FAQ - Granuloma, Foreign-Body
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Since the Mirena coil is a foreign body how does it react inside?does it smell?

Doc is saying Mirena is my last option since I am 23 - never had kids and have serious problems with my periods every month. Tried many pills and now only limited to the Mirena due to bad migraines.

Since it is a foreign body would this cause you to smell or your body reject it? I am just thinking of when a kid gets a bead or something stuck in their nose etc it starts to smell? I know it sounds silly but I would like to know.

If you are or have been put on the Mirena how did it make you feel?

the mirena coil my last option as I couldn't be put on any pill due to some migraine medication I take. Since I had it inserted I haven't noticed I had it! I rarely have periods only a very light spotting very occasionally. I do sometimes get cramps at what would be my normal cycle but very mild, certainly no smell!

The only thing I would say was that when it was inserted it was very uncomfortable the moment it is placed inside and the cervix opens. Its like a very extreme period pain in one go and I almost passed out and had bad cramps for the rest of the day. After that I was fine and had no problems sine. The female doctor and nurse put me at ease and you go for a check up so many wks later.

Hope that helps  (+ info)

hi i was hospitalised on the 15th of january for an ear operation now i find that i have a foreign body in my?

forearm where a needle was inserted what is the out come of my situation

i very much doubt u do!! what do u think this FB is!?? if the needle broke the nurse/doctor would have noticed and removed it!  (+ info)

Has anyone out there ever experience your toddler going through a scope to remove a foreign body(10 cent coin)

My 20 months old boy has swallowed a 10 cents coin. Two x-rays have been done on a one week interval but the coin stays put at the same spot. I will have to come back in five days time for my boy to do a scope should the coin remains there. Doctor says he will have to go through General Aneastasia for them to insert the tube thingy down his throat. Anyone of u guys ever experience yr child going through a scope to remove a foreign body from yr child? Pls share. I'm devastated bcos i heard there are risks involved!! What will my boy go through and will it hurt him? Can the risks go to a danger stage??

this is actually my job. we remove several objects that have been swallowed. the risk of the procedure is far less than leaving the coin in place. the coin could completely block the esophogus or even make your child vomit and inhale the coin into his lungs which is very dangerous. your child will be deeply sedated while the doctor slides a vey small flexible scope about as round as a pencil down the esophogus a small grasping instument can pass through a port in the scope and grasp the coin. all 3 are removed at the same time while under constant visualization of the doctor. you rchild will wake up soon after and be able to go home. withe the medications used, your child will most likely not even remeber the procudure. the risks are very minimal if you or family members have had no problems with anesthesia.  (+ info)

Foreign Body? Brown vaginal discharge with foul odour!?

I juz had my period n i hve dat brown discharge with a foul odour. I think b4 my period i had a foul smell discharge. I've used a tampon once and Im sure i took it out! I get itchy sumtimes but its only occasionally! Is this normal?
im not sure bout da b4 period discharge ting! I cant remember exactly.

No! Go to your OB/GYN today and let him or her check you out!

Best wishes!  (+ info)

have a foreign body in arm need advice..will u help?

a while ago i shoved a staple in my arm and has been hurting me lately. since it's in a very sensitive area and isn't infected there isn't much they can do. they said it would be too risky to go in and get it out bcus it can damage nerves and stuff but if I'm willing to take that risk would they still go in and get it out?? or is it in the end up to them to let me stay in that pain?? i placed that staple in my arm 18 months ago and wasn't much of a problem most of the time but is causing me pain and at times my arm gets cold and kinda goes weak but bcus i placed it there i feel like they won't take me serious so i do get nervous and don't mention this to my DR. i have not placed anything else in my body and have been doing good but still don't think they'll take me serious. what should i do? or what would you do?
i'm a college student now and everything is great but because i handled my problems differently and did this to myself i've lost the respect and trust of people that don't even know me.
i had a previous surgery to remove a few but they must have left that 1 in there & didn't know it bcus later on they thought i placed 1(this 1) in there which i DIDN'T. they said to leave it be & see if it'd come out on it's own, said that the body would form some kind of little sac for it & it'd float around but it's not doing any of that & it really really hurts. some people have told me to throw this unbearable pain act, tell them it was in the vein or get it out myself but I'm not too fond of lying & the other i don't want to mess myself up or end up worse. plus i put them in there after a blood draw so even though i can feel it i know it's deep in there. it's in my Right inner elbow area so it's causing some sort of damage just laying/floating in that area.

as a health care professional... GO to another doctor, tell him or her EVERYthing... Explain exactly how it got there, what it is doing now, (causing the pain and all) and explain that you want it removed.

