FAQ - Fructose-1,6-Diphosphatase Deficiency
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Can Tiredness, pain in the legs, irritability be symptoms of VITAMIN D3 deficiency?

I've had a blood test and my Vitamin D3 levels are low (7.6). I am tired thru the day, my legs / arms have a very tired pain and i'm quite irritable. I was wondering if these are the symptoms of a Vit D3 deficiency? My other blood tests are all normal!
thanks in advance!

It could be but it could also be Restless Leg Syndrome. I have RLS and there are nights I think my legs want to go dancing and I am tired too. I am taking a prescription drug but I don't know the English word for it (I only know the Swedish word). Here's what I would do, talk to your doctor again and if you have to, explain again that your tired and your legs and arms hurt. If that doesn't work go to a second doctor. Restless Leg Syndrome can keep you awake at night which is why a person with it is tired. With Restless Legs it is not for certain why the legs what to do this uncontrolable jerking. There could be many causes and one of them is poor circulation. Please talk to your doctor again. If you have a vitamin deficiency than the doctor should tell you what to do for it. I hope this helps.  (+ info)

What causes Hangover type symptoms with no consumption of alcohol? Already considered Electrolyte deficiency!?

Father drinking lots of water. I have added gatorade to stem loss of electrolytes. He is a non drinker - over 22 years without alcohol. Had started to eat chocolate (Dairy chocolate Ice cream) in the last week or two. That is when the symptoms started. Dizziness, Hot Flashes, Headache, Blurry vision. Recent blood work, 4 to 6 weeks ago, 6 vials of blood for full CBC showed all is well.

  (+ info)

I have a 6 year old son with IGA immune deficiency. We have been to the pediatrician twice in 4days. Any ?

relief? He has now just since school started has been hospitalized for coaxsackie disease (5days) then gets a sinus infection on antibiotics, double ear infection, ON antibiotics, the stomach flu.......NOW EVEN THOUGH HE HAS HAD 3 DIFFERENT ANTIBIOTICS HE HAS A 102.2 fever.....................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH is there any relief? Mind you a little back ground info on him.........3 months in nicu, placental abruption, he has asthma, epilepsy, reflux, BAV, hearing problems (7 sets of tubes and after 3 months the 7th set is confirmed out as of FRI.) IGA deficiency, and a bunch of weird allergies. Out of all the doctors we see immunology, pulmonolgy, allergy, ENT, Gastro, Nuero, OT. everyone argues on what it is causing all the issues. Ent said it was food allergy had to be dairy and wheat. We pulled him off of dairy 6 weeks .no change. We pulled him off of wheat 6 weeks nothing (but a child who lost 5 lbs) Ent ran blood test stated first test was a false negative. Second test was positive. So gastro did an intestinal biopsy for Celiac disease, completely negative no allergy shown what so ever, checked the stomach lining no issue with dairy, just severe reflux which the child has had since day one..................I am so frustrated.NONE of the doctors agree on issue or treatment except IGA, SURGERIES MEDICINE ETC ETC.... the immunologist wants to do 24/7 round the clock antibiotics. Well here is where I stand on that. First off he has an allergy to penicillin as well as sulfa all subclasses antibiotics. So if the ent puts him on round the clock therapy would he not build up immunity to the antibiotic he is on (immunologist says no but I don't see how it could be avoided) As well his allergies what if he gets sick and needs antibiotics and they don't work because he is on one 24/7 due to allergies to two subclasses? immunology says we would have to cross that bridge then! OK? I don't want to it scares me. Isn't it doctors who tell us too many times patients want antibiotics and they don't prescribe often because of immunity tolerance over use blah blah blah ? I am going nuts. I have a son who doesn't no why he always feels bad, why he cant go to school with a fever (since it is so common for him) why he see' s so many docs. All the needles. All the hospitals. I want to help him so bad he wants a normal childhood. No matter how hard we try to make it just like everyone else he realizes he is different. He doesn't like it. I can not count how many nights I have cried over not being able to help him. Any advice would be greatly appreciated any suggestions........HOME SCHOOLING ISN'T AN OPTION DELAYS AND L?D wont allow it.
Appreciate the advice in regards to moving but we are already in Florida now and it seems he has been sicker. How much warmer can you get? lol

I have IGA. I totally forgot that I had until I seen this post and most doctors look at me cross eyed when I tell them I have it.

I understand your situation. I spent the better part of my young life in a hospital with pneumonia. I do not understand why your doctor wants to put your son on 24/7 antibiotics. It really would not help him in the long run. My doctor told my mother to move to a warmer climate. So she did and I was sick less often, Much less often. The I moved back to Michigan and I get sick three times a year again.

I know this is gonna sound stupid, but the child needs to sat away from the hospital. There are to many antibiotic resistant bugs in hospitals. Move to a warmer climate. It honestly helped me and I regret moving back here.  (+ info)

What deficiency is it when you see bright dots flying in front of your eyes?

