FAQ - Hearing Loss, Conductive
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When do you begin getting hearing loss after getting ringing in ears?

I listen to loud music and i hear these highpitched noises in my ears and i was wondering, IF i get hearing loss when will i begin getting it?

Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is typically a sign some sort of damage has occurred to the auditory nerve. It can be temporary (after a loud concert or exposure to a loud sound) or permanent. It does not mean you have hearing loss yet. It could be years before you notice hearing loss.

Tinnitus is also caused by other factors then simply hearing loss. Caffeine, aspirin or other herbs/medications can intensify the ringing. Also some autoimmune diseases or vascular diseases have been shown to cause tinnitus.

If you suspect hearing loss, see an Audiologist for a hearing evaluation to obtain a baseline measurement. Second start protecting your hearing. Listen to your music at lower levels, purchase headphones that block out background noise so you listen at lower levels. Wear ear protection to concerts, while mowing the lawn, etc.

Below are links to some useful information on tinnitus and listening to music/protecting your hearing:  (+ info)

Are there any neurological diseases which cause hearing loss?

I am currently under neurological investigation for many symptoms. Cognitive impairment, muscle tremors, muscle weakness, fatigue and headaches. I have recently experienced hearing loss in my right ear with feelings of pain and pressure in it. I went to a doctor and they saw no signs of infection so I am now assuming this problem is tied into my other problems. Can hearing loss be a symptom of neurological illness and if so is it permanent? Could it be a symptom of nerve damage. Any help really appreciated, thanks.

it's probably just ear wax or water stuck in there  (+ info)

Looking for tips on dealing with husband who has hearing loss?

He wears his hearing aids sometimes them complains about loud noises such as washing dishes, dog bark, screen door, and takes out hearing aids out. He is 81 years old and has had loss for over 10 years.
Thanks, for the answers, but he has been to the Doc many many times. the volume is so low now that we need to repeat everything unless he is looking right at us. The hearing aids are top of the line and he has tryed many different kinds. Looking for advice on helping him, myself and our grown children so we are not driving each other crazy. Daughters are use to talking loud because he does not wear the aids all the time (the loud noise, they make his ears itch). When they forget, get excited, laugh loud, yell for the dog, he yells in pain grabs the aids out of his ears and gets mad at the girls.

He obviously needs to have the volume adjusted. Insist that he go see an audiologist to fix the volume if he cannot do that himself.  (+ info)

Does mixed hearing loss level improve once the infection in middle ear gets sorted?

My 3.5 year son has been detected with a moderate hearing loss. Doctor says it is a mixed loss. He has fluid in the middle ear. We have started ENT Treatment for middle ear infection. My query is that after the middle ear infection is resolved, will there be an improvement in the degree of the loss.Will my child still need hearing aid for speech development? Will the usage of aids be temporary or permanent? Please help.

A mixed hearing loss is a combination of a conductive hearing loss and a sensorineural hearing loss. The conductive component of mixed hearing losses are often temporary like how you describe for your son. If the conductive component is caused by middle ear fluid, the part of the hearing loss will more than likely get better.

The sensorineural component is permanent. And depending upon the degree of the sensorineural component, he may or may not require amplification from hearing aids.

I would recommend you consult your audiologist to discuss the effects of your son's hearing loss on his ability to hear and understand speech. He or she will be able to give you a better idea if he will possibly require hearing aids. It truly depends on his audiogram and your son's audiologist and ENT will be your best sources for determining the answer to this question.  (+ info)

How long does hearing loss last after a concert?

I went to see Tim McGraw last night. I expected loud music of course but not this kind of loss. It took over a week for my hearing to return to normal after Kenny Chesney! I wished I had taken ear plugs.

I'm used to the muffling sound and the ears ringing. What bothers me is the pitch or tone that I can't hear this morning. The phone even sounds "squeaky" if that makes sense. When do you go to the doctor?

There's no point in going to the doctor. There is nothing they can do for your hearing damage. Only thing you can do right now is wear ear plugs to let the cells rest and regenerate. How long it takes to recover depends on the extent of damage. Could be a week or two, or could be never.  (+ info)

How can I cure my partial hearing loss and pain?

