FAQ - Genitalherpes
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Some of my spit got on my Genitals?

Right before i was about to take a shower (i have a fever blister on my upper lip in its 7th day its all black) i was just saying how glad am i i dont have genitalherpes and about 2 spit particles got on it (u cant really c the spit dat well) but after dat i went to shower immediately ,will i get genital herpes Yes or No?

Cold sores are a form of the HPV virus,I would'ent worry if you don't have the actual HPV virus and If you don't know find out.Better safe than sorry.If you have had unprotected sex withen 6mo or a yr you are at risk of having the virus.It si vary unlikely you would get it form a cold sore,but if you are worried see your DR.  (+ info)

Did God create STDs to encourage monogamy and discourage the sinful practice of sleeping with many partners?

After all, why do Sexually Transmitted Diseases like HIV, Chlymadia, Gonnorhea, Hepititis, GenitalHerpes, etc. etc. exist except for that purpose? And why do people continue to defy the will of God and get these diseases?

No He did not create STDs to encourage monogamy and discourage the sinful practice of sleeping with many partners and this is a very narrowminded way of thinking. Think about it with common sense. In the beginning God created everything in 6 days. STDs didn't come along until much further down the road. Why would this be? Well, in the beginning the earth needed to be populated, and now it does not. The same reasons all other diseases exist. If you think STDs is a punishment or whatever, then why do you think cancer exists? You can't tell me that everyone who gets cancer is a sinful person. Also, in the Bible it was not uncommon at all for a man to have multiple wives, so your way of thinking just does not make sense no matter how you look at it. To answer your other question about why these diseases exist, it is because of all of the use of medications, and the effects they have on our bodies, which make us susceptible to various diseases, including STDs. I do not sleep with many partners, by the way, and am married, and only sleep with my husband, and I have studied the Bible much, all through growing up, until currently, and I have also studied medicine. Diseases are scientific, not spiritual.  (+ info)

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