're checking her heart now. One person told me her daughter went through the same thing because she had a hole in her heart. I was looking for other options also. They haven't analyzed my milk, they just determined that my supply is fine and she's getting full after every feeding.
One other thing, the formula she had in the hospital and was sent home with us has more calories because it's some kind of formula you only get from doctors, not really sure about the details of it. But after that the regular formula gets mixed with expressed breast milk to make it have more calories.

I'm sorry you are going through this. From what I understand about failure to thrive it is important that the infant gets extra calories a day so the best option at this time will be to introduce some formula to her diet.

My daughter was not failure to thrive but had to go back for jaundice treatment twice and I was against formula but we had to supplement formula while in the hospital to help push the jaundice out. I looked at formula as her medication for this problem. Try looking at the formula supplements as her medication during this difficult time  (+ info)

Failure to thrive baby help?

My daughter Laura is 10 weeks old (3 weeks adjusted) and she is being diagnosed as failure to thrive. She was 5 pd 8 oz at birth and now weighs 7 pd 12 oz She was hospitalized just over a week ago with RSV. She also has a heart condtion called SVT (prety much just a fast heartrate sometimes). The first few weeks of life she was not gaining weight well and then the week before she was hospitalized she picked up and started eating well and gained 1 lb. Now, since being hospitalized she is back to her old ways and is not eating enough to gain weight and cannot leave until she does.

First they said she needs to eat 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours but she didn't so they started a feeding tube.....well when they put what she wouldn't eat down the tube she vomitted it back up.

New guidelines today are she needs to eat a total of 14 oz (1-2 oz every 2 hours)

Any tips on how to get her to eat....sometimes she is too sleepy to eat and sometimes she just plain does not want to.
We breastfed the first 8 weeks but b/c of several reasons (low weight gain, low milk supply) we gave up.
Laura's SVT is treated with medication and she doesn't normally have episodes (although she did have one two nights ago but was brought on by neubulizer treatments/stress)

She is working with her cardiologist - she is actually the one who had her transferred to the hospital we are at now which is closer to her. She recommended the 14 oz a day (normally a baby Laura's size would eat between 16-20)
Thanks a lot savannah - just what someone in my situation needs to hear......really terrible advice
I agree nursing would be the best thing for her but, we quit two weeks ago b/c my supply dropped dramatically (not sure if it dropped or just didn't increase as her needs increased). I'd been taking herbs for milk supply from her birth so I could pump for her in the NICU, but never pumped more than 1.5 ounces and sometimes less. I am sure it is stress which I can't really help but be and also I think b/c she wasn't eating well and emptying the breast at each feeding I wasn't producing more (?) It is just hard....if I could lay with her night and day and let her nurse little bits here and there it might would work....but with an 18 mo old who I already feel like I am neglecting b/c of so many hospital stays it is just difficult...........*SIGH*

And she already is/has been on high calorie formula.....right now 24 but 27 was supplemented during her NICU stay.

Has your daughter's Supraventricular Tachycardia been treated with the: procedure catheter ablation yet? Or is she a candidate for it?

Poor feeding is a symptom of SVT (or any heart problem in infants)...feeding is tiring for those babies and they are often diagnosed with failure to thrive. I'd look at it also from the heart aspect - I'd ask to speak to a pediatric cardiologist (I'm sure you have one) and get tips from that angle on how to help a baby with a heart condition eat.  (+ info)

Failure to Thrive and bottomless pit for stomach?

