FAQ - Foot-And-Mouth Disease
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Help with hand foot mouth disease?

My 2 year old son has his 3rd case of hand foot mouth disease (we think it's that) in 10 months. That doesn't seem right to me. His pediatrician thinks it's strange, too, but isn't too concerned since he has been seeing quite a bit of these kinds of viruses lately. He gets blisters down his throat, inside of his mouth, his tongue, . . . I feel sooo bad for him! Has anyone else had this happen?

It's a virus and most kids get it once or twice and are done with it. However, kids can re-infect and it may be a stronger strain of the virus.

It's a horrible virus and makes moms and dads feel very helpless! Has your doctor run any tests to be sure there is nothing else going on?  (+ info)

can you just have hand foot and mouth disease in the mouth?

I was just diagnosed with hand foot and mouth disease. But i have had symptoms that I noticed 5 days ago; which were the spots in my mouth. But its supposed to be on my hands and feet aswell. I dont have the fever either. So what I am asking is; do you really think that its hand foot and mouth disease if i only have it in my mouth?

yes you can.

most people I know get it from their kids, and yes, you can have it only in the mouth.
or only on hands/feet/
its random.
not fun.
feel better  (+ info)

Hand foot mouth disease 12 year old?

My 2 year old daughter had hand foot mouth disease about 5-6 days ago. She started out with the blisters on her hands and feet and then progressed to the mouth blisters. Now my 12 year old daughter has been complaining of a sore throat and when I looked in her throat there are blisters similar to what my 2 year old had in her mouth. She does not have any blisters on her hands or feet.
Is it possible for a 12 year old to get this disease? I thought it mainly affected children up to 4 years old.

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is caused by a number of enteroviruses in the family Picornaviridae. The most common cause is the Coxsackie A virus. HFMD is not to be confused with Hoof-and-mouth disease, which is a disease affecting sheep, cattle and swine, and which is unrelated to HFMD (but also caused by a member of the Picornaviridae family).

HFMD usually affects infants and children, and is quite common. It is highly contagious and is spread through direct contact with the mucus or feces of an infected person. It typically occurs in small epidemics in nursery schools or kindergartens, usually during the summer and autumn months.

HFMD is often incorrectly referred to as Hoof and Mouth Disease, which, although related, is caused by a separate virus that rarely afflicts humans.

* 1 Symptoms
* 2 Treatment
* 3 Recorded outbreaks
* 4 References
* 5 External links

[edit] Symptoms

Symptoms of HFMD include:

* fever
* rash in the mouth
* sores with blisters on palms of hands and soles of feet
* mouth ulcers
* sores or blisters may be present on the buttocks of small children and infants

Not all symptoms may be present.

[edit] Treatment

There is no specific treatment for hand, foot and mouth disease. Individual symptoms, such as fever, lameness and pain from the sores, may be eased with the use of medication. HFMD is a viral disease that has to run its course; many doctors do not issue medicine for this illness, unless the infection is severe. It is usually in the affected child's best interest to be kept home until the infection clears. Fever reducers will help to control high temperatures. Luke-warm baths will also help bring temperature down.

Only a very small minority require hospital admission, mainly as a result of neurological complications (encephalitis, meningitis or acute flaccid paralysis) or pulmonary edema/pulmonary hemorrhage.  (+ info)

Hand foot mouth disease in adults: can it present differently...?

My question is can hand foot mouth disease present differently in adults than it does in children. I watched two kids with it for a week and now have rashes on various spots (arms, chest) that look like hives and they itch and burn. I know this isn't typical of the hand foot mouth disease seen in children. But I was curious if it was possible to present this way in adults.


IF the following symptoms would ever occur - I think the worst it might possibly be is deadly bacterial meningitis.

From: <> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacterial_Meningitis <>

“IF a rash is present, it may indicate a particular cause of meningitis; for instance, meningitis caused by meningococcal bacteria may be accompanied by a characteristic rash.”

“The most common symptoms of meningitis are headache and neck stiffness associated with fever, confusion or altered consciousness, vomiting, and an inability to tolerate light (photophobia) or loud noises (phonophobia). Sometimes, especially in small children, only nonspecific symptoms may be present, such as irritability and drowsiness.”

Even so these are my thoughts of what ‘might’ be happening in almost any rash situation >>=> I have not been educated to be an M.D. - just a lifelong learner.

