FAQ - Follikulär cysta
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If you have Interstitial Cystitis, did Cysta Q work for you?

Did it help relieve burning symptoms and bladder pressure? What is your experience with it?How long did it take for you to start noticing relief? What else do you think works better to relieve symptoms?

I have used Cysta Q September 07 thru December 07. It helped all my symptoms within two weeks by 80%. I was elated! I did not have much pressure and burning at the time though. My biggest problem at the time was that "drive you crazy" bladder pain- the one that is always there in the presence of a drop of urine and goes away for 2 minutes after urinating. Unfortunately, I developed severe neurological symptoms and had to stop. I don't think it is the Cysta-Q because it also happened with Cystoprotek. I am being tested for Lyme and co-infections. It is thought to be later stage Lyme, if positive, and that is why I think this happened. I would strongly recommend Cysta-Q for bladder symptoms.  (+ info)

Birth Control and Cysta Q?

I have Painful Bladder syndrome and I've been taking Cysta Q for the past 3-4 months. I've been using Loestrin 24 since May 08'. Recently I've noticed a decrease in my blood flow during my menstrual cycle, and last month I skipped my period all together. I'm not pregnant, so do not assume so. I'm just curious as to what it could be?

  (+ info)

where to get cysta-q?

anybody know where to get cysta-q??

Check out these sites :-

If you want more results search the net !
I hope it solves your problem ! :-)
Take Care and God Bless !  (+ info)

tips for trying to get pregnant?

i know have sex but i need some more tip me and my fiance have been trying for 1 year and a half (well sort of we just have unprotected sex and if it happens it happens but now im worried)
i have had cysts and also only 1 ovary working , also my periouds have never been regular my doc now wants me to go on the pill to regulate my periods and stop cysta from coming for six months but i feel i will be back at square 1 when im done

Make sure you know when you are ovulating. Some women ovulate on 14 after the first day of starting your last period, some women have shorter or longer cycles so it depends on your cycle. Have sex for 3 days before and 2 days after you ovulate. When you have sex elevate your butt in the air by sitting on a pillow to help the sperm pool next to the cervix. Don't try too hard people who try to hard have trouble conceiving, try not to get too stressed it can throw off your cycle and make it harder for you to conceive.  (+ info)

UTI and interstitial cystitis! Question about antibiotic?

I have interstitial cystitis and the past year I have been on Cysta-Q, which really helped with bladder pain and frequency. I have been trying to get pregnant, so the doctor said I should stop the Cysta-Q. I did, and now I have a UTI. My doctor put me on the antibiotic Keflex. Can the medication cause irritation for people with IC? I know I need to treat the UTI, but it seems to be making me feel worse and not better. Should I continue the medication? Have you ever experienced the medication making your IC worse? I would ask the doctor, but the ones I have seen don't know much about IC (like most) and I would like someone who has experienced this to give me some advice.

Thanks for your help!!!

Leviquin is used very widely with UTI and I.C. patients. Not often do you hear of someone on Keflex for it. Macrobid is another choice one as both those reach the urinary tract. Cipro is also used in patients that cannot use Leviquin or Macrobid. It is important that you treat the UTI as if it gets to your kidneys you can get pyleo. You do not want the infection to reach the kidneys. IC patiens are prone to that. I have heard of some people that say the medication made their bladder feel worse with the exception of the Leviquin,Macrobid, and Cipro. Not really heard of many on Keflex. I have help run several support sites for I.C., and related conditions and know most women report relief with in 24 hours. You might want to call your doctor and get your antibiotic changed. See to if he will give you some pyridium as most of us with I.C. take that as well during infections. It helps a lot. Some women just take it fairly regularily.
If you want to join a group on here just for this issue of I.C. and related issues please go to [email protected]
The ladies there are very nice, very helpful,supportive and some are veterans of I.C. and others are new. Your more than welcome to join us. There is info in the database,links and files that is very helpful as well.
The diet for IC is in there as well.
It is just nice to be where others are that endure this illness and all it's related illnesess.
I do hope you feel better soon.
Shar  (+ info)

Cramping after cuming?

After I "cum" or climax, i get really bad cramps. They feel like period cramps. I get such bad cramps during my period sometimes i cannot even hold my bowels. I don't get cramps like these after climaxing but there bad enought i roll into the fetal position with a hot water bottle.

I already have an appointment for the doctors , i just want to go in with some what of an idea of what the problem is.

I have done some research and things point me towards everything from cysta to Endiromtrisis :'(.
I am 20 in 2 months. healthy, active, a little over weight.

Is anyone else experiencing this? Has anyone else experienced this? Help!

Sounds to me like severe muscle spasms are tightening a lot of your body and muscles that probably don't get used that often (stomach and thigh muscles) I would defo ask your doctor when you see them, but before doing much else, they may tell you to do some exercise on stretching your stomach muscles to help get rid of the strain.

Good luck!  (+ info)

In the state of Va. what can I do for surgery with no insurance?

I have very paiful ovarian cysta. It has been years now. They don't srink or fall off. It has progressed to interfearing with my bowels, and my period is not normal anymore. I am in constant pain, nauseous all of the time etc. I went to the er. They gave meds, and told me the cysyts grew and sent me on my way. I don't have insurance right now, and the only clinic I know in my city has a waiting list forever, and then you get picked from a lottery! WTF?! I need surgery. Can I really just suffer like this in America with no alternative?

You can easily check your minimal health care rates in internet, for example here - healthquotes.awardspace.info  (+ info)

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