NEVER lie to a health care practitioner. It can cost you your life.  (+ info)

Can anyone tell me if there's a doctor who specializes in foreign objects (spiders) throughout the human body?

I'm not even guessing about this, I know for a fact that I have spiders living inside me. Here's how it's possible. They lay eggs in the ears then the mother spider pops through thin skin in the ear and plants itself near the entrance of the ear and the legs wrap around the entire ear, four legs on each side. I just recently found this out myself. Anyway, when I try to take something out of my ear ie: dry skin or a baby spider I had been chasing around...well the spider would put the tips of the legs through the cartilage and the entrance of the ear which has a slice/cut in it that just won't heal and when I try to pull off the dead skin, it is sucked in through the cut...it actually opens up like a venus flytrap.. Well, which ever way I try to get the "something" out of my ear, the spider snags it or squeezes the area so my finger cannot fit in....this is a nightmare! And I know I sound crazy, I know I'm not crazy...just tired and sick of this, literally, I'm getting headaches that make me almost vomit, I'm extremely tired and some have found a safe haven throughout my body and I hurt a lot.

This all started in Nov of 2008. I felt something fly in my ear and I couldn't get it out, it didn't hurt or anything so I thought it got itself out. In Dec 2008, I was in the hospital for an unrelated thing. My ear started hurting and my eyebrows were falling out. I've gone to an ENT, eye dr(he said my eyes were very dry...his scale is 20-40 and my eyes were a one which isn't even on his scale), family dr., rheumatoid dr everything was turning up negative. My teeth are affected now. I was sent to several Dental Drs and both agreed the skin behind my back molar they couldn't identify it so I was referred to one of the U.S. best hospitals but, I never had the same resident!! So, it was like explaining over and over and each resident had nothing to compare with. Oh, I had 2 biopsies and I had a molar extracted. After the first biopsy, I asked about the results and each Dr was vague and said," well there's granuloma...blahblahblah which I asked what it meant, they said, you're ok and somehow the distracted me (I'm good at that, I worked with children for 12 years). After all of that,the dr was going to take the old tissue off (which look "odd" to him, too). He did the ritual of the painful shots in the roof of my mouth, back by the jaw bone, all over. After he prep'd me he started to take the tissue off and it just pulled off; it didn't need anything "cut". The worse is yet to come. When he pulled the dead tissue off, I had no gum and no bone under the tissue and the week prior, I had both. It isn't mersa. So, now they have to do a bone graft and other work on my mouth because they are all under my gums I'm sure doing damage...I've seen little holes in the bottom back molars and in both teeth that was aside the tooth that was extracted..

I read where someone said "spiders lay eggs in dry places, therefore, the answer is no, not possible within the human body" Spiders are among the smartest "critter" in the world, the smartest are parasites. Both have learned how to live for years and years...ditto. Anyway, this is how they do their thing. They lay their eggs and fold MY skin over the eggs (this to, I found out recently). Then when the eggs are about to hatch, they are fed into this "flat like worm" that lies behind my ear. When there is no action going on, the worms are flat you actually wouldn't know they were there because they blend in with the skin, but when there is action going on, it puffs up and starts moving the eggs towards my head. So, the eggs that "hatch" are now on my head and burrow in through the opening of the hair shaft. My hairdresser hasn't seen anything but then again, I haven't gone recently and they are at their worse now. I feel pressure around my throat. Movement Movement in my hair to which has become extremely thin. I also found out they EAT the follicles. They are under the skin on my forehead...which gives me a hell of a headache. I have loss of hair and loss of eyebrows...the damn things haven't eaten the hair follicles around my mouth LOL

I am full of them, literally. My symptoms fit to a "T". I don't want to go into the rest on here. PLEASE, I'm begging anyone who knows about this, please please answer. Time is of the essence as this is a heavy breading time...again I am not crazy even though some of you might think the jury isn't in yet! I just need help from a Dr who knows about this kind of thing.

