FAQ - Gallbladder Diseases
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Can ectopic pregnancy mimic symptoms of a mild gallbladder attack or gallbladder disease??

Well, when I first went to the hospital, they thought I had an ectopic pregnancy, and it turned out to be a g.b. attack.
I had been having strange pains lately that resemble a gallbladder attack, but not quite.
I've been told that I'm at risk for an ectopic pregnancy, so I was just curious. I plan on going to the doctor soon just to make sure.

Gallbladder symptoms usually mimic a heart attack, and tend to affect overweight, middle aged women.

An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous, and needs to be identified as soon as possible and surgically corrected.

You didn't say where your symptoms presented on your body.  (+ info)

My mom's been having severe gallbladder attacks for about 4 hours now, we know she has a diseased gall bladder

My mom has been having severe gallbladder attacks for about 4 hours [she has a diseased gallbladder that needs taken out] and now she says she has a painful "sunburn like" rash. What should we do? She doesnt want to go to the hospital tonight and was wondering if there was any home remedys for the pain she can do now. Also what could the sunburn rash thing be?

An gallbladder attack will typically last for one to four hours

The pain can come from a stone making its way down
the biliary duct (or bile tube) toward the (duodenum)
small intestine. It can also be caused by a back up of bile
in the gallbladder (with or without stones) that causes it
to swell from fullness causing discomfort. Or it can come
from an infected gallbladder itself that becomes
inflammed (cholecystitis).

Stones or no stones, basically almost any gallbladder problem (life-treatening complications must be considered carefully and with your MD) pretty much the same way, with diet, with bile thinning substances, with fat emulsifiers and metabolizers. And you work on improving your overall digestion in general

Including Gallstone Diet

Do not overeat
Diet high in fiber - lots of vegetables
Avoid refined carbohydrates (including sugar and white flour)
Omega 3 oils and other polyunsaturated fats
Avoid saturated and trans fats
Eat moderate amounts of lean meats
Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day
Lose excess weight but slowly
Supplemental bile salts and bile thinning agents as found in the gallbladder products. In particular I would suggest the Bile Salts, Phos Drops, the Lemon Tea Kit and Liver and Gallbladder Detox Tinctures.

But if she's in excruciating pain esp with nausea and vomiting; she has no choice but to go to the hosp for an emergency cholecystectomy(removal of the gallbladder) . Otherwise, it might rupture, and she definitely will have more problems such as peritonitis.

For the painful sunburn rash, the only thing I can think of is some liver involvement. the stones grow and become more numerous, they clog the tubing, creating back pressure on the liver, causing it to make less bile. The back-up of bile can cause jaundice which gives a yellow coloring to the skin and the whites of the eyes.

Again, I couldn't stress enough the impt of taking her to the ER if she wants her gallbladder attacks problem solved. Any alternative tx is only palliative.  (+ info)

Do you know about gallbladder disease?

My doctor is sending me for an ultrasound on my gallbladder. I called to ask if there were mild stomach flus going around. I've been having problems with nausea, some vomiting, queasiness, especially when I think about most foods, stomach pain, and difficulty burping. I also have a lot of low back pain but that may be unrelated. When my stomach hurts I sometimes lay down and apply a bit of pressure to my stomach and diaphragm. They feel quite hard.

My doctor tells me that problems with the gallbladder can run a whole range of symptoms from mild to severe attacks. Does anyone have some info. that you could share with me? The online sites I've been to don't really cover the range of severity. I have to wait another month for my ultrasound. That seems excessively long to me. That's our universal healthcare system for you.

Risk factors:
Being overweight
Age- older than 65
Fatty diet
Being a Native American or Hispanic
Having sickle cell anemia
Crash dieting

Since obesity is so closely linked, maintaining a normal weight is an important, especially for women. Avoiding high-fat meals and "yo-yo" weight-loss diets are also good ideas. If your background places you at high risk, avoid taking birth control pills or estrogen.