I woke up this morning with pain on the left side of my face, near the left ear. A few minutes later, I started to experience minor hearing loss and pain inside of my ear. It feels like the kind of pressure sometimes caused when traveling on an elevator. Moving my head around seems to help a little, but the overall problem still persists. Please, help!!!

  (+ info)

What causes temporary hearing loss and ringing?

What causes my one ear to sometime have a high pitch ringing, and loss of hearing for about a minute at the most? It is also slightly blocked, and has been for over 2 months.

Ringing of the ear is called Tinnitus.
Inside your inner ear, thousands of auditory cells maintain an electrical charge. Microscopic hairs form a fringe on the surface of each auditory cell. When they're healthy, these hairs move in relation to the pressure of sound waves. The movement triggers the cell to discharge electricity through the auditory nerve. Your brain interprets these signals as sound.

If the delicate hairs inside your inner ear are bent or broken, they move randomly in a constant state of irritation. Unable to hold their charge, the auditory cells "leak" random electrical impulses to your brain as noise.

Damage to auditory cells in your inner ear most commonly results from:

Age-related hearing loss (presbycusis). This process usually begins around age 60.
Noise-related damage to your inner ear. This erosion of your hearing ability may result from excessive exposure to loud noise over a long period of time. Tractors, chain saws and weapons are common sources of noise-related hearing loss. Portable music devices, such as MP3 players or iPods, may become a common source of noise-related hearing loss in the future if people play these devices loudly for long periods.
Other causes of tinnitus may include:

Long-term use of certain medications. Aspirin used in large doses and certain types of antibiotics can affect inner ear cells. Often the unwanted noise disappears when you stop using these drugs.
Changes in ear bones. Stiffening of the bones in your middle ear (otosclerosis) may affect your hearing.
Injury. Trauma to your head or neck can damage your inner ear.
Certain disorders of your blood vessels can cause a type of tinnitus called pulsatile tinnitus. These may include:

Atherosclerosis. With age and buildup of cholesterol and other fatty deposits, major blood vessels close to your middle and inner ear lose some of their elasticity — the ability to flex or expand slightly with each heartbeat. That causes blood flow to become more forceful and sometimes more turbulent, making it easier for your ear to detect the beats.
High blood pressure. Hypertension and factors that increase blood pressure, such as stress, alcohol and caffeine, can make the sound more noticeable. Repositioning your head usually causes the sound to disappear.
Turbulent blood flow. Narrowing or kinking in a carotid artery or jugular vein can cause turbulent blood flow and head noise.
Malformation of capillaries. A condition called A-V malformation, which occurs in the connections between arteries and veins, can result in head noise.
Head and neck tumors. Tinnitus may be a symptom of a tumor in your head or neck.

So as not to cause panic. Maybe it's just a simple case of water trapped in your ear. or an infection called otitis media. It would be prudent for you to go see an EENT for proper diagnosis. and treatment. All you need might only be an ear irrigation.

Tinnitus is usually caused by a head injury, an infection, such as colds or sinus infection or sinusitis, a disease or exposure to loud sounds such as gunshots and explosions.

It can be a sign of hearing loss, or it can result from head injuries, or diseases that range from the common cold to diabetes. People who work with noisy equipment, such as power tools, can also get it. Or tinnitus may be initiated by a single loud noise, such as a gunshot or an explosion. It can also be a symptom of almost any ear disorder, including the following:

Ear infections
Blocked ear canal
Blocked eustachian tube
Tumors of the middle ear
Meniere's disease
Damage to the ear caused by drugs (such as aspirin and some antibiotics)
Hearing loss
Blast injury from a blast or explosion

Tinnitus may also occur with other disorders such as anemia, heart and blood vessel disorders including hypertension and arteriosclerosis, and low thyroid hormone levels in the blood (hypothyroidism).

A wide variety of conditions and illnesses can lead to tinnitus. Blockages of the ear due to a buildup of wax, an infection (Otitis Media), or rarely, a tumor of the auditory nerve can cause the unwanted sounds. A perforated eardrum also could be the culprit. The most common source of chronic tinnitus is prolonged exposure to loud sounds from sources such as blaring radios, gunshots, jackhammers, industrial machinery, rock concerts, etc. The noise causes permanent damage to the sound-sensitive cells of the cochlea, a spiral- shaped organ in the inner ear. A single exposure to a sudden extremely loud noise can also cause tinnitus.

