FAQ - HELLP-syndrom
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Can HELLP syndrom be passed on thru breast milk to a newborn child?

specifically a child whos mother has given him for adoption and the new parents wanted breast milk for him to have a good start in life

No, but the mother should make sure it is safe for her to do so due to medications or her own condition.  (+ info)

Liver pain 3 weeks after HELLP syndrom & Csection...?

I had my daughter via C-section 3 weeks ago due to being diagnosed with HELLP syndrome @ 34 weeks. (She was tiny but STRONG & is doing great :) but I am having the same kind of pain / pressure that I was the day I went to the hospital. I had a C-section, was treated with Magnesuim Sulfate for 48 hours & then had to have a Platelette Transfusion. I started to get better after that....I was feeling great after a few days, but now, honestly, I feel worse...???

  (+ info)

Pregnancy after a C-Section?

How long did you wait to try for #2 after a C-Section? Anyone happen to have had HELLP Syndrom? Any concerns during your second pregnancy?

hey im 23weeks pregnant with #2 i had my c section 29 months ago :) so far have not had any complication apart from the odd ache where my scar is :(  (+ info)

How far apart are your children? What,s better close or spread out?

My husband wants to have another child and he doesn't let it go. Our son is 21 months and he says if we don't start soon then he doesn't want to have another one because they will be too far apart.

Personally, I don't mind how far apart they are. I had a very complicated pregnancy. I was on bedrest from 25 weeks and had my son premature at 32 weeks. I had severe preeclampsia and HELLP syndrom. My son weighed 2 pound 13 ounces and spent 6 weeks in the NICU. We both could have passed away. I'm just not sure I am ready yet....I do want another child...I just don't know when.

What worked best for you and why?
HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening obstetric complication considered by many to be a variant of pre-eclampsia.

HELLP is an abbreviation of the main findings:[1]

Hemolytic anemia
Elevated Liver enzymes and
Low Platelet count
I'm not talking 10 years or anything like that...I'm talking like 3 or 4 years...

I have 4 children. They are 3 months, 3, 4 and 5. The first 2 were 13 months apart, between #2 and #3 19 months and #3 and #4 almost 3 years. I like close together better. It's weird having the three year gap to me. But you know what, it's all in what you can handle. My oldest two are BEST FRIENDS. They do everything together. They were like that before my 3rd came along and because #4 is so far apart, they don't have that. But we are gonna fix that. We're adopting lol. Not ultimately to fix that( we already wanted to) But I think it will help a lot. Good luck!  (+ info)

Will you please pray for a baby in the nicu?

Hi my son Riley is in the nicu. He was born 13 weeks early on may 11. He's 13 inches long weighs 1 pound 13 ounces. He's been off and on c pack curently he's haveng his stomach pumped been having it pumped for a couple days and doc said he's gonna have it pumped for awhile. Riley is on ivs and has a pic line( its like an iv that gos to his heart). Rileys breathing on his own now but he could go back on c pack. He had to be delivered early because I had sever preeclampsia and HELLP syndrom didn't know I had either till four days before he was born. I know I don't know any of you reading this but Rileys my first I was told I wouldn't be able to have children then had him. He eans everything to me and I'm scared as hell he's so small an helpless. Will you please pray for him? thank you
Thank you to all who have prayed for Riley. I just got back from the nicu and hes breathing on his own and eating :) I finally got to hold him its first time hes been stable enough! Thank you all again for your prayers they truely are helping God bless

Prayers and thoughts are with you!

As a mom to a 20 month old who had heart surgery at just 1 day old and will require another heart surgery this summer, my advice is to take it day by day and lean on your friends and family. They are there to help you - so let them know what you need. Keep the lines of communication open with your doctors and nurses.

Best wishes for his speedy recovery!  (+ info)

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