FAQ - Fasciitis, Necrotizing
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necrotizing fasciitis and mrsa?

been researching necrotizing fasciitis and it isnt exactly clear on how the level of cuts or abrasions you need to contact it into deep tissue or blood stream.

can necrotizing fasciitis get into the blood or deep tissue if you cut yourself but dont bleed, or stab yourself with a needle without blood present.

or does the cut have to accually have to reach the deep tissue itsself?

also once necrotizing fasciitis or mrsa is in the blood or deep tissue how long will lit take before death will occur??
the answers im looking for is particularly for deep tissue and blood infection.

MRSA is terribly easy to get, and it will kill you if you dont seek medical attention. MRSA lives all over you...its a part of everyday life. However, if your immune system is compromised, which isnt just super sick people you can contract it. I know a perfectly healthy guy who caught it after he scratched the top of his head, with the mrsa virus under his fingernails. it started to eat his scalp, and it had to be drained for two weeks, while he was in isolation.  (+ info)

Flesh eating virus (Necrotizing Fasciitis)?

I recently (20 minutes ago) started feeling extreme pain on my foot, and when i looked down there was a spot the resembles a popped blister. I had not seen it before and i didn't have a blister there. Now it looks like a popped blister, with red all around it. It hurts to th point were i cant even sleep for ten minutes. Iv read up on what it could be im starting to have the symptoms of Necrotizing Fasciitis. unfortunately i only have the extream pain and a tiny bit of nausea. i really hoping its not this virus but i just wanna make sure because i really can't afford the treatment. Can anyone tell me some early warning signs and what to look out for within the first 2 hours? and what els could cause extreme pain and look like a popped blister. Remember i had no blister there before and i don't think i had any bug bites but im not sure.

I always solicit medical advice from Y/A as the people here are completely un trained so therefore must be experts in all fields.

GO TO THE DOCTOR.  (+ info)

Anyone know info. on Necrotizing Fasciitis?

I need to know how its gotten, the life cycle image, and the type of bacteria it is. I've looked in many websites but I can't find them. Please Help . :(

Nec. Fas. is an infection of the subcutaneous tissues which involves the fascia. It can occur anywhere but is usually in the perirectal, genital area spreading up into the groins and abdominal wall(Forniers syndrome). It is usually caused by polymicrobial organismes, Strep, Staph, Bacteroides, Clostridia, etc... It can be fatal and requires very aggresive debridement of all the infected tissue along with antibiotics. Frequently the patients are Diabetic. The patients may need to return surgery every day until all the infected tissue is removed and the infection is controlled. This is what the press calls "flesh eating bacteria" they make it sound as if this is a new problem, but it has been described for over a hundred years. The press will do anything to scare the public. Hope this helped.  (+ info)

Has anyone here ever been infected with Necrotizing Fasciitis?

I acquired necrotizing fasciitis after a c-section about 5 years ago. It was a very emotional and traumatic experience for me and my family. I wondered how anyone else was progressing and where your infection occurred (body areas), and if you feel your health has been compromised.

Any input (even if it is about a friend), would be appreciated!
Thanks. I have myasthenia gravis and was on mega doses of prednisone and cellcept, an immunosuppressant, and had gestational diabetes. My infection occurred at he c-section area, skipped my groin area, and infected my upper thigh down to my knee area. I don't have much feeling there, so I worry that I would have pain and not feel it (possibly an infection due to my lymph system being week in that leg). I look forward to hopefully more input from others.


I have been in contact with several people that have experienced Necrotizing Fasciitis. This group of ill people all had the same type of emotional upsets that you are referring to. Very traumatic for families who were informed of possible prognosis.

Morbidity rate is about 30%. Some of these individuals died, those that did not had some disfiguring to some extent of the area infected.

I would say that their health was compromised either by death, disfigurement and thoughts of reoccurence.

Areas of infection were episiotomy, surgical areas, diabetics who had infections of feet (which were amputated), weakened immune systems who ended up on ventilators and in shock with poor outcome.

I hope you are continuing to experience good health and all is well with family members.  (+ info)

how can you get necrotizing fasciitis?

Wow...that's a great question!

Basically the bacteria and the right conditions need to be present...

The bacteria: Streptococcus

The condition: You can find more about here:


BEWARE: Researching these types of things has a tendency to turn just about anyone into a hypochondriac and make you think twice about leaving your house.

You just have to live and be sensible.

If you have a cut or a scratch, pour some hydrogen peroxide on it and apply neosporin or any other antibiotic cream. Keep the affliction clean, cover with a band-aid, let fresh air get to it.

Proper use of hydrogen peroxide, which you should always have at home:

Pour over small injuries and abrasions over the sink for one minute.

