FAQ - Hammer Toe Syndrome
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Pin Removal after Hammer toe surgery?

Has anyone had this done?
I am having the pin removed in 1 week.
I am so afraid it will hurt.

Please Help.

Had it done twice - it's a quick "ouch". Not near as bad as that first day was when it was put in!

Take a dose of ibuprofen or Aleve about an hour before your appointment - that will help too.

And...congratulations - you'll be back a real shoe soon!  (+ info)

How do you tell if you have fractured your toe?

I was messing around and kicked a medicine ball labeled "4-5 pounds", now my toe (Left big toe), throbs badly when I walk and the top has started to turn dark blue, and when I move it, it feels like it is being smashed with a hammer. (OUCH!)

Oh, darlin - I'm forever breaking my toes! It's the curse of these little bird-bones of mine...

You can bruise it, you can jam a tendon, you can tear a ligament and they will all hurt like hades... but a break needs an X-ray.

Fact: if it's in the toe area and it's a hairline fracture, you just need to tape it to the next toe for 6 weeks and use firm soled shoes.

If it's a serious fracture, they may need to set the bone. (You SURE don't want it to heal wrong and then deal with pain the whole rest of your life!)

If it's a break behind the toe - even a little bit into the foot, you need something to brace and immobilize the foot. When I was a kid, that meant the whole plaster cast thing - but now they have immobilizing braces they can form to your foot and you can just ace-bandage wrap it on - then take it off for bathing. MUCH more convenient!

Either way - ice it, take Tylenol (not aspirin or Motrin - they thin the blood. If you've busted tiny blood vessels - it will make the bleeding/swelling worse.)

You don't want to play with something that is hurting and turning color... get thee to a physician, hon.

Be well! Peace! --De  (+ info)

Hammer fell on toe?

It's been about 2 days since the hammer fell on my second toe, my toe now is 100% dark purple black and it's surrounding the skin. I've been putting my feet in warm water, cleaning it with alcohol and putting neosporin antibiotic ointment. If I go to the ER now are they just going to pull out my nail ? Should I just continue doing what I am doing and just wait until the nail fall off ? It does hurts but I know its from the pressure of the brusie clogged up inside....
My health insurance expired so I try not to go to the hospital...

There are treatments apart from removing the nail, but even that would be better than the pain you have now. You should also be X rayed for a fracture...;  (+ info)

Blue Toe Syndrome?

how do you treat blue toe syndrome and how long does it take for it to go away.

Anticoagulant therapy  (+ info)

I have "hammer toe". or fungus on my toenail that makes it yellow and thick. What can I do to cure it.

There is some anti-fungal stuff in the foot care section...or if that don't work there is a prescription.  (+ info)

I have a hammer toe operation tomorrow and I'm wondering how I will feel after & if this is all I can do?

Just to give a little background info, I have a leg length discrepancy, one bone in my right leg is shorter than the other. When I look at myself, one knee is slightly lower than the other. I ended up going to the doctors, I'm 25, as my left foot went once during aerobics & I got an uncomfortable pain for months. Second, my hips started to hurt, third, one morning I couldn't get out of bed, 4th I have a little toe that is some kind of hammer toe (this is to be operated on in a day and pinned for 6-8 weeks). My feet are relatively flat. The majority of my toes are curved to the floor, rather than flat though, one foot seems to grab at the floor more (my toes anyway) when I walk. This is the same side as my hammer toe. Its as though the underneath of my foot, my skin, is too padded for my right toes (other than my big toe) to touch the floor properly. The more I think about it, the more I'm wondering what else I need to do. I am due to be operated on in a days time for my little toe. I have also had recently an insole to cure my leg length discrepancy. But I do not believe that this is linked to having a flat foot. Who is the best person to speak to, as I feel as though I am having to self-diagnose myself and the doctors are just doing what I am assuming is right!!! Help!

  (+ info)

I have what some refer to as a hammer toe, there is a nerve running right where my shoes press, what can i do?

Hammertoe is a deformity of the second, third or fourth toes. In this condition, the toe is bent at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. Left untreated, hammertoes can become inflexible and require surgery. People with hammertoe may have corns or calluses on the top of the middle joint of the toe or on the tip of the toe. They may also feel pain in their toes or feet and have difficulty finding comfortable shoes.

Causes of hammertoe include improperly fitting shoes and muscle imbalance.

Treatment for the condition typically involves shoes with soft, roomy toe boxes and toe exercises to stretch and strengthen the muscles. Commercially available straps, cushions or non-medicated corn pads may also relieve symptoms.  (+ info)

Hammer Toe - Should I report it?

Ever since I can remember I have had hammer toes in both feet for all of the toes except the main big (first) toe. I have been to my doctor about it some time ago but he say's it doesn't really matter.
Anyway I was browsing the embarrassing bodies website and I found it randomly and now I know the condition I looked it up and many websites say that you need to deal with it immediately. I am 18 now, and I have had it since I was a baby and I haven't had any problems with it, should I go to my University nurse (she is very nice) and see what she says, since my home doctor dismissed it or not?
My parents know about it, and they were the ones who took my to my doctor.

We live in the UK, so we have free health care and free consultation, so we don't need medical insurance.

Hi, my mum had this problem and she had to wear a special toe separators as a child to fix it. See if your doctor can give you a prescription for them. I have never had it myself but my daughter seems to have taken after my mum and has hammer toes on both feet. They don't make them small enough for her though so will have to wait until she gets bigger. You can also get toe separators from the internet.

But if you are having trouble and pain from your toes and they don't help the doc should be able to refer you to surgery to correct the problem.  (+ info)

What does hammer toe surgery feel like and stuff?

Im 12 yrs. old and I have bunions and hammer toe's on my second toes on both feet. I was freaking out about my surgery and got mysself worried by looking at pictures and pin removal and stuff. I'm not worried about the surgery, I'm just worried about the afer- surgery recovery. WIll there be scars from the incision?, how big is the bunion incision? Will there be scars from the hammer toe surgery? Please dont freak me out, My mom is a doctor but she said that everyones pain is different and that made me even more nervous. Please help!!

Hey! Well i dont know to much of it cuz im 12 and well i am not a doctor or anything but all i can say is that i wish you luck and just dont think about it or think about something else that might get you nervous and then you will not think about the surgery! i had surgery last year on my tibia and i was nervous at the start but trust me when the doctors are with you and helping you and talking to you they will make sure you are not scared and you are being taken care of by them! i wish the best of luck 2 you!  (+ info)

just had hammer toe surgery. in chronic pain. any help?

i just had toe surgery for toes simliar to hammer toes, and i have pins through my toes, every time i put my feet on the ground or walk with my walking frame or even put my feet on the foot rests on my wheelchair, i have the most throbbing, unbelievable pain. even know when my feet are elevated they are just throbbing, i've had morphine shots, morphine tablets, stuff in my drip, and panadeine fort, but nothing works. im still in the worst pain ever.

any tips to help me recover quciker?

To get you past your pain l want you to understand where the pain is coming from, everything makes more sense when we get that one figured out. It is usually from muscles that are tight so the trick is to get those muscles relaxed and the pain should go with it. You may have some discomfort, but not the pain.
To release the muscles, take each toe and squeeze it at the bottom of each joint and hold. In about 30 seconds you should feel a release of the muscle in that joint. Then you might have to do some pressure points in the very front of the arch directly behind each toe and behind the big tuft of skin there. also feel around for any place that feels tight and press into and hold for the 30 seconds. Also remember to relax while doing these, take a deep breath and exhale and don't tense up any part of your body. If you do those steps it should help a lot.  (+ info)

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