My son is 9 months old and has been diagnosed with failure to thrive. He was born at 8lbs 11 oz , he is now 15 lbs and 2 oz. He has not gained any weight since he was 6 months old.
I introduced solid food to him when he was 5 months old. I felt like he was still hungry after nursing him. He is still breastfed, and will NOT take to formula. He also will not take a sippy cup or bottle. I can get him to drink water using a syringe. I follow his cues, as far as when to eat and how much.
Here is an idea of how much he eats
Breakfast: Nurses for 15 mins each side, 1 whole egg, a handful of Cheerios, 1 whole apple (minus skin and core) 1 jar of baby food. After feeding him this, he still is atacking big brother's leftovers.
Snack ( 1.5 hours later) Mozzarella cheese stick, 5 whole wheat crackers and nurses for 10 mins each side.
Lunch (1.5-2 hours later) Nurses both sides for 20 mins, 2 cups of mixed veggies, slice of turkey meat, bananna, and 1 jar of baby fruit with oatmeal mixed in.
Snack ( 1 hour later) 2 graham crackers with applesauce, nurses both sides for 10 mins
Dinner (2 hours later) 1.5 cups peas, 2 jars of baby jarred meat, 2 cups of pureed fruit with oatmeal mixed in, 1 slice whole wheat bread with butter, nurses for 20 mins on each side.
Snack (1 hour later) 2 cups grapes (cut in half), 1 cup watermelon, 1 whole apple
Bedtime Nurses 30 mins each side....
This is what he ate yesterday....
This is about how much he eats in a day. He has not gained any weight and he eats this much... Any ideas what might be going on?
I have spoken to his Dr. I am trying to bring some other ideas to the table. She will be doing lab work in a week. She is thinking Celiac disease and oral aversion. I don't think this matches him.
His head has stopped growing as well. He is doing everything he should and more. No tests yet. Next week we are going back to have him weighed and figure out an action plan.
I eat a well balanced diet, and take prenatal vitamins. He is also taking vitamins now.
The weirdest thing is that while I was pregnant I had nightmares of me not being able to produce enough milk for him.
Also his bowel movements are normal and frequent. He has never had any reflux issues.
He has full access to the breast. What I listed above is the food journal entry for yesterday. HIs Dr suggested the syringing of water because he is refusing to drink from a sippy cup, cup, bottle. She thinks he might not be getting enough liquids in just the breastmilk. As far as introducing solids too early, he was still hungry afterward and would not take formula. He lost weight before introducing the solids. His dr recommended starting solids at that point.
Also, his Dr has okayed all of the food he has been eating. I even asked her on several of the items. Due to his loss of weight and failure to gain (no family history of allergies either) she suggested certain items. I love kellymom.com!

Has the Dr done any testing to find out if it is an intestinal disorder or anything? My son is 15 months old. He is 20 lbs but he has been there for 6 months. His head has also stopped growing. He does everything he should at his age plus more, but the Dr is still worried because of slow growth. She ran blood tests and the came back that he might not be absorbing vitamins like he should, like his body doesn't absorb the nutrients from all the food he is eating. Does your son have diarrhea or reflux? Are you eating enough calories in your diet to make your breastmilk fatty? My son is going in for an MRI in a couple of weeks plus they ordered more blood tests to check other levels to see what might be causing it. What all tests has the Dr done for your little boy to try and determine the cause? If your son is eating like you say then most likely it is something intestinal causing him not to absorb the fat, calories and nutrients. Think of it like the diet pills that block fat and stuff, your sons intestines might be acting like that and blocking everything. My step-cousn has that problem, they found out he was born with a mild case of spina-bifida not noticable at birth. They found it when he was a year old because he wasn't growing. My exboyfriends son doesn't grow and they found out he has Crohns. There is also things like allergies that can play a factor.  (+ info)

Any one had a baby that failure to thrive?

My 5 week baby girl just got out of the hospital after being admitted this past friday by her doctor. She healthy but they said she failure to thrive and weight loss. They asked me if any other kids of mine did.My seven year old did when he was a baby but found out the cause of his reflux was the answer to that one. But doesn't have any reflux problem. So I am on a strict feeding routine with her.I am feeding her every three hours and during the night has well. I am breastfeeding her this would be my first time to hear a breastfeeding baby failure to thrive. I couldn't breastfeed my first son so he got formula. I post to feed her 2 1/2 to 3 ounces every three hours. I am pumping every three hours and feed her thru a bottle during the day to see how much she taking and also some formula has well. I am writing everything down what she taking so i know. She be seeing her doctor on friday and i know weekly weight check on her. I would like some advice want I should do and did your baby had failure to thrive and want did work.
I been feeding her on demand and how long she wanted to stay on the breast but that didn't work either. Also i been co sleeping with her.. the nurse told me to pump and have her take the breast milk in the bottle during the day to see how much she taking during the day. and i breastfeed her during the night on the breast every three hours.

you need to breastfeed more than every 3 hours. at that age my baby was at my breast sometimes all day long. Why are you pumping? that is way more work than you need. simply feed on demand, which should be every 30 minutes to every 3 hours. co-sleep at night, it helps alot.  (+ info)

"Diagnosed" with failure to thrive, should I get a second opinion?