I thank you in advance.
april, i'm sorry you're dealing with cancer...that sucks. However, it doesn't give you a free card to disrespect people. I'm guessing when you put your reason to be here out there for people to respond, they most likely respected what you were saying. I'm sorry you're a hateful person. You should release your anger in a different way, that way when it is your time to leave this beautiful earth, it won't be so hard. God Bless
Iversona, Thank you for your response. First, I'd like to say, you don't know me as far as predicting I would reject your comments. You weren't rude or disrespectful that would be the only reason I would reject what anyone wrote.
I'm aware of delusional parasitosis. In fact, I have a binder filled with information regarding this subject. I believe everyone should be their own advocate, don't cofuse this as a know-it-all. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
I happen to think in 2010 people still cannot look outside the box. What's on paper now could possibly be changed by that one person that took a chance and reached outside that box and found answers. I agree some do need help from a Dr,some don't.
If anyone knows the name of a Dr who is familiar with this, would you kindly respond to this and let me know. I sound desperate because I am.
Also, Iversona, a psychiatrist would be capable IF I had that problem. No, NO, I'm not in denial.
Have a great weekend
Metal: Your comments are rude at best. If you don't have anything to add to my question, (anything intelligent) then, wait, how did you phrase that? You said if it doesn't work then it's on the the next question.
Metal, I apologize, it was Dave who was rude. With regards to your answer, a couple of doctors played around with my meds and said if I feel the same after a month, then "we'll have to do something about this". I'm just getting information so I can say to myself, I've done all I can do.

Also, Dave.....you don't have to respond to my comment about you. No need to repeat what you said with different words....;) ta ta little man

I know what I'm saying will be rejected by you, but I'm going to say it anyway. Youre suffering from a symptom-complex known as Delusional Parasitosis (or Ekbom's syndrome). I'm a doctor, I've seen patients with this condition, and I've also seen them treated for it successfully.

Approach the situation rationally, and ask yourself if it's possible that youre imagining it. A spider cannot survive in a human ear for long, and they would avoid such an environment at any cost. Parasites, such as the tapeworm you described, cannot pass in and out of the ear like you narrated. It is not anatomically feasible. And no, they do not eat hair. In fact, all of the worm-like parasites are limited to residing inside the intestinal tract, they cannot survive under the skin.
Read about medical microbiology and see for yourself. If theres a spider in your ear, try laying your head down and pouring water inside the ear. I'm sure you know that spiders are not aquatic insects and would surely drown if they were submerged.

Trust me, visit a psychiatrist. They are the only specialists qualified to treat you, and the only onces capable of solving your problems. They are on your side and will explain this all to you in more detail.
Having this condition in no way qualifies you as 'Being crazy' by the way, and you wont be treated as such. Good luck.  (+ info)

Anorectal Foreign Body?

My girlfriend has a key lime stuck in her anus canal ..after experimenting .. it wouldnt come out. what should we do? is it harmful, will it poop out>?

Once things of that nature get stuck up there, they create a vacuum, and they do not come out on thier own - you will not poop it out, even if you wait days. Yes, its harmful - you can die from it - if the bowel wall perforates.

If I were you, I would plan on spending the evening in the Emergency room. Because I'm thinking you wont be able to do this....
http://www.ncemi.org/cse/cse0612.htm  (+ info)

How do I get rid of a granuloma on a nose piercing?

I got my nose pierced and a granuloma formed, and I have no idea how to get rid of it.

You might have a condition called a "keloid". It is an exaggerated scar from skin piercing, seen often in patients of african descent, but can occur in any race. I suggest you refrain from body piercings and tattoos, and go to a dermatologist... Good luck!

doc p  (+ info)

foreign body in malaria?

how does it affect the pregnant woman

In searching, I found information that illness from malaria becomes actually more common during pregnancy due to depression of the immune system, it is often more severe and can cause birth complications.

I know about malaria but not about malaria during pregnancy, but this website seems to have a lot of useful information:

Hope it helps!  (+ info)

What is my chance with calcified granuloma?

The heart doctor found calcified granuloma in my left lung at the base of it and in the lingula. What is it and is it harmful to me? I don't know what it is or where I got it.
Will it cause me to have trouble breathing and so forth?

From all the reading and case histories I can find most of them are harmless. Make sure you continue to question your doctors in addition to any information found here.

"A granuloma is a medical condition characterized by a noncancerous inflammation in the tissue. Typically, a granuloma encompasses only a small part of the tissue. For the most part, a person with a granuloma does not experience any signs or symptoms. In fact, most granulomas are found through an x-ray that is performed for unrelated reasons. When found during an x-ray examination, the granuloma is often mistaken for cancer.

The majority of granulomas are the result of an injury to the tissue, particularly as the result of infection. In some cases, a granuloma may occur in the lungs as well. In fact, the most common cause of granuloma is a fungal infection in the lungs, which is called histoplasmosis. Other conditions associated with a granuloma formation include berylliosis, syphilis, sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease, tuberculosis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, and Wegener’s granulomatosis.

The granuloma that forms as the result of these conditions is generally a calcified granuloma. This type of granuloma contains deposits of calcium and usually takes time to develop. Therefore, most granulomas have been present in the body for a very long time before they are identified."  (+ info)

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