I mean when I are just not exactly looking at anythign in particular but you see bright dots/sparks flying away near your line of vision.

Weird? I thought so.But I figured this is a kind of deficiency.I remembered seeing this during pregnancy.I was anaemic then?Does this mean I am anaemic?


I thought floaters were usually dark.
My Mom had the sparks once and was told to get to a Dr. to have her eyes checked immediately. Sometimes this is an indication of something happening within your eye. I can't remember for sure but I think it has something to do with the retina separating?
Anyhow....check it out. Perhaps it is more substantial at my mom's age, but it's better to be safe then sorry!
All the best!  (+ info)

What deficiency may be the cause of my strange food craving?

I am wondering if anyone knows if this is a sign of a vitamin and/or mineral deficiency, and if so which ones? Lately, I've had this thing for English muffins topped with cream cheese and pickles??? Maybe just stress? I'm sure I'm not pregnant (on birth control), but I have heard that strange food cravings can mean that your body is lacking something. Does anyone know?

stress can be a big factor, yes. You may also not be consuming enough fats or sugar, but this doesn't mean you have to overdo it. Did you eat enough in the past days?  (+ info)

What makes iron deficiency anaemia different to other types of anaemia?

what is special about it to make it 'iron deficiency' anaemia? What are other types of anaemia like?

Ronnie - Iron is needed in the body to make hemoglobin which gives blood the red color and allows the red blood cells (RBC) to carry oxygen to all body tissues. The most common cause of anemia is a deficiency of iron in the diet. It can also be caused by a vegetarian diet (with no red meat) or by loss of blood from bleeding of any cause. Sometimes iron may be plentiful in the normal bone marrow where RBCs are made, but the body is 8unable to use the excess iron to make RBCs. Other types of anemia exist. In old age, the number of RBCs made in the bone marrow is replaced by fibrous tissue and anemia of aging occurs. Some chemicals can cause a break-up of normal RBCs (a hemolytic anemia). Some genetic or hereditary causes include sickle cell anemia or thalassemia. Some infections cause anemia like malaria where the parasite invades and destroys red cells. So, really, the only thing that makes iron-deficiency anemia different is that it is the most common and most-talked about type of anemia. Fortunately, it is also the easiest to treat successfully.  (+ info)

How do the white flecks in fingernails indicate a calcium deficiency in the body?

A beautiful, unforgotten, and very helpful friend once told me that the white flecks and spots in my fingernails indicate a calcium definciency in my body. I've been taking calcium everyday for years. How is it that I have a calcium deficiency?

It's a common medical myth that white spots on your fingernails are caused by too little calcium in your diet. However, these white spots (called leukonychia) are not a sign of a calcium deficiency. But they can be an indicator of other problems.

The most common cause of leukonychia is blunt trauma to the nail bed, such as a knock or a blow. Due to the slow growth rate of nails, the white spots of leukonychia may appear gradually and linger for months.

Other causes could include a rough manicure, a slight allergic reaction to enamels or other nail products, or even a mild bacterial or fungal infection.

White spots can also appear on toenails, but regardless of their location, they are generally harmless and will disappear with time. However, a nail that turns completely white could be a symptom of liver disease and should be looked at by a doctor. http://www.soundmedicine.iu.edu/segment.php4?seg=204

http://www.drstandley.com/naildisorders_index.shtml  (+ info)

could hair loss be caused by calcium deficiency?

i have been losing alot of hair lately i haven't colored my hair in 4 months and i leave conditioner in for 1 or 2 hours i don't blow dry my hair and i rarely use a flat iron .i don't eat much and when i do its like eggs or something healthy could it be a calcium deficiency ?im really scared my hairs going to fall all out .

Female hair loss is becoming much more prevalent. Nutritional deficiency is just one of the many possible causes of female hair loss. The most common deficiencies that lead to hair loss include iron, zinc and protein. Spirulina and/or chlorella are excellent natural source of many nutrients needed for healthy hair growth and overall health. Other causes of telogen effluvium (excessive shedding) include medications, birth control pills. recent vaccination, surgery, trauma, stress, exposure to toxins or allergens, extreme diet/weight loss. etc. You can learn more about the types and causes of female hair loss at the links listed below.  (+ info)

What is the symptom and treatment of Anemia causes by iron deficiency or viral infection?

What is the treatment of Anemia causes by viral infection? Is the infection can still exist even after taken Antibiotic?
Please also let me know about the symptoms to detect whether it has caused by iron deficiency or viral infection.

idk,,,,,,consult doc......tc  (+ info)

If someone has an iron deficiency, will a nickel rubbed on their skin leave a gray mark?

My friend says that rubbing the edge of a nickel on the skin of someone with an iron deficiency will leave a gray line. But it hasn't worked on anyone. Is it because it doesn't work or because we're just not low on iron?

No. Where does this crazy stuff come from anyway?  (+ info)

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