Rinse well with water.

(Hydrogen peroxide will continue to "scour" if it isn't neutralized with water and it can scour good cells as well as bad ones, and you only want to kill the bad ones, not your skin!)

ALWAYS clean every injury you get, no matter how small the scratch. I alwasy use hydrogen peroxide. Someone got NF from a cat scratch on the leg and they couldn't cut out the muscle tissue as fast as it was necrotizing (dying).

This strain of Strep(tococcus) is another reason we should be creating super-resistant strains of bacteria with misplaced anti-bacterial soap use and over-use of antibiotics.

You can get a lot of things through broken skin...but if you keep going down that road of inquiry, you may never want to leave the house again!

Be sensible about injuries and be clean.

NF is fairly rare to acquire, but it does occur.  (+ info)

how does necrotizing fasciitis occur?

can you explain it to me

This occurs by acquiring a bacterial infection deep in the subcutaneous tissue. There are two different types:

Type 1 - Mixed infection with various microbes, both aerobic and anaerobic. Typically follows a surgical procedure in patients with diabetes or peripheral vascular disease.

Type 2 - Monomicrobial nfection with Group A streptococcus or Methicillin-resistant Staph aureus (MRSA)

The bacteria that cause the infection fulminate and destroy the surround tissue leading to superinfections, blood vessel thrombosis, and eventually sepsis or septic shock.  (+ info)

Necrotizing Fasciitis?

I need to research this disease/ bacteria and I was wondering if anyone knew of any books that have good information on this disease, and for those of you who don't know what it is and are to lazy to figure it out, its the Flesh-Eating Bacteria and I have a 4 paged essay, 15-30 slide powerpoint AND a 20-30 minute presentation on it, so anything will help thanks!

There is a book called Killer Germs that has some info on it. Most clinical microbiology texts will discuss it. And there are a thousand web sites. See more here:http://www.examiner.com/x-7707-Infectious-Disease-Examiner~y2009m7d23-The-many-faces-of-group-A-streptococcus-flesh-eating-bacteria-includes-video  (+ info)

Anyone heard of Necrotizing Fasciitis?????

yes. I have a friend who almost died from it. It is a very painful and serious disease. Here is a link to a photo. If you have a weak stomach do not look at it.
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/pictures22/dermatlas/Necrotizing_Fasciitis_1_030302.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/dermatlas/necrotizing.html&h=303&w=700&sz=45&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=SEMERkl0eut8mM:&tbnh=61&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnecrotizing%2Bfasciitis%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DX  (+ info)

can i get necrotizing fasciitis by shaving my legs with a old razor ? :|?

okay so i am 14 and i just finished shaving my legs and i watch 1000 ways to die and one of them was a woman was shaving her legs and she cut her leg, apprently it had a bactiera growing on it that eats the flesh away, 2 days later she had all this flesh gone off her face. now i am worried but the thing is , is that the razor wasnt rusted and it only been there for about 2 two 3 weeks, i am worried that i have the deaise, i cut both of legs will i die:|

Remember that stuff they put on those shows in rare. Otherwise, it wouldn't be news. For example, in the US alone, 110 people die every day in car crashes, but it hardly ever makes national news. Look at it this way: how many men do you know that shave their faces every day? How many women do you know that shave their legs? How many people do you know that have had necrosis? I've been shaving since the mid-80s and I'm still here, face intact.

If you're worried about it, just use some antiseptic if you cut yourself. You could also splash some alcohol or other disinfectant on the razor before you use it.  (+ info)

I am paranoid about Necrotizing Fasciitis?!?

Okay I am not a hypochondriac, however, someone I know recently told me about this disease and that a former coworker passed of his away from this. I'm worried because #1 I now live in Hawaii where freshwater bodies are known to have this bacteria #2 I was swimming at a waterfall shortly after a surgerical wound closed

Is this disease easily detectable early or are most people in general unaware of this and discover it later? What are siigns and symptons? Can I take test sure I don't have it? I most likely don't have it but it just sounds so unreal.

you will know if you have it, don't worry. First of all the wound would be infected and you would be ill... fever, possibly redness at the site (depending how deep the infection is), intense pain at the site (more so than you would expect for the way the wound looks), and it develops quickly once it gets going!
And quite honestly, it scares the heck out of me too... but so do car crashes, airplanes crashing, and getting hit by a train. So, go boldly out into the world, use common sense. Go to the doctor when you are ill (don't put it off until you have to go to the ER) and take care of yourself by sleeping well, eating right, and follow the basic rules of hygiene. There is risk in everything, but happily, this infection is rare!  (+ info)

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