My own view from my own experiences is that rashes break out in the weaker parts of one's skin, usually because of allergic reactions; OR perhaps due to fungus problems that more easily occur when one has too many carbs and fats in one's daily calories, and therefore one has inadequate micro-nutrition absorption in the gut.

What I have learned is that my occasional stresses have sometimes caused me to do things or to eat things or to inhale things that have more toxins in them and that have then weakened my immune system, like drinking and eating caffeine chocolate or high carb foods and sweets.

It sounds like the malady may be a result of an allergic reaction to something that is toxic to the liver/kidneys. IF it is due to a toxin overload of the lymph system, you might then notice that when one gets hot - then a rash or itching will sometimes occur since the toxins are sweating out of one’s system ONTO an area of the skin that may be weaker and more easily irritated and inflamed.

ALSO whenever one’s immune system has become weakened the other problem can easily become a bacteria-fungus i.e. ringworm and/or yeast infection thrush, but it is hard to tell what the root causes may be without seeing and learning the details about what one has been eating breathing and applying to the skin. SEE <> https://health.google.com/health/ref/Ringworm <> Monistat 7 will likely kill any fungus in a few days and better micro-nutrition will keep it killed and will also strengthen one’s liver lymph and kidney systems to be able to better handle both an allergic reaction AND/OR bacteria-fungus outbreaks with less suffering in the future.

IF you think it may be an allergic reaction - although it may be a difficult process - try to identify the triggers from cosmetics meds nuts milk grains other-foods chlorine-water-in-showers smoke perfume moldy-smells laundry-cleaners etcetera by discontinuing them until the symptoms stop and then beginning them again to see how the body reacts. If one is like me one may start to see allergies to many things because the root problem for me was a severely weakened liver from too many nutritional supplements that were toxic and I never knew it until it was almost too late.

After several months of pruritus Urticaria with blisters and skin fevers primarily at the back of my knees and thighs sometimes when I got warmer, that had begun during the colder months of November inside a gas heated low humidity home, I have identified enough of my own triggers to allow my legs to heal with only a super-minimal amount of coconut cream cut with de-chlorinated water rubbed over my skin and a minimal number of full body showers.

After several applications my lymph glands have become severely allergic to petrolatum products that are similar to Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, and common sense has now taught me that any petroleum products should always become toxic to anyone’s kidney and liver with repeated applications. I had flare-ups immediately after I had applied organic olive oil so I eventually changed to minimal amounts of coconut oil after I had used a minimal amount of a petrolatum steroid for a few days to allow my legs to heal up. I also have flareups when I eat over 150 calories of nuts and/or milk fats and/or oils, but these usually flare up about three hours after eating them, but the olive oil always took about five to thirty minutes to begin itching.

Skin diseases can always return again and again and again and can get much much worse over time if they are not resolved. Soo I would strongly encourage you to seek out a 'good' doctor or a ‘good’ nurse and s/he will make a knowledgeable medical diagnosis and thoroughly explain the causes preventions and solutions much better than anyone on Yahoo_Answers could do without being able to see you personally.

Also, to know how difficult or easy it should be for a doctor to make a ‘good’ diagnosis - I encourage you to also become a ‘good’ medical diagnostician from your doctor’s advice and your own research through Yahoo_Answers and via browser searches.


* an allergic reaction to ‘toxins’ in one’s food or skin applications or meds or air (i.e. molds or smoke or vapors) etc.
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria <>

* fungal bacterial = Deadly_meningitis Thrush Yeast_infection Jock_itch Ringworm Impetigo etc.
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candidiasis <>

* viral = Measles Smallpox Shingles Hand_foot_and_mouth_disease Roseola etc.
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand,_foot_and_mouth_disease <>

* parasitical = Scabies_mite lice chiggers mosquitos ants etc.
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scabies <>

* inadequate micro-nutrition absorption in the gut = Pellagra Scurvy Beriberi Rickets etc.
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pellagra <>

* also other treatments for various skin eruptions
<> http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/womenshealth/facts/skinrash_pregnancy.htm <>
<> http://www.healthcentral.com/sexual-health/c/80228/60290/vagina-lumps <>

* either sun or hormonal or stress related or a combination of the above that make it difficult to find a definite single cause since there are multiple causes at the same time
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/formication <>

<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeast_infection <>
<> http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/skin-rash/SN00016 <>
<> http://dermatology.about.com/cs/dermphotos/a/dermgallery.htm <>
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermatosis_of_pregnancy <>
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestational_diabetes <>
<> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin_disease <>

I truly hope what you learn will help you to decide on the correct choices that will remedy your painful experience of pruritus-itching and rashes in the future.