So my 9 month old was "diagnosed" with failure to thrive at his 9 month appointment. He is 17.6 lbs and 26 inches tall. He was born at 8 lbs 15 ounces and 21.5 inches tall. I looked up a lot about failure to thrive and he doesn't qualify for any of the symptoms. He's happy as can be, gives eye contact all the time, and wets 4-5 diapers a day and poops once or twice a day. He is really tall and thin though, and has only gained a 1.6 pounds in the last 3 months. He is breastfed and drinks as much as he wants and he is given table foods as well. I was told to give him formula and I've been trying with no success. I never really liked his doc to begin with, but he told me to pull back the skin on his penis(he is circumsized) which I thought was a HUGE nono. He also told me to give him whole milk, but everything I read has said that you should wait until the first year to introduce cows milk.

Absolutely get a second opinion, in fact I'd be giving that doctor the sack full stop. Traditional growth charts are based on formula fed babies who put weight on much quicker than breastfed babies. If you chart your sons' growth on a BREASTFED growth chart, he's doing just fine. If you look at your babies activity and overall health, he's also just fine. Stop trying to force formula into him if he doesn't want it, and it's stressing you, and find another doctor.

You're absolutely right in questioning this doctor's advice. Your son has probably become much more active in the past three months, which has led to the slow weight gain lately. You should NEVER retract a foreskin, and whole milk should definitely be delayed until after the first year. I'm stunned with your doctor's bad advice.

I've linked to a couple of articles for you to set your mind at ease. Two links reinforce how strict observance of growth charts can be detrimental to a mother and baby, and the other link is to a breastfed baby growth chart.  (+ info)

Is this still considered "Failure to Thrive"?

My twin daughters went for their 12 month check up today. They were born premature (2 months) at 2lbs 14 oz (Twin A) and 4lbs 9 oz (Twin B). They were momo twins (same placenta/sac) with TTTS. They are now 15 lbs 5 oz (Twin A) and 18 lbs 11 oz. They have no developmental problems, & are even advanced in some areas, however the Dr. came in to the office today and scolded my husband and I for my daughter "only gaining 11 ounces in the past 6 months" and my other daughter "only gaining barely a pound". I didn't think she was correct, and before I could even get a word in, she decided they had "Failure to Thrive" and that they would have to have test to see "If my daughter could have brain damage". She left us with a nurse after that & didn't come back in to talk to me. I reviewed my daughters' growth chart and found that the nurse had subtracted wrong and that my daughters had both gained weight (A 2lbs 2 oz & B 2lbs 9 oz). Does this mean they're still "Failure to Thrive" babies?
FYI: TTTS- Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is A rare and serious complication in identical twins who share a placenta that has connections between the two twin's blood vessels. TTTS usually occurs when there is an uneven flow of blood between the twins across these connections. TTTS gets progressively worse as the pregnancy continues. One twin is smaller with little amniotic fluid around it and is called the "donor" twin. The other twin is larger and has too much amniotic fluid around it and is called the "recipient" twin. Over time, the recipient twin can develop a form of heart failure while the donor twin stops growing.

I plan on calling the Dr. tomorrow to let her know about the mistake that was made, than I plan on getting another Pediatrician & a 2nd opinion.

Thanks for all your responses- I'll post what happens! Thanks!

Firstly I want to say that any doctor that throws the words "Failure to Thrive" without staying to chat, let alone brain damage is NOT a doctor you want treating your kids. For your kids safety and your sanity PLEASE find a new doc TOMORROW!

There are different charts for formula and breastfed babies, but I am only really familiar with the breastfed ones and the breastfed ones have a wider range of normal anyway.

I would add one word of caution -sometimes it is different for preemies even this much later, and I know ZERO about preemies, 'k?

From 6-12 months a breastfed baby should gain 1.75-4oz per week depending on who you ask. So for the whole 6 months that's 2lbs 12oz - 6lbs 8oz lbs so on that front its a little low.

Using an age adjusted 10 months on the growth chart:
15 lbs 5 oz = 6.9kg = 5th percentile
18 lbs 11 oz.= 8.5kg = 50th percentile

So that's not awful, 5th percentile is low and it is the cut off for being concerned.  (+ info)

Help, "baby failure to thrive," how can I help?

My girlfriend's baby was born with a cleft pallate and is now 3 months old... apparently he is having difficulty feeding, has reflux problem, and has just been given the "failure to thrive" comment from the doctor.