If your doctor thought that your attacks were on the severe side, or life threatening, he would have you in for an ultrasound immediately. Try avoiding any fatty or sugary foods at least until you get in.  (+ info)

what are the symptoms of a burst gallbladder?

i have gallstones and gallbladder disease, i am getting it removed but i have weird uncomfortable and sometimes shooting pain that i have never felt before, it cant be food i am eating very low fat healthy diet, but it just feels like something more is going on than i already know.
oh and i have gone to the doctor and they keep telling me im fine because i live in a shit town!

my doctor never listens to me and then tells me to come back in a month!!!

What is cholelithiasis?

Cholelithiasis is the formation of gallstones, which are composed of cholesterol, calcium salts, and bile pigments. When gallstones block the flow of bile, the gallbladder becomes swollen, leading to the possibility of pain, inflammation, or infection.
What are the signs and symptoms of cholelithiasis?

The signs and symptoms of cholelithiasis often do not begin until the gallstone causes blockage in the biliary system. They may include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Abdominal pain, usually in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen
• Jaundice
• Fever
Which test(s) and/or procedure(s) may be requested to determine if I have cholelithiasis?

Tests and procedures that can detect cholelithiasis include x-rays, CT scan, ultrasound, ERCP, and a cholecystogram.
How is this condition surgically treated?

Cholangitis is treated by a cholecystectomy, in which the gallbladder is removed  (+ info)

What is the difference between a gallbladder attack and a having a gallstone attack?

I had by gallbladder out and the doctor said I had scar tissue from previous gallbladder attacks and was surprised I had not been in before I had been in. What is the difference?

There isn't always much distinction between the two things.
There is no exact medical definition for a gallbladder attack, but it is generally an incident where the gallbladder becomes inflamed and irritated - usually from a gallstone, but can sometimes occur without a gallstone. A gallstone is literally a tiny stone that forms from minerals that precipitate in the bile duct.  (+ info)

When to go to gym after a gallbladder operation? How many months after the operation?

When to go to gym after a gallbladder operation? How many months after the operation? Is it really 6 months or a year? It's been 4 months since my gallbladder operation like October 2007, and I'm already gaining weight while nursing myself. On the other hand, I'm already planning to go jogging and somehow get into the gym to keep myself physically fit and to trim down my body shape before I become too fat. I really need your advice guys, professional and friendly advice are welcome.tnx

Simply call the surgeon who did the procedure. He will know how much muscle he cut when he did the surgery, but after 4 months I would expect you to be fully healed up anyway. Just take it slow and easy--start out walking for example to build up stamina and work your major muscle groups.  (+ info)

Can a hiatel hernia and gallbladder disease have the same symptoms?

Yes they can. You need a few tests to diagnose which is which--nothing major, but it's worth being relieved of the pain no matter what it is! We were just talking about this at work today!  (+ info)

How long should I wait between gallbladder and cosmetic surgery?

I have a fat grafting procedure scheduled for July 16 but am suffering from gallbladder attacks. I was going to have my gallbladder removed after my cosmetic procedure but the attacks just hurt so bad. If I were to have the gallbladder surgery done on June 4 would that give me enough time to heal and have my cosmetic surgery on the scheduled date? If not, is it safe to have the cosmetic surgery even though I have gallstones?

  (+ info)

What happens after the gallbladder is removed?

Once the gallbladder is removed, what happens to the bile? Where is it stored or does it run freely throughout the body? Or, is there some type of device placed inside the body to act as the gallbladder?

Post gallbladder removal, bile simply runs in a continuous stream from the liver into the intestines. It's not as concentrated as bile from a gallbladder, but is more dilute. The body gradually adjusts and one can eat normally again in a few weeks.   (+ info)

How long did it take you to recover from laproscopic gallbladder surgery?

I am going to be having gallbladder surgery here in the next few days, and I want to know peoples experiences with having their gallbladders removed. I am in my early 20's and I will (hopefully) be having laproscopic surgery. I'm going for my consultation with a surgeon tomorrow, but I would like to hear your views before then. I just mainly want to know how long recovery took, what you could eat, and what the lifting limits are. I have a 7 month old daughter and I want to be able to hold her!

the procedure takes a couple of hours sometimes only one hour, you will go to a PACU (post anesthesia care unit) then to a regular hospital unit for approx 2days or so, then home, if there are no complications. You'll be back to normal in about a week or two, but will be able to return to work before then.  (+ info)

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