My best to you and yours,

AI – self taught nutritionIsT ><+>[(-:]

PS - IF you are interested, I feel I have become a quasi-expert on rashes and pruritus itching after many years of off and on flare ups due to my own nutritionally related asthma and gallbladder disease that ‘continued’ to become heart disease and T2 diabetes and then non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with either PBC or PSC. So you are not alone. Many many people suffer from pruritus and I have learned very late in my own disease(s) that when it is nutritionally related most doctors do not tell their patients that inadequate micro-nutrition absorption in the gut and liver ‘might’ be the root cause and the best solution, and is also the most likely cause to the pruritus and liver diseases that are currently overwhelming our American culture. So to do my part to make a difference in the world I now take a little time each week to help others understand why better micro-nutrition absorption in the gut is so important, and I have posted much of my own story via the link at: <> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091025223942AAni6lC <>. I hope you will have learned something today from my own mistakes and would not duplicate them – please pass on what you will learn from your own malady to your family friends neighbors and acquaintances. My best to you and yours. AI - self taught nutritionIsT ><3>[(-:]  (+ info)

what can i do for hand mouth and foot disease?

i have it and my mouth hurts SO BAD :( ive been taking advil and using orajel but that doesnt really work. its hard to swallow and impossible to eat, anything else i can do?

Really? Hand, foot, and mouth disease is usually characterized by tiny blisters on the inside of the mouth and the palms of the hands, fingers, soles of the feet. It is commonly caused by coxsackievirus A16 (an enterovirus), and less often by other types of viruses.

There is no specific treatment for the virus that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease.

Help prevent and control the spread of hand, foot, and mouth disease by:
Washing hands well, especially after going to the bathroom, changing diapers and/or handling diapers or other stool‑soiled material.
Covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
Washing toys and other surfaces that have saliva on them.
Excluding children from child care or school settings if the child has a fever, uncontrollable “hand to mouth” behavior, not able to contain their secretions, such as ulcers in the mouth and the child is drooling, or draining sores that cannot be covered.

  (+ info)

hand-foot-mouth disease update to 102 fever and rash?

So I took my daughter to the pediatrician this morning. She has hand-foot-mouth disease. The doctor said that there isn't any kind of medicine for it, it's a virus. She also said to keep doing what I was doing with the Tylenol and Motrin, until the fever breaks. My question is that her mouth is really bothering her, she doesn't even want to open it. Does anyone know anything that I can do for her mouth that will help with pain, but won't bother the sores?

My kids had it and my X had it 2X [ hahaha].
The doctor gave my x some thing to numb his mouth and throat so he could eat once or twice daily.As your doctor for some thing like that.
It is a bad disease and it will be over soon.
Good luck.  (+ info)

How can i prevent hand foot and mouth disease?

everyone is saying that it's going through my school. And i'm scared now cuz of the word DISEASE

It's an enterovirus that's spread through the Fecal-Oral route. Make sure you wash your hands before eating meals, and avoid unnecessary people touching your food.

EDIT: All of you answerers are idiots. If you are that ignorant, you shouldn't even bother answering questions on here.  (+ info)

How many people have died so far from Bird Flu, Mad Cow Disease & Foot and Mouth Disease?

How much your country had spent for rehabilitation, treatment & compensation? Any figures?
Is there any remedy so far?
How it could be infectious or impact the non-meat eaters?
How to stop these diseases from recurring or mutating?

(Not really a V&V Q, but concerned to know your view)

bird flu hasnt come to america yet, and im not sure what those other diseases are  (+ info)

Can adults get "hand, foot, mouth disease"?

I know it's pretty common for kids but I think I caught it from my son.
This is "hand, foot, mouth disease" : http://children.webmd.com/tc/hand-foot-and-mouth-disease-topic-overview
It's not really a disease, not sure why they call it that.

yes they can  (+ info)

Living in a house with a sister infected with hand foot and mouth disease?

My sister was diagnosed with it today, how can I prevent getting it? I also have a small puppy that hasn't had all her vaccinations yet, is she at risk?

i had this last year.

it really depends on how bad she has it. it took me about a week to get over it. i missed 3 days of school and then there a was a weekend and i missed everything that weekend too.

i think it is pretty contagious, so i would stay away from her. I'm not sure about your puppy, i would check with your vet.

hope she gets well soon!
  (+ info)

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