Any advice for her? I haven't experienced anything like this before, and I would just wish there was something I could do to help. Anyone else go through this? Even a premature baby? How did you get your baby to gain weight?


Prayers are also welcome for baby Nathan. Thanks!
She started out breastfeeding and has started supplementing also (about 1 month of doing both I think.)

My daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate...Contact www.cleftline.org there's an 800 number OR Debbie Oliver at www.cleftadvocate.org There is a terrific message board there and SO many parents have gone through this as well..I KNOW parents on there can help you out..We didn't have that problem but I know they do put things in the bottle for calories...Have they mentioned a Gtube or anything..Is Nathan on anything for reflux? Sounds like most babies with clefts have reflux...It's miserable! My email addy is [email protected] if you all ever need to talk...Check those 2 places...www.cleftadvocate.org LOVES new parents and have so much advice!! Good luck!!  (+ info)

Does any of you had a Failure to Thrive baby?

I have a wonderful 9 month old baby girl. She been a failure to thrive baby since she was 1 month old. At the beginning of her life I was breastfeeding her when she was hungry. That would been every 2 hours. Then she was vomiting and doctor try this one medicine for acid reflux which didn't work. The doctor did try different medicine or do any testing. When she was 2 months old back in the hospital for the second time. Still no answer why she was a failure to thrive. At that point she wouldn't take a bottle. But finally got her to take the bottle. Then I decide to stop breastfeeding.
My baby girl is 9 months old. Has a feeding tube to help her to gain weight. We been seeing a Gi doctor since May. Still no answer why she won't eat like a normal baby would. She takes 1 to 2 and half ounces. Have to feed her every 3 hours. I try once to 5 hours stretch to see if she would eat more. Nope still the same. She on high calorie formula and powder to make her food high calories has well. Still not getting any answers. And they did just blood work but hardly no testing. I don't know if she be like this all her life.

She only take 2 and half ounces at one feeding. 5 bottles a day. And tube feed at night. The tube feed helping her to gain weight.
She not hardly interested in eating solids food at all.
Thanks peggo 2. My daughter been having dirrhea stools all her life. The doctors are acting like noting wrong with that. I switched doctors when she was 3 months old. They are wonderful doctors. They put her on prevacid. We go to Children hospital doctors

I have have a child who almost died at 3 months. My son was vomiting every bottle he ate and had explosive diarrhea beyond belief I could hear him dirty himself over the monitor at night.. The doctors said it was reflux and that he had a virus.... Symptoms continued and then he began not eating well wanted no part in the bottle and just didn't want to eat. Then i started to notice tiny specks of blood in his stool and it was almost theConstancyy of jelly. When i noticed this i took him directly to the ped over and over again with them telling me hes fine and no answer. So i left my former ped and found a new one every one of them waved me off and said if said if it doesn't get better to come back well least to say I was at the ped every day for a solid week with my child who now started turning blue, his whole body was almost grey like and just layed there as if he was lifeless. He lost a whole pound i from tues to sat. I knew my child was sick and demanded them give me an answer. Finally i has had enough and had to make an uproar in the office, they sent us directly to a major university hospital that has their own children's unit. They told me he needed surgery i was horrified. After running a few tests he decided, that he was severely allergic the the cows milk protein meaning lactose and we were placed on a special formula that eventually saved his life. You are the childs mother if you feel like their is more going on than the answers your doctor has given you I encourage you to do your resaerch and find a doctor or demand you get answers. Don't let them overlook something that could eventually be lithreateninging. Good luck with you little one they truely are a blessing and don't give up if you feel like more should be getting done.  (+ info)

14 month old marked Failure to Thrive?

I took my son who is 14 months old to his 1 year check up and in height and weight he dropped from the 3rd percentile. The Dr said he is Failure to Thrive. We are now doing blood work and a sweat test and now seeing a GI specialist. I guess i am confused because the baby is hitting all his milestones and is a very happy, active baby. He has been sick for the last 5 months with ear infections, colds and he just had croup. I know his sickness has probably played a part but i am worried. Has anyone else had a child who was marked at FTT??? What has been your expierence with FTT? please don't judge me. Just looking for advice, not judgement. thanks so much!!!
Yes maam i did find another Dr. The last Dr told me not to worry and basically never knew what was wrong. I have now switched Dr's and she is scheduling all these tests to see what is going on. I had the same reaction......

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