In sensitive people, the mercury in common amalgam dental fillings can lead to tinnitus. The ringing could also be a signal that the body is overwhelmed with stress and work.

Temporary tinnitus can also results from loose ear hair or a fragment from a recent haircut. They get deposited close to the ear drum, vibrate and create thunderous notes.

Sinus congestion, antibiotics, aspirin, barbiturates, quinine containing medications, exposure to chemicals such as carbon monoxide from gasoline fumes or the benzene used by dry cleaners, or by excessive consumption of aspirin, alcohol, or caffeine can also results in tinnitus. In fact, tinnitus is cited as a potential side effect for about 200 prescription and nonprescription drugs. In these cases, the tinnitus usually disappears when the underlying triggers are controlled, limited, or avoided.

Exercise can cause tinnitus by disrupting the auditory system's normal function. According to the New England Journal of Medicine (February 1991), ringing in the ears may result from the jarring force of high-impact exercises.

The natural process of aging can result in a deterioration of the cochlea (hearing organ) or other parts of the ear and lead to tinnitus. Tinnitus is also associated with Meniere's disease, a disorder of the inner ear, and otosclerosis, a degenerative disease of the small bones in the middle ear. Tinnitus can also be a symptom of a disorder of the neck or jaw, such as temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ).

For reasons not yet entirely clear to researchers, stress seems to worsen tinnitus.
In your case, probably it's due to a head cold.  (+ info)

How to prevent progressing hearing loss ?

Hi, i'm 17 years old and i went to check up on my hearing the other day and found out that i had a mild/moderate hearing loss. The nose, throat and ear specialist told me that he could do nothing about it other than suggesting me to not be expose to loud noises as much as possible.

I'm afraid that being so young, i may lose my hearing before i even reach the age of 40. Please any relevant answers will be greatly appreciated.

Gradual hearing loss that occurs as you age (presbycusis) is common. According to the National Institutes of Health, an estimated one-third of Americans between the ages of 65 and 75 and close to one-half of those older than 75 have some degree of hearing loss.

Doctors believe that heredity and chronic exposure to loud noises are the main factors that contribute to hearing loss over time. Other factors, such as earwax blockage, can prevent your ears from conducting sounds as well as they should.

You can't reverse hearing loss. However, you don't have to live in a world of quieter, less distinct sounds. You and your doctor or hearing specialist can take steps to improve what you hear.  (+ info)

Is there an at home test I can do to see if I have hearing loss?

I really don't have the money or insurance but I constantly find myself saying "huh" and "what". I think it's because people mumble, hubby thinks it might be hearing loss. Is there a way I can check my hearing at home?

yes just google home hearing test  (+ info)

Is premmature birth one of the causes of hearing loss?

Is premature birth one of the causes of hearing loss? I was a premmature baby I have 85% hearing loss in my left ear and my right ear hears 100%. It is also a nerve loss. I had bad ear infections when i was a kid. Could an ear infection cause a nerve loss?

Hi Melanie

Here is an herbal formula that helped my friend restore his hearing and the %'s were very similar.

Hearing Loss Kit

Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Blue Vervain, Skullcap, Lobelia

Therapeutic Action:
Dr. Christopher's Oil and Tincture Combination. When this procedure is used as explained here, it can be an aid in assisting in improvement of poor equilibrium, failure of hearing, etc.

This program has restored the hearing of many adults and children.

Definition, Symptoms, Causes:
When a child cannot hear well, it may be from several causes, i.e., injury and concussion, nerve-loss, ears plugged with wax and/or debris.

With an eye dropper insert into each ear at night, four to six drops of oil of garlic and four to six drops of the tincture, plugging ears overnight with cotton, six days a week, four to six months, or as needed.

On the seventh day, flush ears with a small ear syringe using warm apple cider vinegar and distilled water, 1/2 and 1/2.

Best of health to you.

Cheers  (+ info)

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